xmap 0.1.0

The xmap package implements the Crossmaps framework for transforming numeric data between statistical classifications.

Crossmap tibbles xmap_tbl encode instructions for transforming data associated with source classification codes to data indexed by target classification categories (e.g. agriculture (20%) -> fisheries) as source, target and weight_by links. There are two primary functions:

  1. Creating crossmap tibbles from dataframes of links, and verifying they are valid transformations:

as_xmap_tbl(from = "source_classification", to = "target_codes" , weight_by = "distribution_shares)

  1. Using validated crossmaps to transform data:

apply_xmap(.data = source_data, .xmap = source2target_crossmap, values_from = counts)

This initial release also provides diagnostic functions to help debug any verification errors: diagnose_as_xmap_tbl() and diagnose_apply_xmap()

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