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Re: ldp-discussa+."+_+_"+i+! +-+aa-a+.

I'm tempted to simply unsubscribe from ldp-discuss@lists.debian.org in 
order to stop receiving spam from the former list.

However, wouldn't it be better to actually deactivate the list so it
isn't used by mistake by legitimate users? Perhaps a reminder about the 
new list could be sent to anybody who mails to the old address.

Yves Bellefeuille <yan@storm.ca> | Were diu werlt alle min
Ottawa, Canada                   | von deme mere unze an den Rin,
Francais / English / Esperanto   | des wolt ih mih darben,
PGP key at the servers           | daz diu chuenegin von Engellant
                                 | legen an minen armen.

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