A Tutorial for Time Dependent Markov Model

This vignette is based on our tutorial for time-dependent Markov models in R published in Medical Decision Making:

Alarid-Escudero, F., Krijkamp, E., Enns, E. A., Yang, A., Hunink, M. M., Pechlivanoglou, P., & Jalal, H. (2023). A tutorial on time-dependent cohort state-transition models in r using a cost-effectiveness analysis example. Medical Decision Making, 43(1), 21-41.

First, we load twig library



model definition

Then, we define the model’s structure twig

n_cycles <- 25 # number of cycles

mytwig <- twig() + 
  decisions(names = c(StandardOfCare, StrategyA, StrategyB, StrategyAB)) + # define decisions
  states(names = c(H, S1, S2, D), # Markov state names
         init_probs = c(1,0,0,0), # everyone starts at H
         max_cycles = c(1,n_cycles, 1, 1)) + # the cohort can stay in S1 for n_cycles
  event(name = death_event,  # first event is death
        options = c(yes,none), # which 2 options
        probs = c(pDie, leftover), # probability function name and its complement
        transitions = c(D, second_event)) + # if death occurs go to D, otherwise, go to the next event (second_event)
  event(name = second_event, # the second event
        options = c(recover, getsick, progress, none), # has 4 options
        probs = c(pRecover, pGetSick, pProgress, leftover), # and 3 named probabilities and a complement 
        transitions = c(H, S1, S2, stay)) + # resulting in transitions to H, S1, S2 or else staying in the original state
  payoffs(names = c(cost, utility), # payoff names
          discount_rates = c(0.03, 0.03)) # payoff discount rates
#> Note: A states layer detected in your twig - treating Twig as a Markov model. 
#>             For a decision tree, make sure to remove the states layer.


In DecisionTwig, this Markov model looks like this: Markov

Next, we create a data frame of random samples from the model input parameters’ distributions

n_sims <- 1000

# Create the data.table with n_sim rows of random samples
params <- data.frame(
  r_HS1         = rbeta(n_sims, 2, 10),             # Transition rate with beta distribution
  r_S1H         = rbeta(n_sims, 5, 5),              # Another transition rate with a different shape
  hr_S1         = rlnorm(n_sims, log(3), 0.2),      # Hazard ratio, log-normal to allow skewness
  hr_S2         = rlnorm(n_sims, log(10), 0.2),     # Higher hazard ratio, same distribution

  hr_S1S2_trtB  = rbeta(n_sims, 6, 4),              # Hazard ratio under treatment with beta distribution

  r_S1S2_scale  = rgamma(n_sims, shape = 2, rate = 25), # Scale parameter, gamma distribution
  r_S1S2_shape  = rgamma(n_sims, shape = 3, rate = 3),  # Shape parameter, gamma distribution

  c_H           = rnorm(n_sims, mean = 2000, sd = 50),   # Annual cost, slight variation for simulation
  c_S1          = rnorm(n_sims, mean = 4000, sd = 100),  # Higher annual cost, slightly varied
  c_S2          = rnorm(n_sims, mean = 15000, sd = 500), # Large cost with moderate variation
  c_D           = 0,                                        # Constant, no variation
  c_trtA        = rnorm(n_sims, mean = 12000, sd = 200), # Cost of treatment A with small variation
  c_trtB        = rnorm(n_sims, mean = 13000, sd = 200), # Cost of treatment B

  u_H           = rbeta(n_sims, 10, 1),                  # Utility close to 1 for Healthy
  u_S1          = rbeta(n_sims, 7.5, 2.5),               # Utility less than Healthy, beta distribution
  u_S2          = rbeta(n_sims, 5, 5),                   # Utility for Sicker
  u_D           = 0,                                        # Utility for Dead is constant
  u_trtA        = rbeta(n_sims, 9.5, 1),                 # Utility with treatment A, close to Healthy

  du_HS1        = rnorm(n_sims, mean = 0.01, sd = 0.005), # Disutility with slight variation
  ic_HS1        = rnorm(n_sims, mean = 1000, sd = 100),   # Cost increase with transition
  ic_D          = rnorm(n_sims, mean = 2000, sd = 100),    # Cost increase when dying
  p0_H          = rbeta(n_sims, 1, 9)                   # Initial probability of being Healthy

Probability and Payoff Functions

Then, we define the probability and payoff functions used in the twig above:

Probability of recovery

only those who are in S1 can recover

pRecover <- function(state, r_S1H){
  rRecover <- r_S1H * (state=="S1") 

Probability of getting sick

Only those who are H can get sick

pGetSick <- function(state, r_HS1){
  rGetSick <- r_HS1 * (state=="H")

probability of progressing

This depends on the state (only those who are in S1 can progress), the decision (different rates for different decisions), and the cycle_in_state (number of cycles spent in a state - tunnel state)

pProgress <- function(state, decision, cycle_in_state,
                      hr_S1S2_trtB, r_S1S2_scale, r_S1S2_shape){
  hr_S1S2 <- hr_S1S2_trtB ^ (decision %in% c("StrategyB", "StrategyAB")) # hazard rate of progression for B or 1 otherwise

  r_S1S2_tunnels <- ((cycle_in_state*r_S1S2_scale)^r_S1S2_shape - 
    ((cycle_in_state - 1)*r_S1S2_scale)^r_S1S2_shape) # hazard rate based on cycle_in_state (tunnel) which follows a weibull distribution

  # only those who are at S1 can progress
  rProgress <- r_S1S2_tunnels * (state=="S1") * hr_S1S2 


probability of dying

Probabilty of dying depends on age. So, we first extract age-specific mortality data from a csv file. Then, we define the pDie as a function of the state (different states have different rates of death), and the cycles since the simulation start which reflects the cohort’s age.

n_age_init <- 24 # starting age 
n_age_max  <- 100 # maximum age of simulation

# Age-dependent mortality rates 
lt_usa_2015 <- read.csv("../inst/extdata/LifeTable_USA_Mx_2015.csv")

# choose mortality rates from the 
v_r_mort_by_age <- as.matrix(lt_usa_2015$Total[lt_usa_2015$Age >= n_age_init & lt_usa_2015$Age < n_age_max])

# death depends on the state and age.
pDie <- function(state, cycle,
                 hr_S1, hr_S2){
  r_HD <- v_r_mort_by_age[cycle] # get age-specific mortality 
  rDie <- r_HD * (state=="H") +  # baseline mortality if healthy
          r_HD*hr_S1 * (state=="S1") +  # multiplied by a hazard rate if S1 or 
          r_HD*hr_S2 * (state=="S2") # S2
          # else 0


Cost is a function of the state, decision and whether either event have occured. The events capture transition costs.

cost <- function(state, decision, second_event, death_event, 
                 ic_HS1, ic_D, c_trtA, c_trtB, 
                 c_H, c_S1, c_S2, c_D){
  # cost of decision is only applied if the state is either S1 or S2
  trans_cost_getting_sick <- ic_HS1 * (second_event=="getsick") # increase in cost when transitioning from Healthy to Sick
  trans_cost_dying <- ic_D * (death_event=="yes") # increase in cost when dying
  c_decision <- (state %in% c("S1","S2")) * (
      c_trtA * (decision=="StrategyA") +
      c_trtB * (decision=="StrategyB") +
      (c_trtA + c_trtB) * (decision=="StrategyAB") 
  # cost of the state is a function of the state
  c_state <- c_H * (state=="H") + 
             c_S1 * (state=="S1") + 
             c_S2 * (state=="S2") + 
             c_D * (state=="D") 
  # combine both
  return(c_decision + c_state + trans_cost_getting_sick + trans_cost_dying)


Similarly, utility depends on the state, decision and only if the cohort gotsick to apply a transition utility discount for those who make that transition.

utility <- function(state, decision, second_event,
                    du_HS1, u_H, u_trtA, u_S1, u_S2, u_D){

  trans_util_getting_sick <- -du_HS1 * (second_event=="getsick") # apply a utility discount for those who get sick.

  # calcualte state utilities. note that S1 will have utility u_trtA if the decision involves A, and another utility if the decision does not involve A.
  u_state <- u_H * (state=="H") + 
             u_trtA * (state=="S1" & decision %in% c("StrategyA", "StrategyAB")) +
             u_S1 * (state=="S1" & decision %out% c("StrategyA", "StrategyAB")) + 
             u_S2 * (state=="S2") + 
             u_D * (state=="D") 

  # combine the two utilities.
  return(u_state + trans_util_getting_sick)

Running the twig

We can run the model and check the summary results under results$mean_ev of average costs and utilities across all probabilistic analyses. The results also returns the individual simulation results under results$sim_ev

results <- run_twig(twig_obj = mytwig, params = params, n_cycles = n_cycles, progress_bar = FALSE)
#> Checking Twig syntax ....
#> Twig syntax validation completed successfully.
#> Preprocessing started...
#> Preprocessing completed. Starting simulation...
#> Total time: 4.1 secs

#>                 payoff
#> decision              cost  utility
#>   StandardOfCare  80884.29 13.98787
#>   StrategyA      154156.56 14.49308
#>   StrategyB      142918.27 14.38816
#>   StrategyAB     210200.82 14.95811


You can run the same command with parallelization, by setting parallel = TRUE. This will speed up the simulation by running each simulation in parallel. [It is commented out here because testing of the twig package only runs on a single core.]

# results <- run_twig(twig_obj = mytwig, params = params, n_cycles = n_cycles, parallel = TRUE)

Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER)

using the calculate_icers function adapted from the dampack package, we can retrieve ICER table by passing the payoffs summary table.

#>                      decision      cost  utility inc_cost inc_utility     ICER
#> StandardOfCare StandardOfCare  80884.29 13.98787       NA          NA       NA
#> StrategyB           StrategyB 142918.27 14.38816       NA          NA       NA
#> StrategyA           StrategyA 154156.56 14.49308       NA          NA       NA
#> StrategyAB         StrategyAB 210200.82 14.95811 129316.5   0.9702433 133282.6
#>                status
#> StandardOfCare     ND
#> StrategyB          ED
#> StrategyA          ED
#> StrategyAB         ND

Cost-Effectiveness Acceptibility Curve (CEAC)

Similarly, we can produce the CEAC curve from the simulation results and specifying a series of willingness to pay (WTP) values.

plot_ceac(results$sim_ev, wtp_range = seq(0, 100000, by = 1000))


This example illustrated the following features of twig * Markov model * probabilistic anslysis * Multiple decisions * Multiple states * Multiple sequential events * tunnel states * cycle-dependency * dependency on prior events in a cycle * transition payoffs * using parallel computations * expected payoffs across probabilistic analyses * ICER * CEAC

In addition, various intermediate objects and computations can be returned by enabling verbose. To reduce the size of the returned results, this will only use the first PSA sample. For details on these objects check the documentations.

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