![]() by Guido Socher About the author: Guido is a long time Linux fan and Perl hacker. These days he is also very busy renovating the house and planting salad and other stuff in the garden. Content: |
Perl part I provided a general overview about Perl. In perl part II we are now going to write our first useful program.
Perl is best used to write small programs, specialized for one task. To speed up the development process it is a good idea to have a framework at hand which offers some basic structure and functionality that you would like to have in most programs. The following code template offers basic command line option reading and has already a subroutine to print a help message.
!/usr/bin/perl -w
# vim: set sw=8 ts=8 si et: # # uncomment strict to make the perl compiler very # strict about declarations: #use strict; # global variables: use vars qw($opt_h); use Getopt::Std; # &getopts("h")||die "ERROR: No such option. -h for help\n"; &help if ($opt_h); # #>>your code<< # #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- sub help{ print "help message\n"; exit; } #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- __END__ |
Let's look at the code. The &getopts() calls a subroutine in the library Getopt::Std to read the command line options.
It sets global variables of the name $opt_<option> according to the
options provided on the command line. All options on the command line start with a "-" (minus sign) and must come after the program name and before any
other arguments (Note: this is a general Unix rule).
The string given to &getopts (the "h" in the above program ) lists all option letters
that are allowed. If the option takes an argument then a colon
must be written after the option letter. &getsopt("d:x:h") says that
this program has the options -d, -x and -h. Options -d and -x take an argument. so "-d something" would be valid but "-d -x foo" is
wrong as the -d is not followed by an argument.
If the option -h is given on the command line then the variable $opt_h is set
&help if ($opt_h);
calls therefore the subroutine help if option
-h was given on the command line. The statement sub help{
declares the
subroutine. It is not so important for the moment that you understand
every detail of the code. Just take it as a template where you need to
add your main functionality.
Let's write a little number converter which makes use of this framework.
The program, let's call it numconv, should convert hex to decimal numbers
and vice versa.
numconv -x 30
should print the hex equivalent of decimal 30.
numconv -d 1A
should print the decimal equivalent of hex 1A.
numconv -h
should print a help text.
The perl function hex() converts hex numbers into decimal and
the function printf() can be used to convert decimal into hex.
Inserting this into our template gives us a
nice program:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# vim: set sw=8 ts=8 si et: # # uncomment strict to make the perl compiler very # strict about declarations: #use strict; # global variables: use vars qw($opt_d $opt_x $opt_h); use Getopt::Std; # &getopts("d:x:h")||die "ERROR: No such option. -h for help\n"; &help if ($opt_h); if ($opt_d && $opt_x){ die "ERROR: options -x and -d are mutual exclusive.\n"; } if ($opt_d){ printf("decimal: %d\n",hex($opt_d)); }elsif ($opt_x){ printf("hex: %X\n",$opt_x); }else{ # wrong usage -d or -x must be given: &help; } #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- sub help{ print "convert a number to hex or dec. USAGE: numconv [-h] -d hexnum umconv [-h] -x decnum OPTIONS: -h this help EXAMPLE: numconv -d 1af \n"; exit; } #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- __END__ |
Click here to download the
numconv program code shown above.
In the following paragraphs we will look at this program a bit closer
and try to understand it.
The if-statement in perl comes in 2 forms:
expr if (cond);
if (cond) BLOCK [[elsif (cond) BLOCK ...] else BLOCK]
BLOCK is a number of statements enclosed in curly braces {}. This means that
you can write e.g:
printf("hello\n") if ($i);
if ($i == 2){ printf("i is 2\n"); }elsif ($i == 4){ printf("i is 4\n"); }else{ printf("i is neither 2 nor 4\n"); } |
Like in C it is also possible to use the short cut operator && and ||.
printf("hello\n") if ($i);
can therefore also be written as
($i) && printf("hello\n");
Especially the || as used in our template translates quite well into spoken word.
&getopts("d:x:h")||die "ERROR\n";
"Get the options or die". The function die() is basically equivalent
to a printf followed by exit. It prints a message and terminates the program.
&getopts("d:x:h")||die "ERROR\n";
is equivalent to
die "ERROR\n"; if (! &getopts("d:x:h"));
where the ! is a logical not operator. Again this can also be written as
die "ERROR\n"; unless (&getopts("d:x:h"));
unless is the same as if-not and is nicer to read than if(!..)
As you can see, there is more than one way of writing an if-statement in perl. You don't have to use them all. Use the one you feel most comforable with.
In the first perl article we saw that scalar variables (the $-variables) were used without declaring them. They come into existence the very moment they were used. This is a nice feature for small programs but it can lead to errors which are difficult to find in larger programs. Declaring a variable gives the compiler the possibility to do some extra checks for typing errors.
use strict; my $i=1; print "i is $i\n"; |
This program is correct and produces "i is 1". Now assume that we type by mistake j instead of i:
# $i=1; print "i is $j\n"; |
This code will run fine in perl and produces "i is ". The perl module "use strict;" can force the compiler to complain about such a program. When you use the "strict" then everything must be declared otherwise an error message is returned.
use strict; my $i=1; print "i is $j\n"; |
This causes the following message and makes it easy to spot the typing error.
Global symbol "$j" requires explicit package name at ./vardec line 4. Execution of ./vardec aborted due to compilation errors. Exit 255
Variables can be declared in perl by using "my" or,
as we already saw in the framework, "use vars qw()":
use vars qw($opt_h);
Global variables are declared with use vars. These
variables are global to even all included libraries.
Variables local to the current program file (global among all subroutines in this file) are declared with
my at the beginning of the program (outside a subroutine).
Variables local to the current subroutine are declared with
my inside the subroutine.
People experienced in shell programming might be tempted to leave out the $-sign when declaring the variable or assigning it a value. This is not possible in perl. You just write always a $-sign when you use a scalar variable no matter what you do with it.
You can also directly assign a value to the variable when you declare it. my $myvar=10; declares the variable $myvar and sets its initial value to 10.
We have already used the "help" subroutine in the numconv
program above. Subroutines can be used to program your own functions.
They help to structure your program.
A subroutine can be inserted at any place in the
program text (before or after it is called. It does not matter).
You start a subroutine with sub name(){... and you call it with
$retval=&name(...arguments...). The return value is the value of
the last executed statement in the subroutine. The arguments given
to the subroutine are passed to the code inside the subroutine in the
special array @_. We will look at this in more detail when we talk about
arrays in Perl III. For the moment it is enough to know that the values of scalar variables can
be read inside the subroutine using shift. Here is an example:
use strict; my $result; my $b; my $a; $result=&add_and_duplicate(2,3); print "2*(2+3) is $result\n"; $b=5;$a=10; $result=&add_and_duplicate($a,$b); print "2*($a+$b) is $result\n"; # add two numbers and multiply with 2: sub add_and_duplicate(){ my $locala=shift; my $localb=shift; ($localb+$locala)*2; } |
Now that we have covered a lot of perl syntax and elements of the
language, it is time to write a real program.
Perl was designed to manipulate text files with very little programming effort.
Our first Perl program should compare a list of abbreviations and then
find the duplicates in that list. With duplicates we mean abbreviations
that appear several times in the list. The list looks as follows:
AC Access Class AC Air Conditioning AFC Automatic Frequency Control AFS Andrew File System ...
You can download the list
here. The syntax of this file is:
How to read such a text file? Here is some perl code to read text line by line:
.... open(FD,"abb.txt")||die "ERROR: can not read file abb.txt\n"; while( #do something } close FD; .... |
The open function takes a file descriptor as first argument and
the name of the file to read as second argument. File descriptors
are some kind of special variables.
You just put it in the open function,
you use it in the function that reads out the data from the file and finally
you give it to the close function. Reading the file is done with <FD>.
The <FD> can be given as argument to a while loop and this results then
in a line by line reading.
Traditionally file descriptors are written with all upper case letters in Perl.
Where does our data go? Perl has a number of implicit variables. These
are variables which you did not declare. They are always there. One such variable is $_. This
variable holds the line which is currently read inside the above while loop.
Let's try it (download the code):
use strict; my $i=0; open(FD,"abb.txt")||die "ERROR: can not read file abb.txt\n"; while(<FD>){ # increment the line counter. You probably # know the ++ from C: $i++; print "Line $i is $_"; } close FD; |
As you can see we did NOT write print "Line $i is $_ \n". The $_ variable holds the current line from the text file including the newline character (\n).
Now we know how to read the file. To actually complete our program we need to learn 2 more things:
Regular expressions provide sophisticated means to search for a pattern in a text string. We are looking for the first string in a line until the first space. In other words our pattern is "start of line-->a number of characters but not space-->a space". In terms of perl regular expressions this is ^\S+\s. If we put this inside a m//; then perl will apply this expression to the $_ variable (Remember: this variable holds the current line; nice, isn't it?!). The \S+ in the regular expressions corresponds to "a number of characters but not space". If we put brackets around the \S+ then we get the "not space characters" back in the variable $1. We can add this to our program:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# vim: set sw=8 ts=8 si et: # use strict; # global variables: use vars qw($opt_h); my $i=0; use Getopt::Std; # &getopts("h")||die "ERROR: No such option. -h for help.n"; &help if ($opt_h); # open(FD,"abb.txt")||die "ERROR: can not read file abb.txt\n"; while(<FD>){ $i++; if (m/^(\S+)\s/){ # $1 holds now the first word (\S+) print "$1 is the abbreviation on line $i\n"; }else{ print "Line $i does not start with an abbreviation\n"; } } close FD; # #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- sub help{ print "help text\n"; exit; } #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- __END__ |
The match operator (m/ /) returns 1 if the regular expression could successfully be applied to the current line. We can therefore use it inside an if-statement. You should always use an if-statement arround the match operator before you use $1 to ensure that $1 really contains valid data.
Now we can read the file and get the abbreviation and all that is missing is some means to see if we did already read this abbreviation before. Here we need a new perl data type: Hash Tables. Hash Tables are arrays which can be indexed by a string. When you mean the whole Hash Table you write a % sign in front of the variable name. To read out an individual value you use $variable_name{"index_string"}. We use the same $ as for other scalar variables as a field inside the Hash Table is just a normal scalar variable. Here is an example:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my %htab; my $index; # load the hash with data: $htab{"something"}="value of something"; $htab{"somethingelse"}=42; # get the data back: $index="something"; print "%htab at index \"$index\" is $htab{$index}\n"; $index="somethingelse"; print "%htab at index \"$index\" is $htab{$index}\n"; |
When running this program we get:
%htab at index "something" is value of something %htab at index "somethingelse" is 42
Now our program is complete:
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 # vim: set sw=4 ts=4 si et: 3 # 4 use strict; 5 # global variables: 6 use vars qw($opt_h); 7 my %htab; 8 use Getopt::Std; 9 # 10 &getopts("h")||die "ERROR: No such option. -h for help.n"; 11 &help if ($opt_h); 12 # 13 open(FD,"abb.txt")||die "ERROR: can not read file abb.txt\n"; 14 print "Abbreviations with several meanings in file abb.txt:\n"; 15 while(<FD>){ 16 if (m/^(\S+)\s/){ 17 # we use the first word as index to the hash: 18 if ($htab{$1}){ 19 # again this abbrev: 20 if ($htab{$1} eq "_repeated_"){ 21 print; # same as print "$_"; 22 }else{ 23 # this is the first duplicate we print first 24 # occurance of this abbreviation: 25 print $htab{$1}; 26 # print the abbreviation line that we are currently reading: 27 print; 28 # mark as repeated (= appears at least twice) 29 $htab{$1}="_repeated_"; 30 } 31 }else{ 32 # the first time we load the whole line: 33 $htab{$1}=$_; 34 } 35 } 36 } 37 close FD; 38 # 39 #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 40 sub help{ 41 print "finddup -- Find abbreviations with several meanins in the 42 file abb.txt. The lines in this file must have the format: 43 abrev meaning 44 \n"; 45 exit; 46 } 47 #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 48 __END__ |
How does it work? We read the file line by line and store the lines in our hash called %htab (line 33). The index to the hash is the abbreviation. Before we load the hash we test if there is already something stored in the hash (line 18). If there is already something in the hash then we have two possibilities:
It is probably the best to download the code and try it out.
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