Univariate Statistics Analysis


The univar function is called to produce univariate-type summary statistics for numeric variables. A typical example of using the univar function is to create a tbl chunk as shown below for summarizing N, MEAN (SD), MEDIAN, RANGE, IQ Range for the Age variable in adsl.

tbl <- cdisc_adsl %>%
  univar(colvar = "TRT01PN",
         rowvar = "AGE",
         statlist = statlist(c("N", "MEANSD", "MEDIAN", "RANGE", "IQRANGE")),
         decimal = 0,
         row_header = "Age (Years)")

label 0 54 81 row_type group_level
Age (Years) HEADER 0
N 5 5 5 N 0
Mean (SD) 69.6 (14.40) 75.6 (6.73) 72.2 (9.23) VALUE 0
Median 64.0 74.0 75.0 VALUE 0
Range (52; 85) (68; 84) (57; 81) VALUE 0
IQ range (63.0; 84.0) (71.0; 81.0) (71.0; 77.0) VALUE 0

Customizing Univariate Statistics

Besides the 5 standard univariate statistics shown above that are often required in the demographic tables, you can pick any univariate statistics from the table below and arrange them in a character vector for passing to the statlist argument.

Statlist Description
N number of non-missing values
SUM sum
MEAN mean
GeoMEAN geometric mean
SD standard deviation
SE standard error
CV coefficient of variation
GSD geometric standard deviation
GSE geometric standard error
MEANSD mean (standard deviation)
MEANSE mean (standard error)
MEDIAN median
MIN minimum
MAX maximum
RANGE range
Q1 1st quartile
Q3 3rd quartile
IQRANGE inter-quartile range
MEDRANGE median (range)
MEDIQRANGE median (inter-quartile range)
MEAN_CI mean (95% C.I.)
GeoMEAN_CI geometric mean (95% C.I.)

A customized example is shown below for displaying N, Mean (95% C.I.), and Geometric Mean (95% C.I.) for the Age variable in adsl.

tbl <- cdisc_adsl %>%
  univar(colvar = "TRT01PN",
         rowvar = "AGE",
         statlist = statlist(c("N", "MEAN_CI", "GeoMEAN_CI")),
         decimal = 0,
         row_header = "Age (Years)")

label 0 54 81 row_type group_level
Age (Years) HEADER 0
N 5 5 5 N 0
Mean (95% C.I.) 69.6 (51.72; 87.48) 75.6 (67.24; 83.96) 72.2 (60.74; 83.66) VALUE 0
Geometric Mean (95% C.I.) 68.4 (52.72; 88.73) 75.4 (67.51; 84.13) 71.7 (60.50; 84.94) VALUE 0

Decimal Precision

The decimal precision to be used in display of univariate statistics is comprised of two pieces. The base decimal precision is what controls the base number of decimals to be used, this can be set using the decimal argument. The precision extra is what controls the difference between the precision used for different statistics, this is controlled using the option tidytlg.precision.extra. The precision extra is the amount precision will need to be adjusted from the base precision for each different statistic. The default of the precision extra is set by following our table and listing conventions: Range has a precision extra of 0, Mean and Median have a precision extra of 1, SD has a precision extra of 2. To see a full list of precision extra defaults, please type options("tidytlg.precision.extra") in your console. An example function call of univar is shown below for presenting the data using a base decimal value of 2.

tbl <- cdisc_adsl %>%
  univar(colvar = "TRT01PN",
         rowvar = "BMIBL",
         decimal = 2,
         row_header = "Age (Years)")

label 0 54 81 row_type group_level
Age (Years) HEADER 0
N 5 5 5 N 0
Mean (SD) 27.080 (3.6424) 27.180 (3.4419) 27.760 (2.4795) VALUE 0
Median 27.600 27.300 28.100 VALUE 0
Range (21.90; 30.40) (23.90; 32.00) (24.90; 31.40) VALUE 0
IQ range (25.100; 30.400) (23.900; 28.800) (26.100; 28.300) VALUE 0

Data Driven Precision

While static precision is useful in some cases, data driven precision is also available. This is controlled using the precisionby, precisionon, and decimal arguments. precisionby tells the function the variable(s) the user would like to compute the precision using. This could be variables such as PARAMCD if the precision is to be varied between parameter. precisionon is the variable that should be used when calculating how many base decimal places are present in the data. The last piece to data drive precision is the decimal argument which gives us a cap for base precision values. This can be used to help avoid unnecessarily long decimals in your final output.

A customized example is shown below for presenting the univariate summary of vital signs data using PARAMCD as the by variable. In addition, we would like the precision to be data driven and varied by parameter, which can be achieved by setting precisionby = "PARAMCD".

tbl <- cdisc_advs %>%
  univar(colvar = "TRTAN",
         rowvar = "AVAL",
         rowbyvar = "PARAMCD",
         precisionby = "PARAMCD",
         decimal = 4)

PARAMCD label 0 54 81 row_type group_level
DIABP N 186 147 204 N 0
DIABP Mean (SD) 71.9 (9.75) 71.6 (7.12) 68.8 (10.34) VALUE 0
DIABP Median 71.5 72.0 69.0 VALUE 0
DIABP Range (50; 92) (50; 87) (43; 101) VALUE 0
DIABP IQ range (65.0; 78.0) (68.0; 77.0) (60.0; 76.0) VALUE 0
HEIGHT N 5 5 5 N 0
HEIGHT Mean (SD) 161.696 (14.0567) 172.364 (9.1494) 163.576 (13.0260) VALUE 0
HEIGHT Median 162.560 175.260 162.560 VALUE 0
HEIGHT Range (147.32; 180.34) (158.24; 181.61) (147.32; 177.80) VALUE 0
HEIGHT IQ range (148.590; 169.670) (168.910; 177.800) (154.940; 175.260) VALUE 0
PULSE N 186 147 204 N 0
PULSE Mean (SD) 69.4 (9.15) 64.9 (10.18) 70.5 (9.87) VALUE 0
PULSE Median 70.0 64.0 70.0 VALUE 0
PULSE Range (52; 94) (50; 98) (50; 97) VALUE 0
PULSE IQ range (61.0; 76.0) (58.0; 70.0) (62.0; 76.5) VALUE 0
SYSBP N 186 147 204 N 0
SYSBP Mean (SD) 132.0 (12.02) 127.5 (12.58) 135.8 (23.65) VALUE 0
SYSBP Median 131.0 130.0 132.5 VALUE 0
SYSBP Range (100; 167) (95; 151) (95; 198) VALUE 0
SYSBP IQ range (123.0; 138.0) (122.0; 137.0) (116.0; 150.5) VALUE 0
TEMP N 61 49 68 N 0
TEMP Mean (SD) 36.481 (0.3491) 36.537 (0.4374) 36.660 (0.2837) VALUE 0
TEMP Median 36.440 36.560 36.585 VALUE 0
TEMP Range (35.61; 37.67) (34.28; 37.17) (35.89; 37.33) VALUE 0
TEMP IQ range (36.220; 36.720) (36.390; 36.720) (36.470; 36.915) VALUE 0
WEIGHT N 47 33 54 N 0
WEIGHT Mean (SD) 69.170 (10.1753) 82.795 (11.2792) 78.472 (15.5886) VALUE 0
WEIGHT Median 71.670 79.380 75.070 VALUE 0
WEIGHT Range (53.07; 80.74) (59.88; 102.51) (53.75; 99.79) VALUE 0
WEIGHT IQ range (54.430; 78.470) (78.470; 88.450) (63.960; 90.720) VALUE 0

While data driven precision is usually done with a by variable it doesn’t always have to. The precisionon argument can be used to calculate data driven precision on a single variable. This might be useful if a table template is going to be used multiple times or if multiple parts of the table are using a similar call but need to have different data driven precision. The following example uses the variable CHG to calculate precision, similar to the above example we still use decimal = 4 to cap our decimal spaces at 4.

tbl <- cdisc_advs %>%
  filter(PARAMCD == "SYSBP") %>%
  univar(colvar = "TRTAN",
         rowvar = "CHG",
         precisionon = "CHG",
         decimal = 4)

label 0 54 81 row_type group_level
N 186 147 204 N 0
Mean (SD) 0.3 (12.49) 1.5 (9.87) -5.5 (11.86) VALUE 0
Median 0.0 1.0 -7.0 VALUE 0
Range (-44; 33) (-31; 24) (-32; 30) VALUE 0
IQ range (-7.0; 8.0) (-6.0; 7.0) (-14.0; 0.0) VALUE 0

Another use case for the precisionon argument could be if you need to calculate the summary on one variable but use another for precision for table output formatting. The following example uses both precisionby and precisionon to show how they can be used together to make special tables. For this table, we are creating an element of the table that summarizes AVAL but uses CHG to calculate precision. This allows us to have consistent formatting throughout the table even though the two variables may have different precision. We also calculate precision by PARAMCD since the output table will be presented using that as a by variable.

tbl <- cdisc_advs %>%
  filter(PARAMCD == "SYSBP") %>%
  univar(colvar = "TRTAN",
         rowvar = "AVAL",
         rowbyvar = "PARAMCD",
         precisionby = "PARAMCD",
         precisionon = "CHG",
         decimal = 4)

PARAMCD label 0 54 81 row_type group_level
SYSBP N 186 147 204 N 0
SYSBP Mean (SD) 132.0 (12.02) 127.5 (12.58) 135.8 (23.65) VALUE 0
SYSBP Median 131.0 130.0 132.5 VALUE 0
SYSBP Range (100; 167) (95; 151) (95; 198) VALUE 0
SYSBP IQ range (123.0; 138.0) (122.0; 137.0) (116.0; 150.5) VALUE 0

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