Getting Started



Let’s start off with creating a basic wordsearch.

words <- c("dog", "cat", "horse", "frog", "cow", "fox")
ex1 <- wordsearch(words, r = 10, c = 10)
#> Found positions for 6/6 words.
plot(ex1, solution = TRUE)


Crosswords require clues in addition to words.

dat <- 
    ~word,   ~clue,
    "apple",   "keeps the doctor away",
    "banana",   "yellow; great dipped in chocolate",
    "orange", "citrus; soccer halftime snack",
    "lime",  "citrus; green",
    "pear", "Bosc; Bartlett; D'Anjou",
    "strawberry", "red sweet berry full of seeds"
ex1 <- crossword(words = dat$word, clues = dat$clue, r = 40, c = 40)
#> Found positions for 6/6 words.
plot(ex1, solution = TRUE, clues = TRUE, legend_size = 2)

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