Package accenti
This is version 2.3, last revised 2005/04/02; documentation date 2005/04/09.

Author: F. Bosisio
CTAN location: macros/latex/contrib/bosisio


Documentation for the package accenti.

Table of contents


This package provides a shorter version of some accents-making commands, particularly suited for italian language.

In particular some commands are redefined, so care should be taken, expecially when including this package in an already existent LaTeX file.

The redefined commands are: ``\a'', ``\i'', ``\o'' and ``\u'',
whose job can now be done by the commands
``\oFinnick'' (finnick ``o'' bar), ``\DotlessI'' (dotless ``i'', for accents), ``\aAccent'' (for accents in tabbing environment) and ``\uAccent'' (upsidedown ``hat'' accent).

Obsolete package

This package is obsolete, as it has been superseeded by the standard ``inputenc'' package: indeed, the declaration

directly allows the use of the characters ``à'', ``è'', ``ì'', ``ò'', ``ù'' and ``é'' in the document, which is extremly useful with an italian keyboard.

Required packages

This package requires the ``\xspace'' command provided by the ``xspace'' package.

The options

This package provides the options ``ExtdChar'' and ``ExtdCharOnly'' which allow the use of the special characters ``à'', ``è'', ``ì'', ``ò'', ``ù'' and ``é'' as accents-making commands. The second option also inhibits the definitions of ``\a'', ``\e'', ``\i'', ``\o'', ``\u'', ``\ee'' and ``\che'' as short forms of the accent-commands (it can be expecially useful for non-Italian documents).


Unless you specify the ``ExtdCharOnly'' option, the commands ``\a'', ``\e'', ``\i'', ``\o'', ``\u'' and ``\E'' prints the corresponding letter with a grave accent, whilst the commands ``\ee'' and ``\che'' print the letter ``e'' or the three letters ``che'' with an acute accent (i.e. ``é'' and ``ché'').

Moreover, if the ``ExtdChar'' or ``ExtdCharOnly'' option was used, the characters``à'', ``è'', ``ì'', ``ò'', ``ù'' and ``é'' are equivalent to the commands ``\`a'', ``\`e'', ``\`\i'', ``\`o'', ``\`u'' and ``\'e''.

F. Bosisio

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