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Error Messages

PostScript Error

The generated PostScript is corrupt. To solve this problem, do the following:

Cannot find all iTe objects

While parsing the (La)TeX source code, not all active iTe objects were found. The most likely reason for this is an inadequate use of the '\ite' directive.

Spurious iTe object in (La)TeX source

While parsing the (La)TeX source, iTe has mistaken an inactive iTe object for an active iTe object.

The reasons could be

Argument syntax error

Arguments to an '\ITE' directive is corrupt. A correct syntax should look like
\ITE(123 123 1.3 -10)
for example.

DVI file outdated

The dvi-file does not exist or is older than the (La)TeX source file. Please recompile the source before using iTe again.

Buffer modified

The buffer with the (La)TeX source was modified but not saved. Please save and recompile the source.

Generating PostScript failed

iTe was not able to translate the DVI-file into a PostScript file. Please see the log-buffer for more details.

The reasons for failure could be one of

Last modified by Wolfgang Kühn on 27 December 2002

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