Chapter 12. Modem configuration

Table of Contents
12.1. Using Minicom to give commands to a modem
12.2. Configure dumb modem
12.3. Configure modem with AT commands
12.3.1. Configure port speed
12.3.2. Configure answer mode
12.3.3. Configure CTS/RTS handshaking
12.3.4. Configure Data Carrier Detect
12.3.5. Configure Data Terminal Ready
12.3.6. Configure no CONNECT messages
12.3.7. Configure no echo of commands
12.3.8. Optionally, configure silent connection
12.3.9. Optionally, configure DTR delay
12.3.10. Configure no attention sequence
12.3.11. Configuration example
12.3.12. Resetting the modem
12.4. Internal modems
12.5. WinModems

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