What is tm.plugin.koRpus?

While the koRpus package focusses mostly on analysis steps of individual texts, tm.plugin.koRpus adds a new object class and respective methods, which can be used to analyse complete text corpora in a single step. The object class can also be a first step to building a bridge between the koRpus and tm packages.

At the core of this package there is one particular object class – kRp.corpus – which can be used to construct simple corpus objects or even hierarchically nested corpora. That is, you are able to categorize corpora on as many levels as you need. The examples in this vignette use two levels, one being different topics the texts in the sample corpus deal with, and the other different sources the texts come from.

If you don’t need these hierarchical levels, you can just use the method readCorpus() to create a corpus object, i.e., a simple collection of texts. To distinguish texts which came from different sources or deal with different topics, use the hierarchy argument, which will add categorial columns to the tagged text objects. These objects will only be valid if there are texts of each topic from each source.

Now, if this still confuses you, let’s look at a small example.

Tokenizing corpora

As with koRpus, the first step for text analysis is tokenizing and possibly POS tagging. This step is performed by the readCorpus() method mentioned above. The package includes four sample texts taken from Wikipedia1 in its tests directory which we can use for a demonstration:

Processing corpus...
  Topic "C3S SCE", 2 texts...
    Source "Wikipedia (alt)", 1 text...
    Source "Wikipedia (neu)", 1 text...
  Topic "GEMA e.V.", 2 texts...
    Source "Wikipedia (alt)", 1 text...
    Source "Wikipedia (neu)", 1 text...

The hierarchy argument

The hierarchy argument describes our corpus in a very condensed format. It is a named list of named character vectors, where each list entry represents a hierarchical level. In this case, the top level is called “Topics”, below that is the level “Source”. These hierachical levels must also be represented by the directory structure of the texts to parse, and the names of the character vectors must be identical to the directory names below the root directory specified by dir.2

So on your file system, what the hierarchy argument above describes is the following layout:


Since we’re using the koRpus package for all actual analysis, you can also setup your environment with set.kRp.env() and POS-tag all texts with TreeTagger3.

Analysing corpora

After the initial tokenizing, we can analyse the corpus by calling the provided methods, for instance lexical diversity:

                                                                       doc_id     Topic
C3S-Wikipedia_alt-C3S_2013-09-24.txt     C3S-Wikipedia_alt-C3S_2013-09-24.txt   C3S SCE
C3S-Wikipedia_neu-C3S_2015-07-05.txt     C3S-Wikipedia_neu-C3S_2015-07-05.txt   C3S SCE
GEMA-Wikipedia_alt-GEMA_2013-09-26.txt GEMA-Wikipedia_alt-GEMA_2013-09-26.txt GEMA e.V.
GEMA-Wikipedia_neu-GEMA_2015-07-05.txt GEMA-Wikipedia_neu-GEMA_2015-07-05.txt GEMA e.V.
                                                Source    a    C CTTR   HDD     K lgV0 MATTR MSTTR
C3S-Wikipedia_alt-C3S_2013-09-24.txt   Wikipedia (alt) 0.16 0.95 6.13 38.14 49.92 6.21  0.81  0.79
C3S-Wikipedia_neu-C3S_2015-07-05.txt   Wikipedia (neu) 0.17 0.94 6.82 38.05 54.88 6.10  0.82  0.76
GEMA-Wikipedia_alt-GEMA_2013-09-26.txt Wikipedia (alt) 0.17 0.94 7.07 37.61 65.08 6.11  0.80  0.78
GEMA-Wikipedia_neu-GEMA_2015-07-05.txt Wikipedia (neu) 0.16 0.94 7.13 37.87 60.14 6.24  0.81  0.79
                                         MTLD MTLDMA     R    S  TTR     U
C3S-Wikipedia_alt-C3S_2013-09-24.txt   100.16     NA  8.68 0.93 0.78 39.92
C3S-Wikipedia_neu-C3S_2015-07-05.txt   123.01     NA  9.65 0.92 0.73 36.46
GEMA-Wikipedia_alt-GEMA_2013-09-26.txt 106.94    192 10.00 0.92 0.71 35.96
GEMA-Wikipedia_neu-GEMA_2015-07-05.txt 111.64     NA 10.08 0.92 0.73 37.47

As you can see, corpusSummary() returns a data.frame object with the summarised results of all texts. Here’s an example how to use this to plot interactions:

Well, the example texts aren’t so impressive here, as there’s not much variance in one text per source and topic.

There are quite a number of corpus*() getter/setter methods for slots of these objects, e.g., corpusReadability() to get the readability() results from objects of class kRp.corpus.

The S4 object class provided by tm.plugin.koRpus directly inherits its structure from kRp.text of the koRpus package, adding additional slots for meta information and Corpus objects of the tm package for raw data.

Two methods can be especially helpful for further analysis. The first one is tif_as_tokens_df() and returns a data.frame including all texts of the tokenized corpus in a format that is compatible with Text Interchange Formats standards.

The second one is a family of [, [<-, [[ and [[<- shorcuts to directly interact with the data.frame object you would get via taggedText().

Frequency analysis

The object class makes it quite comfortable to analyse type frequencies of corpora. There is a method read.corp.custom() for these classes, that will do this analysis recursively on all levels:

   num    word lemma      tag wclass lttr freq         pct  pmio    log10 rank.avg rank.min
3    3     die       word.kRp   word    3   30 0.037220844 37220 4.570776    263.0      263
4    4     der       word.kRp   word    3   21 0.026054591 26054 4.415874    262.0      262
5    5    gema       word.kRp   word    4   17 0.021091811 21091 4.324097    260.5      260
6    6     und       word.kRp   word    3   17 0.021091811 21091 4.324097    260.5      260
7    7   einer       word.kRp   word    5   12 0.014888337 14888 4.172836    258.5      258
8    8     von       word.kRp   word    3   12 0.014888337 14888 4.172836    258.5      258
11  11     ist       word.kRp   word    3   10 0.012406948 12406 4.093632    256.0      255
12  12     bei       word.kRp   word    3    9 0.011166253 11166 4.047898    254.0      254
13  13     das       word.kRp   word    3    8 0.009925558  9925 3.996731    252.5      252
14  14 urheber       word.kRp   word    7    8 0.009925558  9925 3.996731    252.5      252
   rank.rel.avg rank.rel.min inDocs     idf
3      99.24528     99.24528      4 0.00000
4      98.86792     98.86792      4 0.00000
5      98.30189     98.11321      4 0.00000
6      98.30189     98.11321      4 0.00000
7      97.54717     97.35849      4 0.00000
8      97.54717     97.35849      4 0.00000
11     96.60377     96.22642      4 0.00000
12     95.84906     95.84906      4 0.00000
13     95.28302     95.09434      4 0.00000
14     95.28302     95.09434      2 0.30103

In combination with the wordcloud package, this can directly be used to plot word clouds:

The 200 most frequent words in the example corpus

  1. See the file tests/testthat/samples/License\_of\_sample\_texts.txt for details

  2. Future versions of this package might add furter ways of describing your corpus, like using a configuration file or providing a full corpus in XML or JSON format. But don’t hold your breath.

  3. see the koRpus documentation for details.

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