3. How To Use This Manual

This manual contains information about setting up the cluster hardware and the cluster software. These tasks are described in Chapter 1 Hardware Installation and Operating System Configuration and Chapter 2 Cluster Configuration.

For information about configuring cluster services, refer to Chapter 3 Service Administration through Chapter 6 Setting Up Apache HTTP Server.

For information about managing a cluster, refer to Chapter 7 Cluster Administration.

Chapter 8 Introduction to Linux Virtual Server through Chapter 12 Configuring the LVS Routers with Piranha Configuration Tool describe how to achieve load balancing in an Red Hat Enterprise Linux cluster by using the Linux Virtual Server.

Appendix C Supplementary Hardware Information contains detailed configuration information on specific hardware devices and shared storage configurations. Appendix D Supplementary Software Information contains background information on the cluster software and other related information.

Appendix E Cluster Command-line Utilities provides usage and reference information on the command-line utilities included with Red Hat Cluster Suite.

This guide assumes you have a thorough understanding of Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administration concepts and tasks. For detailed information on Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administration, refer to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Administration Guide. For reference information on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, refer to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Reference Guide.

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