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Please read the vignette.

Or, after installation, the help page:

help("treePlotArea-package", package = "treePlotArea")
#> Correction Factors for Tree Plot Areas Intersected by Stand Boundaries
#> Description:
#>      The German national forest inventory uses angle count sampling, a
#>      sampling method first published by Bitterlich (1947) and extended
#>      by Grosenbaugh (1952) as probability proportional to size
#>      sampling. When plots are located near stand boundaries, their
#>      sizes and hence their probabilities need to be corrected.
#> Details:
#>      You will find the details in
#>      'vignette("An_Introduction_to_treePlotArea", package =
#>      "treePlotArea")'.
#> References:
#>      Bitterlich, W. (1947): Die Winkelzählmessung. Allgemeine Forst-
#>      und Holzwirtschaftliche Zeitung, 58.
#>      Grosenbaugh, L. R. (1952): Plotless Timber Estimates - New, Fast,
#>      Easy. Journal of Forestry.
#>      https://academic.oup.com/jof/article-abstract/50/1/32/4684174.


You can install treePlotArea from gitlab via:

if (! require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")

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