1.3. Preparing for a Network Installation

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation media must be available for either a network installation (via NFS, FTP, or HTTP) or installation via local storage. Use the following steps if you are performing an NFS, FTP, or HTTP installation.

The NFS, FTP, or HTTP server to be used for installation over the network must be a separate machine which can provide the complete RedHat/ directory. Both the RedHat/base/ and RedHat/RPMS/ directories must be available and populated with all files from all installation CD-ROMs.


The directory specified in the following refers to /location/of/disk/space/. This means it is the directory up to, but not including, the RedHat/ distribution directory. For example, if you have Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 installation files located in /export/rhel/ on the installation staging server, /location/of/disk/space/ would be /export/rhel/.

To copy the RedHat/ directory from the installation CD-ROMs to a Linux machine which acts as an installation staging server, perform the following steps:

1.3.1. Using ISO Images for NFS Installs

NFS installations can use ISO (or CD-ROM) images rather than copying an entire installation tree. After placing the required ISO images (the binary Red Hat Enterprise Linux CD-ROMs) in a directory, choose to install via NFS. You will then point the installation program at that directory to perform the installation.

Verifying that the ISO images are intact before you attempt an installation will help to avoid problems that are often encountered during an NFS installation. To verify the ISO images are intact prior to performing an installation, use an md5sum program (many md5sum programs are available for various operating systems). An md5sum program should be available on the same server as the ISO images.

Additionally, if a file called updates.img exists in the directory from which you install, then it will be used for installation program updates. Refer to the file install-methods.txt in the anaconda RPM package for detailed information on the various ways to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux, as well as how to apply the installation program updates.


You can only have the ISO images for one release and one variant of Red Hat Enterprise Linux in the directory.

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