#wrappedtools 0.9.6 - function ksnormal now uses Lilliefors test by default - example for compare_n_numvars was corrected - compare2numvars now removes railing spaces

#wrappedtools 0.9.5 - combines all updates from minor releases 9.4.x

#wrappedtools 0.9.4 - ksnormal can handle input of 0 data points - new function label_outliers to extend boxplots - new function detect_outliers for compatibility with geom_boxplot - new function WINratio to calculate the ratio of wins to losses in clinical trials - new function eGFR estimates glomerular filtration rate from serum creatinine and/or cystatin C - new function flex2rmd to convert flextable to rmarkdown table if non-interactive

wrappedtools 0.9.3

wrappedtools 0.9.2

wrappedtools 0.9.1

wrappedtools 0.8.2

wrappedtools 0.8.1

wrappedtools 0.8.0

wrappedtools 0.7.9

wrappedtools 0.7.8

wrappedtools 0.7.7

wrappedtools 0.7.6

wrappedtools 0.7.5

wrappedtools 0.7.4

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