added to pull a publication’s cited
references (#5)pull_related_recs()
added to pull a publication’s set
of related referencescreate_ut_quereis()
added to create a list of UT-based
now creates the directory to write
files to if it doesn’t already existquery_wos_apply()
and pull_wos_apply()
added to issue multiple queries to the WoS API and pull the data for
those queries, respectivelypull_wos()
now returns empty data frames instead of
if the user’s query returns no resultspull_wos()
explicitly casts all string fields to be
character vectors, and pull_incites()
now correctly casts
the esi_most_cited_article
field to be a logical vector
(instead of a numeric)write_wos_data()
and read_wos_data()
to write the data returned by pull_wos()
as a series of
CSVs and to read those CSVs back into Rpull_wos()
now sleeps one second whenever it encounters
a throttling limitpull_incites()
were made to reflect this.auth()
added to get a session ID from WoS API
and pull_wos()
added to query
and download data from the WoS API, respectivelypull_incites()
added to pull data from the InCites
APImirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.