4.9.4. Specifying Units

4.9.4. Specifying Units

To specify the unit for the LVM report display, use the --units argument of the report command. You can specify (b)ytes, (k)ilobytes, (m)egabytes, (g)igabytes, (t)erabytes, (e)xabytes, (p)etabytes, and (h)uman-readable. The default display is human-readable. You can override the default by setting the units parameter in the global section of the lvm.conf file.

The following example specifies the output of the pvs command in megabytes rather than the default gigabytes.

# pvs --units m
  PV         VG     Fmt  Attr PSize     PFree
  /dev/sda1         lvm2 --   17555.40M 17555.40M
  /dev/sdb1  new_vg lvm2 a-   17552.00M 17552.00M
  /dev/sdc1  new_vg lvm2 a-   17552.00M 17500.00M
  /dev/sdd1  new_vg lvm2 a-   17552.00M 17552.00M

By default, units are displayed in powers of 2 (multiples of 1024). You can specify that units be displayed in multiples of 1000 by capitalizing the unit specification (B, K, M, G, T, H).

The following command displays the output as a multiple of 1024, the default behavior.

# pvs
  PV         VG     Fmt  Attr PSize  PFree
  /dev/sdb1  new_vg lvm2 a-   17.14G 17.14G
  /dev/sdc1  new_vg lvm2 a-   17.14G 17.09G
  /dev/sdd1  new_vg lvm2 a-   17.14G 17.14G

The following command displays the output as a multiple of 1000.

#  pvs --units G
  PV         VG     Fmt  Attr PSize  PFree
  /dev/sdb1  new_vg lvm2 a-   18.40G 18.40G
  /dev/sdc1  new_vg lvm2 a-   18.40G 18.35G
  /dev/sdd1  new_vg lvm2 a-   18.40G 18.40G

You can also specify (s)ectors (defined as 512 bytes) or custom units.

The following example displays the output of the pvs command as a number of sectors.

# pvs --units s
  PV         VG     Fmt  Attr PSize     PFree
  /dev/sdb1  new_vg lvm2 a-   35946496S 35946496S
  /dev/sdc1  new_vg lvm2 a-   35946496S 35840000S
  /dev/sdd1  new_vg lvm2 a-   35946496S 35946496S

The following example displays the output of the pvs command in units of 4 megabytes.

# pvs --units 4m
  PV         VG     Fmt  Attr PSize    PFree
  /dev/sdb1  new_vg lvm2 a-   4388.00U 4388.00U
  /dev/sdc1  new_vg lvm2 a-   4388.00U 4375.00U
  /dev/sdd1  new_vg lvm2 a-   4388.00U 4388.00U

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