Using Environment Variables for Security in the webdav Package

André Leite


Why Environment Variables? Because Hardcoding Passwords is Like Leaving Your Keys in the Door!

If the answer is parse() you should usually rethink the question. – Thomas Lumley R-help (February 2005)

So, you’ve got this fantastic webdav package, but you don’t want to leave your credentials hanging out in your R scripts. Enter: Environment Variables—the secret agents of secure credentials management.

You set ’em once, and they protect your data like a ninja. And what’s best? They make it easier to keep your username and password out of your scripts and code repositories. That way, no more accidentally uploading your password to GitHub like you’re tossing it into the wind!

Step 1: Setting Up Environment Variables

macOS and Linux Folks: You’re Basically Already There

Just a few simple steps to protect your credentials:

  1. Open a terminal and find that trusty shell profile (e.g., .bash_profile, .zshrc, or .bashrc):

    nano ~/.bash_profile  # or nano ~/.zshrc for zsh users
  2. Stick this magic incantation at the bottom:

    export OWNCLOUD_USERNAME="your_username"
    export OWNCLOUD_PASSWORD="your_password"
  3. Save and reload with:

    source ~/.bash_profile  # or source ~/.zshrc

Boom! Credentials are safe and sound in the shadows of your terminal. You’re now one step closer to keeping your secrets… secret.

Windows Users: You’ve Got This Too!

If you’re on Windows, it’s not as scary as it sounds—no need to dig through any .bash_profile here:

  1. Open Start Menu and search for “Environment Variables.”
  2. Click Edit the system environment variables.
  3. In System Properties, click Environment Variables.
  4. Under User variables, create:
    • OWNCLOUD_USERNAME with your username.
    • OWNCLOUD_PASSWORD with your password.

Now you’re good to go! Next time you open R, those variables will be ready to protect your credentials.

Pro Tip: Use .Renviron for Project-Specific Vars

Want project-specific secrets? Meet .Renviron. It’s like .bash_profile, but for R projects!

  1. Create a .Renviron file in your project directory:

  2. Done! These variables will pop up like magic whenever you use R in that project.

Step 2: Accessing Environment Variables in Your Code


Here’s how you avoid the “hardcoding password trap.” Instead of typing username = "secret" like it’s your first day with R, grab your credentials with Sys.getenv():

# Keep those secrets safe
username <- Sys.getenv("OWNCLOUD_USERNAME")
password <- Sys.getenv("OWNCLOUD_PASSWORD")

# Use them securely in your webdav function calls
  base_url = "",
  file_path = "local_file.txt",
  upload_path = "/Shared/der/app_painel/data/",
  dav = "0c75a584-017d-103a-9c84-d34d2e44200b",
  username = username,
  password = password

See? No passwords hanging out in your code! It’s like you’re wearing an invisible cloak around your credentials.

Step 3: Don’t Forget .gitignore

Don’t be that person who commits their .Renviron file to GitHub. Add .Renviron to your .gitignore file and keep it safe:

# .gitignore

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