TeXmuse at CTAN A professional music typesetting system with TeX and METAFONT First stage: able to typeset Bach's inventions August 31, 2005 FILES ===== The submission includes the following files: PROGRAM: texmuse.tex texmuse.mf txmfont.mf SAMPLES: each of these means an input .tex file, and outputs in .dvi and .pdf files. The latter are contained in folder PDF, the rest in TEX. To view the .dvi's, though, you would need the corresponding .mf files. And to typeset the .tex's, for some of them you will need cfart.cls cmajor* cminor* dminor* dmajor* fmajor* aminor* bbmajor* DOCUMENTATION: similarly, there is input .tex's and outputs .dvi and .pdf. .mf files are provided when needed for viewing .dvi's. mainloop* running* wants* INSTALLATION AND RUNNING ======================== The file running.pdf (which is output for running.tex) has the starting instructions. The process is not complicated, but you need to know it well. LICENSE ======= The license is LPPL. Which mainly means: please, and above all about the program, do not make changes without changing the file names. And let me know of any changes you might do to them, if you deem them interesting. I think I haven't signed anywhere in the program, so I might as well do it here. All this is the work of Federico Garcia, for the last three years, mainly in Pittsburgh but with bits in Bogot�, Medell�n, and Buenos Aires.