License agreement

for ALT p11 based product and software applications included therein

1. Agreement information

1.1 Parties to the contract

This Software License Agreement ("Agreement") is made and effective by and between BaseALT Ltd which owns the rights to ALT p11 starter kit ("Kit") and you, the owner of a Kit's copy.

1.2 Scope of contract

This Agreement defines the rights of the owner of a Kit's copy to use the Kit and computer programs ("Applications") that are part of the Kit and other intellectual property and means of individualization to the extent specified in this Agreement.

1.3 Contract formation

This Agreement is contract of adhesion and does not require written contract formation. Use of the Kit in ways specified in this Agreement means accepting the Agreement's conditions and leads to contract formation.

2. Rights of the owner of a Kit's copy

2.1 Rights to the Kit

This Kit includes both free and non-free components licensed for redistribution by corresponding copyright owners. BaseALT Ltd holds copyright to the Kit as a composite work.

The Kit as a composite work is licensed under the terms of GNU General Public License, version 2 or (at your option) any later version; thus granting you the below non-exclusive rights to it as such. The source profile used to build a particular Kit is included with it on the same terms.

Owner of the Kit as a person who lawfully owns a copy of a computer program has the right to freely reproduce the Kit according to provisions of the applicable copyright law regardless of provisions of this Agreement or license agreements for individual Applications included in this Kit.

2.2 Use of free software included within the Kit

All of the Free Software Applications included within the Kit are accompanied with license agreements which permanently grant you free of charge the following non-exclusive rights valid on territory of any country:

BaseALT Ltd is obliged to provide source code of any Free Software Application included within the Kit on your demand for a fee that is not higher than cost of physical copy of the source code within the period of three years.

2.3 Use of non-free applications included within the Kit.

Permission to distribute each of the non-free Applications included within the Kit with an BaseALT Kit and for end users to use these has been obtained from their copyright owners.

2.4 Use of the Kit's design elements and text on its cover or box

BaseALT Ltd rights to design elements of the Kit and text on its cover or box are subject to copyright and trademark law. Their use in ways that require exclusive rights according to applicable law is only possible via written permission by BaseALT Ltd.

2.5 Other rights

Authorship, right to the name and other non-property rights that are not alienable according to the applicable national legislation or that are not granted to you by applicable legislation or license agreements for the particular Applications included within the Kit are preserved by their owners and are not granted to the owner of a copy of the Kit.

2.6 Reports on use of the Kit

BaseALT Ltd does not request reports regarding use of the Kit from the owner of a copy of the Kit.

3. Amenability of parties

Copyright for the Applications that are part of the Kit, including exclusive right to allow use of the Applications, is subject to applicable copyright law, including applicable international agreements. The user is solely responsible for abiding to national legislation while using the Applications included within the Kit.

BaseALT Ltd warrants the media used to ship the Kit against manufacturing defects and will replace media found defective.

Applications included within the Kit are distributed in hope that these will be useful but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of fitness for any particular purpose. BaseALT Ltd is not liable for any damages, direct or indirect, arising out of the use of these Applications.

BaseALT Ltd, Moscow, Butyrskaya street, 75

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