CentOS 4.3 Release Notes


  • CentOS 4 offers both yum and up2date to do updates of the operating system. You can use either or both of these to manage your updates. Yum is recommend because of the new update system, see the note concerning it below.

The following files are changed from the upstream RPMS. All changes are trademark and look/feel related unless otherwise noted under the specific RPM.

  • anaconda

  • Path of the Distribution changed from RedHat to CentOS on the install CDs.
  • anaconda-help

  • anaconda-product

  • anaconda-runtime

  • apr

  • apr-devel

  • centos-release

  • File name changed from redhat-release in the upstream product.
  • dhclient

  • dhcp

  • This file had to be compiled on an older version of gcc than ships with CentOS-4 and was modified to accomplish this. See bug#861 at bugs.centos.org
  • dhcp-devel

  • firefox

  • In addition to numerous shortcut changes, added the CACert.org certificate as a trusted Certificate Authority. See CentOS.org for details.
  • firstboot

  • glade2

  • Corrected a race condition. See bug#855 at bugs.centos.org.
  • gnome-desktop

  • gnome-desktop-devel

  • gnome-session

  • httpd

  • httpd-devel

  • httpd-manual

  • httpd-suexec

  • indexhtml

  • initscripts

  • libtool

  • libtool-libs

  • libtool and libtool-libs require a rebuild when used with a new version of gcc.
  • mod_perl

  • mod_perl-devel

  • mod_ssl

  • mozilla

  • In addition to numerous shortcut changes, added the CACert.org certificate as a trusted Certificate Authority. See CentOS.org for details.
  • mozilla-chat

  • mozilla-devel

  • mozilla-dom-inspector

  • mozilla-js-debugger

  • mozilla-mail

  • mozilla-nspr

  • mozilla-nspr-devel

  • mozilla-nss

  • mozilla-nss-devel

  • redhat-artwork

  • redhat-logos

  • rhn-applet

  • Modified to not use the RHN and to instead use the CentOS Mirror Network.
  • squirrelmail

  • up2date

  • Modified to not use the RHN and to instead use the CentOS Mirror Network.
  • up2date-gnome

  • ypserver

  • ypserver on the install discs was modified to fix a problem that rendered it non-functional, see bug #1253 at bugs.centos.org.


The following packages are added to CentOS and are not in the upstream product to allow the use of yum for updates:

  • createrepo

  • centos-yumconf

  • sqlite

  • sqlite-devel

  • python-elementtree

  • python-sqlite

  • python-urlgrabber

  • yum

New Update System:

A new update system for CentOS has been released that issues geographically based, fresh mirrors and provides for mirror failover. Please see this article on the new update system for details.

More Information:

For more Information, see the CentOS-4 Documentation at CentOS.org, or the /NOTES directory on CD-1 of this distribution. The documentation is provided {and copyrighted} by Red Hat®,Inc. The CentOS Project redistributes these original works (in their unmodified form) as a reference for CentOS-4. CentOS-4 is built from publicly available, open source SRPMs.

mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.