Package mathcmd
This is version 2.2, last revised 1997/12/20; documentation date 2005/04/09.

Author: F. Bosisio
CTAN location: macros/latex/contrib/bosisio


Documentation for the package mathcmd.

Table of contents


This package provides some useful math-commands which are simpler to use and prettier then their standard LaTeX counterpart.

In particular the ``\d'' command is redefined, so care should be taken, expecially when including this package in an already existent LaTeX file.

The original work of ``\d'' (i.e. place a dot under its argument) is now done by the ``\UnderDot'' command.

The options

At now, six options are available with the mathcmd package, which comes out in matched pairs.

The ``ThreeSubscrSum'' and ``TwoSubscrSum'' options control the placement of subscripts for the ``\Sum'' command: the latter (which is the default) puts the index under the simbol toghether with the starting point, while the former puts the index on the lower right corner.

The ``ProdVettWedge'' and ``ProdVettTimes'' options select which symbol is to be used for the vector product: the first one uses a ``\wedge'' (default), whilst the second uses a ``\times".

Finally, the ``VectOpStr'' and ``VectOpSymb'' options controls whether the vector-operator commands ``\Grad'', ``\Div'' and ``\Rot'' should produce a roman string (default) or a ``\nabla" symbol followed by an operator, respectively.

Math-mode commands

The mathcmd package defines a number of math-mode commands.

The text command

The ``\text...'' command is defined to be equivalent to ``\mbox'' (except when the ``amstext" package is also used, since this package already defines this command in a better way).

It is intended for inserting pieces of text in a formula.

Commands for doing integrals

The ``\Int'' (capitalized) differs from the LaTeX command ``\int'' in that it is always printed in displaystyle and if it has only a subscript, this is somewhat lowered so that it looks better.

		   \Int_{...}^{...}	  ...	   \d{...}

The ``\d...'' command is for making the differential symbol at the end of integrals: it simply prints a ``d'' followed by its argument and preceded by a little space, which seems prettier.

Commands for making sums

The ``\Sum{...=...,...}'' command works differently, depending on which option between ``TwoSubscrSum'' (default) and ``ThreeSubscrSum'' has been specified.

In the first case, it expands to ``\displaystyle\sum_{...}={...}^{...}'', whereas in the second case the second and third argument are treated in the same way as before (i.e. as a subscript and superscript, respectively), but the first argument (the one before the ``='') is placed near the lower-left edge of the ``\sum'' symbol and the ``='' is not printed.

There is also a ``\SUM...'' command which is useful when only a subscript is desired, irrespectively of the option specified: in fact, it is equivalent to ``\displaystyle\sum_...".

Derivatives symbols

The commands ``\DerTot{...}{...}'', ``\DerPar{...}{...}'' and ``\DerNorm{...}'' generate the symbols of total derivative, partial derivative and normal derivative, respectively.

In other words, they are the same as:

		   \displaystyle\frac{\partial ...}{\partial ...}
		   \displaystyle\frac{\partial ...}{\partial n}

Arrow-limits commands

The command ``\TendsTo[...,...]'' generates a right-arrow with optionally an underscript wich is another smaller right-arrow between the two comma-separeted arguments inside the square brackets.

For example, the command ``f(x) \TendsTo[x,0] 1'' generates the following output:

		f(x) ----------> 1
		       x --> 0

Vector-operators commands

Finally, the commands ``\Grad'', ``\Div'' and ``\Rot'' generates the strings ``grad'', ``div'' and ``rot'' in roman type and with small spaces added before and after, if the ``VectOpStr'' option is in effect (default). If, instead, the option ``VectOpSymb'' was specified, they generate ``\nabla", ``\nabla\cdot'' and ``\nabla\ProdVett'' respectively.

The command ``\ProdVett'' is intended for making the symbol of vector product, and evaluates to ``\times'' with the option ``ProdVettTimes'' and to ``\wedge'' with the (default) option ``ProdVettWedge''.

F. Bosisio

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