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The goal of vigicaen is to provide tools to analyze VigiBase Extract Case Level.

VigiBase is the World Health Organization’s (WHO) global pharmacovigilance database of individual case safety reports. It is maintained by the Uppsala Monitoring Centre in Sweden.

This package is NOT supported nor reflects the opinion of the WHO, or the Uppsala Monitoring Centre.


Users are assumed to be familiar with pharmacovigilance analysis principles. Some useful resources can be found here (English) or here (French).

vigicaen is an R package, so you need to have R installed on your computer, and optionally RStudio.

Use of VigiBase Extract Case Level and the subsequent WHODrug data requires a license from the Uppsala Monitoring Centre.

Use of MedDRA requires a license from MedDRA.

Of note, academic researchers are provided with accommodations for these licenses.

Technical requisites

Vigibase ECL tables are very large, your computer must meet the following requirements:

Target users

There are 2 types of users this package is aimed at:


Solution 1



Development version from GitHub


Solution 2

Find the latest Released version here

Download source code as a tar.gz file.

If you use RStudio, click on “Tools”, “Install Packages…”, select “Package Archive file” and locate the tar.gz file on your computer.

Alternatively, you can use the following command in R:

install.packages("path/to/vigicaen_X.XX.X.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")


How to use

Visit the package website

Good places to start your journey:

Example PV - Routine

You are working on a colitis case reported 80 days after ipilimumab initiation.

You would like to know the information component (possibly restricted to a specific population, e.g. older adults), and the time to onset reported for this reaction.


# Step 1: Load datasets (or use example sets
# as shown below)

demo   <- demo_
adr    <- adr_
drug   <- drug_
link   <- link_
mp     <- mp_
meddra <- meddra_

# Step 2: Pick a drug and a reaction

d_code <- 
    ipilimumab = "ipilimumab"
  ) |> 
  get_drecno(mp = mp)

a_code <-
    colitis = "Colitis (excl infective)"
  ) |> 
  get_llt_soc(term_level = "hlt", meddra = meddra)

# Step 3: Plot results

  case_tto  = 80, # your case
  demo_data = demo,
  drug_data = drug,
  adr_data  = adr,
  link_data = link,
  d_code    = d_code,
  a_code    = a_code,
  vigibase_version = "September 2024"

Example of vigi_routine with case data.

Example PV - Advanced

You want to perform a disproportionality analysis between nivolumab exposure and colitis reporting (reporting odds-ratio or and information component ic).


demo <-
  demo_ |> 
    d_code = ex_$d_drecno,
    drug_data = drug_
  ) |> 
    a_code = ex_$a_llt,
    adr_data = adr_

demo |> 
    y = "a_colitis",
    x = "nivolumab"
#> # A tibble: 1 × 9
#>   y         x         n_obs n_exp or    or_ci          ic ic_tail ci_level
#>   <chr>     <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>       <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>   
#> 1 a_colitis nivolumab    44  31.2 1.88  (1.23-2.88) 0.489  0.0314 95%

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