Tests and Coverage

20 March, 2019 21:36:39

This output is created by covrpage.


Coverage summary is created using the covr package.

Object Coverage (%)
tidystringdist 100
R/tidycomb.R 100
R/tidystringdist.R 100
R/utils.R 100

Unit Tests

Unit Test summary is created using the testthat package.

file n time error failed skipped warning
test-tidy_comb.R 20 0.032 0 0 0 0
test-tidy_string_dist.R 12 0.043 0 0 0 0

Show Detailed Test Results

file context test status n time
test-tidy_comb.R tidy_comb tidy combination all works on list PASS 5 0.014
test-tidy_comb.R tidy_comb tidy combination works on list PASS 5 0.004
test-tidy_comb.R tidy_comb tidy combination all works on data.frame PASS 5 0.010
test-tidy_comb.R tidy_comb tidy combination works on data.frame PASS 5 0.004
test-tidy_string_dist.R tidy_string_dist tidy stringdist works PASS 12 0.043

Session Info

Field Value
Version R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15)
Platform x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running macOS 10.14
Language en_US
Timezone Europe/Paris
Package Version
covr 3.2.0
covrpage 0.0.65

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