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Re: How do I hide something?

,-- On 10 May 2000 04:31:42 -0300, Jorge Godoy wrote:
| Gregory Leblanc <gleblanc@cu-portland.edu> writes:
| > ok, I'm trying to make an example.docbook.sgml to replace the
| > example.sgml for linuxdoc.  What I want to do is mark some of the
| > sections that I haven't had a chance to research as not part of what
| > should get rendered, but I can't remember how that was accomplished. 
| > Anybody know?
| > 	Grego
| <!-- this is a comment
|      that spreads across several
|      lines
| -->
| Is it what you want?

Or is it this?

ignored text

Or even this?

<!ENTITY % hidden "IGNORE">
<![ %hidden; [
ignored text unless hidden is set to "INCLUDE" (eg with `-i hidden')

Frederik Fouvry

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