1.5. Installing under VM

Log onto the VM as the Linux guest account. You can use x3270 or c3270 (from the x3270-text package in Red Hat Enterprise Linux) to log in to the VM from other Linux systems. Alternatively, use the OS/2 3270 terminal emulator on the S/390 management console. If you are working from a Windows based machine, Jolly Giant (http://www.jollygiant.com/) offers an SSL enabled 3270 emulator.

If you are not in CMS mode, enter it now.

i cms

If necessary, add the device containing the VM's TCP/IP tools to your CMS disk list. For example:

vmlink tcpmaint 592

FTP to the machine containing the Red Hat Enterprise Linux boot images (kernel.img and initrd.img), log in, and execute the following commands (use the (repl option if you are overwriting existing kernel.img and initrd.img image files):

You may now create the parameter file (for example, redhat.parm). Refer to Appendix B Sample Parameter Files for sample parm files. Below is an explanation of the parm file contents.


Follow these guidelines when creating a parameter file.

  • The parameter file should contain no more than 80 characters per line.

  • The VM reader has a limit of 11 lines for the parameter file (for a total of 880 characters).

  • The DASD and the tape IPL have limits of 896 characters.

The following parameters are required and must be included in the parameter file:

The following parameters are required to set up networking:

The following parameters are optional:

The following parameter for installations using a qeth device is optional:

The following parameter for kickstart installations is optional:

If any of the network parameters required to make the network operate correctly are omitted from the parm file, a prompt appears during the installation boot process.

If you logged off, reconnect and log in using the VM guest ID you configured for installation. If you are not in CMS mode, enter it now.

i cms

Create an executable script containing the commands necessary to IPL the kernel image and start the installation. The following sample script is a typical initial start-up script:

/* */

The initial installation start-up script prompts you for information about your networking and DASDs unless you have specified all necessary information in the parm file.

Once all questions have been answered, you are ready to begin the core installation program, loader. To continue with the installation, refer to Chapter 2 Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux for further instructions.


If you install over a network with FTP or HTTP you must perform a text mode installation.

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