F.4. Using the clufence Utility

If power switches are used in the cluster hardware configuration, run the clufence utility on each cluster system to ensure that it can remotely power-cycle the other cluster members.

If the command succeeds, run the shutil -p command on both cluster systems to display a summary of the header data structure for the quorum partitions. If the output is different on the systems, the quorum partitions do not point to the same devices on both systems. Check to make sure that the raw devices exist and are correctly specified in the /etc/sysconfig/rawdevices file. See Section Configuring Shared Cluster Partitions for more information.

If either network- or serial-attached power switches are employed in the cluster hardware configuration, install the cluster software and invoke the clufence command to test the power switches. Invoke the command on each cluster system to ensure that it can remotely power-cycle the other cluster members. If testing is successful, then the cluster can be started.

The clufence command can accurately test a power switch. The format of the clufence command is as follows:

usage: clufence [-d] [-[furs] <member>]
  -d              Turn on debugging
  -f <member>     Fence (power off) <member>
  -u <member>     Unfence (power on) <member>
  -r <member>     Reboot (power cycle) <member>
  -s <member>     Check status of all switches controlling <member>

When testing power switches, the first step is to ensure that each cluster member can successfully communicate with its attached power switch. The following example of the clufence command output shows that the cluster member is able to communicate with its power switch:

[23750] info: STONITH: baytech at, port 1 controls clu2
[23750] info: STONITH: baytech at, port 2 controls clu3
[23750] info: STONITH: wti_nps at, port clu4 controls clu4
[23750] info: STONITH: wti_nps at, port clu5 controls clu5

Any errors in the output could be indicative of the following types of problems:

After successfully verifying communication with the switch, attempt to power cycle the other cluster member. Prior to doing this, it is recommended to verify that the other cluster member is not actively performing any important functions (such as serving cluster services to active clients). By executing the following command :

clufence -r clu3

The following depicts a successful power cycle operation:

Successfully power cycled host clu3. 

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