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The goal of walmartAPI is to give access to the API created by walmartlabs to search products, locate stores etc etc.

To use this package you will need an API key which you can acquire by signing up on this website


You can install walmartAPI from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")


This package provides a handful for functionalities. We are able to look up a specific product based on an ID.


key <- "************************"

walmartAPI::lookup(id = 19336123, key = key)
#> # A tibble: 1 x 15
#>     itemId                                               name   msrp
#>      <int>                                              <chr>  <dbl>
#> 1 19336123 Intex Krystal Clear Saltwater System 15,000 Gallon 299.99
#> # ... with 12 more variables: salePrice <dbl>, upc <chr>,
#> #   categoryPath <chr>, longDescription <chr>, thumbnailImage <chr>,
#> #   productTrackingUrl <chr>, standardShipRate <dbl>, marketplace <lgl>,
#> #   productUrl <chr>, availableOnline <lgl>, offerType <chr>,
#> #   shippingPassEligible <lgl>

search in products using plain text

walmartAPI::search("ipod", key = key)
#> # A tibble: 10 x 15
#>       itemId
#>        <int>
#>  1  42608125
#>  2  42608121
#>  3  22288784
#>  4 541357139
#>  5  49802795
#>  6  54203936
#>  7  50689211
#>  8  12510108
#>  9 173544522
#> 10 172440769
#> # ... with 14 more variables: name <chr>, msrp <dbl>, salePrice <dbl>,
#> #   upc <chr>, categoryPath <chr>, longDescription <chr>,
#> #   thumbnailImage <chr>, productTrackingUrl <chr>,
#> #   standardShipRate <dbl>, marketplace <lgl>, productUrl <chr>,
#> #   availableOnline <lgl>, offerType <chr>, shippingPassEligible <lgl>

and locate stores in your area

store_locator(city = "Houston", key = key)
#> # A tibble: 86 x 12
#>       no                                name country       lon      lat
#>    <int>                               <chr>   <chr>     <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1  5959                     Houston Walmart      US -95.40132 29.77282
#>  2  5612         Houston Walmart Supercenter      US -95.31293 29.71622
#>  3  4526         Houston Walmart Supercenter      US -95.37707 29.82985
#>  4  3640         Houston Walmart Supercenter      US -95.46515 29.78876
#>  5  3584         Houston Walmart Supercenter      US -95.46501 29.72305
#>  6  2718                     Houston Walmart      US -95.45750 29.67688
#>  7  2066         Houston Walmart Supercenter      US -95.51169 29.73549
#>  8  5094 Houston Walmart Neighborhood Market      US -95.49547 29.67444
#>  9  2257         Houston Walmart Supercenter      US -95.50908 29.85391
#> 10  2724        Pasadena Walmart Supercenter      US -95.21038 29.69344
#> # ... with 76 more rows, and 7 more variables: streetAddress <chr>,
#> #   city <chr>, stateProvCode <chr>, zip <chr>, phoneNumber <chr>,
#> #   sundayOpen <lgl>, timezone <chr>

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