Tips & Tricks: Including Symbols, Superscripts, Subscripts & Line Breaks


Symbols can be added to the label column via unicode. Here is a quick reference to commonly used symbols.

#> Attaching package: 'huxtable'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     add_rownames
SymbolTextual DescriptionUnicode
Left arrow\u2190
Right arrow\u2192
Less-than or equal to\u2264
Greater-than or equal to\u2265
Not equal to\u2260
±Plus-minus sign\u00b1
«Non-breaking space\u00ab

Here is an example call to tidytlg::gentlg() that will add the symbols to the label column.

df <- tibble::tibble(
  label = c("\u2264", "\u2265"),
  col1 = c("100", "200")

                file = "demo")

Superscripts and Subscripts

Superscripts and Subscripts can be added to the label column via unicode.

df <- tibble::tibble(
  label = c("This is a superscript a{\\super a}",
            "This is a subscript b{\\sub b}"),
  col1 = c("100", "200")

                file = "demo")

Superscripts and Subscripts can be added to the footnotes via unicode as well.

df <- tibble::tibble(
  label = c("This is a superscript a{\\super a}",
            "This is a subscript b{\\sub b}"),
  col1 = c("100", "200")

                file = "demo",
                footers = "This is a footnote superscript{\\super a}")

Inline RTF Line Breaks

Sometimes you need add a line break into your RTF. Inserting ‘\\\n’ into your string will add your line break for you.

df <- tibble::tibble(
  label = c("Bodysystem \\\n Preferred Term"),
  col1 = c("100")

                file = "demo")

If you need a line break followed by a tab, just add in ‘\\li180’.

df <- tibble::tibble(
  label = c("Bodysystem\\\n\\li180Preferred Term"),
  col1 = c("100")

                file = "demo")

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