
Predicate Helper Functions for Testing Atomic Vectors in R




All functions take a single argument x and check whether it’s of the target type of base-R atomic vector, returning TRUE or FALSE. Some additionally check for value. Classes that extend any base-R atomic vector return FALSE. Vectors that carry any attributes other than ‘names’ return FALSE.

Function names may include a suffix that encodes what additional conditions are evaluated. A select combination of these conditions is provided for each type. Naming scheme:

For example: * is_dbl_vec(x) evaluates whether x is a base-R typeof double atomic vector, of any length. * is_dbl_vec_xz(x) will additionaly evaluate whether x contains no NA nor Inf values. Note, NaN values are still allowed here, which is dissimilar to behavior from base-R functions like or anyNA(x), wherein both NA and NaN values yield TRUE. * is_num_vec_xyz1(x) effectively evaluates whether x is a single real number.

Supported types: logical, integer, double, numeric, and character.

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