Latest Changes

Version 0.3.2

Tool usage introduced to tidyllm

A first tool usage system inspired by a similar system in ellmer has been introduced to tidyllm. At the moment tool use is available for claude(), openai(), mistral(), ollama(), gemini() and groq():

get_current_time <- function(tz, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") {
  format(Sys.time(), tz = tz, format = format, usetz = TRUE)

time_tool <- tidyllm_tool(
  .f = get_current_time,
  .description = "Returns the current time in a specified timezone. Use this to determine the current time in any location.",
  tz = field_chr("The time zone identifier (e.g., 'Europe/Berlin', 'America/New_York', 'Asia/Tokyo', 'UTC'). Required."),
  format = field_chr("Format string for the time output. Default is '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'.")

llm_message("What's the exact time in Stuttgart?") |>
#> Message History:
#> system:
#> You are a helpful assistant
#> --------------------------------------------------------------
#> user:
#> What's the exact time in Stuttgart?
#> --------------------------------------------------------------
#> assistant:
#> The current time in Stuttgart (Europe/Berlin timezone) is
#> 2025-03-03 09:51:22 CET.
#> --------------------------------------------------------------  

You can use the tidyllm_tool() function to run to make functions available to a large language model. The model can then run these functions in your current session, if they are needed for a chat request.

Support for DeepSeek added

tidyllm now supports the deepseek API as provider via deepseek_chat() or the deepseek() provider function. Deepseek supports logprobs just like openai(), which you can get via get_logprobs(). At the moment tool usage for deepseek is very inconsistent.

Support for and Multimodal Embeddings Added introduces a unique multimodal embeddings feature, allowing you to generate embeddings not only for text but also for images. The new voyage_embedding() function in tidyllm enables this functionality by seamlessly handling different input types, working with both the new feature as well as the same inputs as for other embedding functions.

The new img() function lets you create image objects for embedding. You can mix text and img() objects in a list and send them to Voyage AI for multimodal embeddings:

list("tidyllm", img(here::here("docs", "logo.png"))) |>
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   input          embeddings   
#>   <chr>          <list>       
#> 1 tidyllm        <dbl [1,024]>
#> 2 [IMG] logo.png <dbl [1,024]>

In this example, both text ("tidyllm") and an image (logo.png) are embedded together. The function returns a tibble where the input column contains the text and labeled image names, and the embeddings column contains the corresponding embedding vectors.

New Tests and Bugfixes

Version 0.3.1

⚠️ There is a bad bug in the latest CRAN release in the fetch_openai_batch() function that is now fixed in the latest Github version. For the CRAN version the fetch_openai_batch() function throws errors if the logprobs are turned off.

Changes compared to last release

 ellmer_adress <-ellmer::type_object(
    street = ellmer::type_string("A famous street"),
    houseNumber = ellmer::type_number("a 3 digit number"),
    postcode = ellmer::type_string(),
    city = ellmer::type_string("A large city"),
    region = ellmer::type_string(),
    country = ellmer::type_enum(values = c("Germany", "France"))

person_schema <-  tidyllm_schema(
                person_name = "string",
                age = field_dbl("An age between 25 and 40"),
                is_employed = field_lgl("Employment Status in the last year")
                occupation = field_fct(.levels=c("Lawyer","Butcher")),
                address = ellmer_adress

address_message <- llm_message("imagine an address") |>
  chat(openai,.json_schema = ellmer_adress)
person_message  <- llm_message("imagine a person profile") |>
  chat(openai,.json_schema = person_schema)
badger_poem <- llm_message("Write a haiku about badgers") |>

 badger_poem |> get_logprobs()
#> # A tibble: 19 × 5
#>   reply_index token          logprob bytes     top_logprobs
#>          <int> <chr>            <dbl> <list>    <list>      
#>  1           1 "In"       -0.491      <int [2]> <list [5]>  
#>  2           1 " moon"    -1.12       <int [5]> <list [5]>  
#>  3           1 "lit"      -0.00489    <int [3]> <list [5]>  
#>  4           1 " forest"  -1.18       <int [7]> <list [5]>  
#>  5           1 ","        -0.00532    <int [1]> <list [5]>  
#> # A tibble: 52 × 3
#>    id                                   created             owned_by
#>    <chr>                                <chr>               <chr>   
#>  1 gpt-4o-mini-audio-preview-2024-12-17 2024-12-13 18:52:00 system  
#>  2 gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09               2024-04-08 18:41:17 system  
#>  3 dall-e-3                             2023-10-31 20:46:29 system  
#>  4 dall-e-2                             2023-11-01 00:22:57 system  

Version 0.3.0

tidyllm 0.3.0 represents a major milestone for tidyllm

The largest changes compared to 0.2.0 are:

New Verb-Based Interface

Each verb and provider combination routes the interaction to provider-specific functions like openai_chat() or claude_chat() that do the work in the background. These functions can also be called directly as an alternative more verbose and provider-specific interface.

Old Usage:

llm_message("Hello World") |>
  openai(.model = "gpt-4o")

New Usage:

# Recommended Verb-Based Approach
llm_message("Hello World") |>
  chat(openai(.model = "gpt-4o"))
# Or even configuring a provider outside
my_ollama <- ollama(.model = "llama3.2-vision:90B",
       .ollama_server = "",
       .temperature = 0)

llm_message("Hello World") |>

# Alternative Approach is to use more verbose specific functions:
llm_message("Hello World") |>
  openai_chat(.model = "gpt-4o")

Backward Compatibility:

Breaking Changes:

Other Major Features:


Version 0.2.7

Major Features

llm_message("What is tidyllm and who maintains this package?") |>
  gemini_chat(.grounding_threshold = 0.3)


Version 0.2.6

Large Refactor of package internals

Breaking Changes

Minor Features

here::here("local_wip","example.mp3") |> gemini_upload_file()
here::here("local_wip","legrille.mp4") |> gemini_upload_file()

file_tibble <- gemini_list_files()

llm_message("What are these two files about?") |>

Version 0.2.5

Major Features

Better embedding functions with improved output and error handling and new documentation. New article on using embeddings with tidyllm. Support for embedding models on azure with azure_openai_embedding()

Breaking Changes

Version 0.2.4

Refinements of the new interface

One disadvantage of the first iteration of the new interface was that all arguements that needed to be passed to provider-specific functions, were going through the provider function. This feels, unintuitive, because users expect common arguments (e.g., .model, .temperature) to be set directly in main verbs like chat() or send_batch().Moreover, provider functions don’t expose arguments for autocomplete, making it harder for users to explore options. Therefore, the main API verbs now directly accept common arguements, and check them against the available arguements for each API.


Version 0.2.3

Major Interface Overhaul

tidyllm has introduced a verb-based interface overhaul to provide a more intuitive and flexible user experience. Previously, provider-specific functions like claude(), openai(), and others were directly used for chat-based workflows. Now, these functions primarily serve as provider configuration for some general verbs like chat().

Key Changes:

Each verb and provider combination routes the interaction to provider-specific functions like openai_chat() or claude_chat() that do the work in the background. These functions can also be called directly as an alternative more verbose and provider-specific interface.

Old Usage:

llm_message("Hello World") |>
  openai(.model = "gpt-4o")

New Usage:

# Recommended Verb-Based Approach
llm_message("Hello World") |>
  chat(openai(.model = "gpt-4o"))
# Or even configuring a provider outside
my_ollama <- ollama(.model = "llama3.2-vision:90B",
       .ollama_server = "",
       .temperature = 0)

llm_message("Hello World") |>

# Alternative Approach is to use more verbose specific functions:
llm_message("Hello World") |>
  openai_chat(.model = "gpt-4o")

Version 0.2.2

Major Features

#Upload a file for use with gemini
upload_info <- gemini_upload_file("example.mp3")

#Make the file available during a Gemini API call
llm_message("Summarize this speech") |>
  gemini(.fileid = upload_info$name)
#Delte the file from the Google servers

Version 0.2.1

Major Features:

conversation <- llm_message("Write a short poem about software development") |>
#Get metdata on token usage and model as tibble  

#or print it with the message

#Or allways print it


Version 0.2.0

New CRAN release. Largest changes compared to 0.1.0:

Major Features:


Breaking Changes:

Minor Updates and Bug Fixes:

Version 0.1.11

Major Features


Version 0.1.10

Breaking Changes


Version 0.1.9

Major Features

Breaking Changes


Version 0.1.8

Major Features


Version 0.1.7

Major Features

Version 0.1.6

Major Features

Version 0.1.5

Major Features


Version 0.1.4

Major Features


Version 0.1.3

Major Features

Breaking Changes

Version 0.1.2


Version 0.1.1

Major Features

Breaking Changes

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