timeseriesdb v1.0.0
Substantial improvements and new functionality.
- R Postgres interface switched from RPostgreSQL to the DBI compliant
- time series represented as JSON instead of hstore for better
performance and consistency (ensuring order).
- store version of every time series to track revisions
- true release date feature
- meta data on vintage (time series version) level
v0.3.5.3 (Release date: 2017-10-20)
- getting ready for next CRAN release
- bulk wise operations using copy
timeseriesdb v0.21
(Release date: 2015-04-01)
- updated readme
- fixed bug in the shiny based GUI that prevented starting it up
- moved sql code to a single setup file
timeseriesdb v0.2
(Release date: 2015-03-25)
- ~ quarterly release cycle planned
- added convenience function to plot a list of time series
- major speed up of write process by avoiding multiple selects (~2
- major speed up of read process by avoiding multiple selects (~ 3.5
- added a table to store sets of time series similar to shopping carts
in web stores (basic)
- basic export to .csv format to support wide and long format
- dependency to RJSONIO added as it used for speed up
- added a shiny based data explorer GUI (use function
- changed upsert behavior to not affect unlocalized meta information
on insert of new series
- improved NULL handling
- added SQL transaction utils
- quiet execution of Meta Information Storage
- fixed issues with quotes
- added hstore lookup function
- changed from deprecated hstore operator to new hstore function (see
PostgreSQL release notes)
- function to concatenate overlapping series
- function to set attributes to each element of a list
- improved read process for bulk reading to use single query instead
of looping
- improve store process
- exported print method
- added function to check whether db connection is valid
- added quickHandle operator and a closure to create further quick
Handle operators
timeseriesdb v0.1
(Release date: 2014-11-26)
mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.