2. The highest and lowest BogoMips ratings

The following are the highest and the lowest BogoMips ratings, as reported directly to me, or published on Usenet.

2.1. The highest single-CPU Linux boot sequence BogoMips value

  • Michael Weiner, weinert@sys2.de

  • Intel Xeon, at 3400 MHz

  • 6800.58 BogoMips

2.2. The lowest Linux boot sequence BogoMips value

  • Tim Van der Linden, timvdl@innet.be

  • Intel 8088, at 4.77 MHz, ELKS

  • 0.02 BogoMips

2.3. The highest dual core (SMP2, hypertreading) BogoMips value

  • Brian Wheeler bdwheele@indiana.edu

  • Hyperthreaded dual Xeon at 3060 MHz

  • 24379.39 BogoMips

2.4. The highest multiple-CPU Linux boot sequence BogoMips value

  • Dan Kirkpatrick, dkirk@physics.syr.edu

  • 102 CPU Beowulf of Pentium IIIs, at 1000MHz

  • 203862.30 BogoMips

2.5. The highest non-Linux BogoMips value

  • omega@sequent.com

  • Sequent Numa-Q, 32 Pentium CPUs at 180MHz

  • Dynix operating system

  • 3776.00 BogoMips

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