Chapter 7. References

I already mentioned the documentation files, installed typically under the directory /usr/src/linux/Documentation. They are a real gold mine of useful information.

The following FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) are periodically posted in the group news:news.answers and archived on FTP servers like :

A lot of other Linux HOWTO contain information useful related to our subject :

The following Usenet groups cover subjects related to HP :

You may also consult the groups mentioned in Section

On Internet, you may consult with a great benefit the following sites :

Table 7-1. Web sites of HP

HP Linux Portal
HP and Linux
HP France Education Linux
HP Support
Linux Pa-Risc (Puffin Group)
Linux Pa-Risc (ESIEE)
Linux and HP Labs Technology
Linux IA64
Linux IA64 (HP Labs)
HP embedded software developer's network
HP printer drivers
HP RedHat certification
HP Linuxcare certification
SAP HP Netserver certification
HP Utigroup

Table 7-2. Other fundamental sites on Linux and Open Source Software

Linux Documentation Project
Linux Weekly News - Summary of 1998
Linux Weekly News - Summary of 1999
Linux Weekly News - Summary of 2000
IOS Counter
Comparaison MS-Windows NT Server 4.0 -- Unix
Netcraft studies
L'AFUL (Association)
APRIL (Association)
Linux Center
Linux France
Linux Journal
Linux Gazette
Linux Magazine France
Linux Start
Da Linux French Page
RedHat Hardware support
Mandrake Hardware support for HP
Mobilix : Linux Mobile
Notebook HQ : Linux Mobile
Developers Servers
IA-64 project leader Web site at Cern
IA-64 Intel Web site
Medasys Linux

mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.