An R package to read, write, format Excel 2007 and Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 files
The package provides R functions to read, write, and format Excel files. It depends on Java, but this makes it available on most operating systems.
Stable version from CRAN
Or development version from GitHub
::install_github('colearendt/xlsx') devtools
This package depends on Java and the rJava
package to
make the connection between R and Java seamless. In order to use the
package, you will need to:
Ensure you have a jdk
(Java Development Kit, version
>= 1.5) installed for your Operating System. More information can be
found on Oracle’s
Ensure that the system environment variable
is configured appropriately and points to your
of choice. Typically, this will be included in your
environment variable as well. Options and system
environmental variables that are available from R
can be
seen with Sys.getenv()
Particularly on UNIX systems, if you continue experiencing
issues, you may need to reconfigure R
’s support for Java on
your system. From a terminal, use the command
R CMD javareconf
. You may need to run this as root or
prepended with sudo
to ensure it has appropriate
More detail can be found in the rJava
To read the first sheet from spreadsheet into a data.frame
read.xlsx2('file.xlsx', 1)
To write a data.frame to a spreadsheet
write.xlsx2(iris, file='iris.xlsx')
The package has many functions that make it easy to style and formalize output into Excel, as well.
<- createWorkbook()
wb <- createSheet(wb,'test')
<- CellStyle(wb) +
cs Font(wb,heightInPoints = 16, isBold = TRUE) +
<- createRow(s,1)
r <- createCell(r,1:ncol(iris))
setCellValue(cell[[1]],'Title for Iris')
for (i in cell) {
addMergedRegion(s, 1,1, 1,ncol(iris))
addDataFrame(iris, s, row.names=FALSE, startRow=3)
To report a bug, use the Issues page at:
If you are wrestling with the Java dependency, there are some very good alternatives that do not require Java. Your choice will vary depending on what you are trying to accomplish.
The package is made possible thanks to the excellent work on Apache POI.
mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.