vigicaen 0.15.6

New features


vigicaen 0.15.5


vigicaen 0.15.4


vigicaen 0.15.3


vigicaen 0.15.2


vigicaen 0.15.1

New features

vigicaen 0.15.0

Breaking changes

New features

Minor and bug Fixes


vigicaen 0.14.0

New features

#90 Introducing vigi_routine() to streamline the process for pharmacovigilance practitioners. This function is intended for non-expert users, to produce an Information Component and time to onset graph.

#94 The luda table no longer exists. It is replaced by an augmented version of link - built directly from tb_vigibase(), which is used downstream in place of luda.


#92 tb_main() and tb_sub() are fusionned into tb_vigibase().

#93 It is now possible to export raw data composing the value column of desc_facvar() and desc_cont(), with argument export_raw_values.

#83 vignette("descriptive") was translated in English.

Bug fixes

#89 and #87 the get_* family of functions now correctly handle out of memory tables (by pulling them into memory). The same is true for extract_tto().

#85 Useless default values to some arguments of extract_tto() were removed.

vigicaen 0.13.5


#91 tb_* family correctly handles different ways of providing paths, and check for the existence of the files before working on tables.

vigicaen 0.13.4


#78 compute_or_abcd() now correctly handles large amount of reports.

#80 hot fix on windows 1224 error

vigicaen 0.13.3


#75 clearer example for get_llt_soc()

#76 SizeUnit_Lx file in sub, which is encoded in an old format, is now appropriately treated as such.

vigicaen 0.13.2


Failed ubuntu latest oldrel-1 for licensing issue. Put license in license file.

vigicaen 0.13.1


Fixing Windows 1224, by using different temp sub folder for each test

vigicaen 0.13.0

New features

Changing the package’s name!! All set for a public release.

Improved documentation by adding tags, translating to english the basic_workflow vignette. #62, #67, and #69


Increased code coverage back to 100%.

pharmacocaen 0.12.0

New features

#60 add table builders to arrow format (tb_* functions). This is supposed to overwrite the current fst and dt_fst process, which is being deprecated as of this release.

New getting_started vignette shows the process.

dt_parquet function is to replace dt_fst in the workflow.

pharmacocaen 0.11.1


Sounds like minor but… Added tests to hit 100% test coverage for the package!

#56 Had R CMD CHECK pass on 3 different OS! Test coverage also works.

#58 Further anonymized datasets.

get_drecno now correctly inspects DrecNos identified from an mpi_list.

Fix a bug, get_drecno wasn’t correctly returning DrecNos from mpi_list.

pharmacocaen 0.11.0

New features

#55 add soc option to argument term_level of get_llt_soc.

#15 compute_or_abcd is now internally vectorized on drugs and adrs.

#53 get_atc_code now appropriately tolowers and trims names as it states, even when argument vigilyze is set to FALSE.

#39 added a d_names argument to add_drug.

Introducing tb_custom to pharmacocaen.


Improved description of add_drug and add_adr.

#7 was fixed a long time ago. Internal improvement to get_llt_smq

pharmacocaen 0.10.0

New features

#54 introduce the desc_outcome function to collect adr outcome. Help in the descriptive vignette.


Fix add_adr data_type checker.

pharmacocaen 0.9.1


#47 get_drecno now handles correctly non lower-case names in d_sel.

#43 improved documentation of add_drug

pharmacocaen 0.9.0

New features

#50 Experimental screen_adr function to identify main adverse drug reactions in an adr dataset.

#28 documentation of desc_* functions is now available in vignettes descriptive, template_main and template_dictionary.

Miscellaneous but very important

Vanquished the codetools::checkUsagePackage(pack = "pharmacocaen") note!


#52 fixed incorrect behavior of get_drecno with arg inspect set to TRUE

#51 desc_facvar now shows appropriate big.marks for large numbers

#46 desc_facvar and desc_cont now use a more reliable regex logic to display results according to format argument.

#44 columns names of desc_dch, desc_tto and desc_rch now consistently use drug_s and adr_s (instead of drug and adr for desc_rch in the past)

#42 improved get_drecno documentation.

#36 and #40 improved add_drug documentation.

#45 removed argument tto_time_range from desc_rch (formerly, the function also provided time to onset descriptives)

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