ukbtools 0.11.3

Corrected functionality:

Updated earlier typo/change that made ukb_df incorrectly convert all column types to character (caused by replacing stringr::str_interp to stringr::str_c when passing internal column type vector to data.table::fread, without updating argument)

Bug fix:

Cleared bug in ukb_icd_freq_by for disease frequency against a quantitative trait.

Made ukb_df column name from description regex find/replace more general to capture all variations of “uses data coding”

Updated functionality:

ukb_icd_keyword internal regex search defaults to TRUE, with and option to set added to arguments.

ukbtools 0.11.1

Test data:

Added example UKB data, ukbXXXX.r, ukbXXXX.html to test the ‘read’ and ‘summarise’ functionality ukb_df, ukb_df_field, and ukb_context. See the section “An example fileset” in the vignette for details.

Updated functionality:

ukb_icd_freq_by with freq.plot = TRUE plots a barplot for categorical reference variables, and plots diagnosis frequencies at the midpoint of each group for quantitative reference variables.


The ukbtools webpage has been rebuilt with pkgdown and includes the vignette under the Articles tab.

ukbtools 0.11.0

Updated functionality:

Defunct functionality:

New functionality:

ukbtools 0.10.1

Bug fix:

ukbtools 0.10.0

New functionality:

Updated functionality:

ukbtools 0.9.0

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