Chapter 5. Advanced Topics

Table of Contents
5.1. Troubleshooting
5.1.1. General Information
5.1.2. Known Bugs
5.1.3. Troubleshooting Techniques
5.1.4. PCI Device Numbers
5.1.5. scanport
5.2. Mailing List
5.3. GUIs: Gnome, KDE
5.4. How to Make Infrared Light Visible
5.5. Power Saving
5.6. Beyond IrDA
5.6.1. Extending Transmission Distance
5.6.2. Upcoming Standards (Bluetooth and IrDA)
5.7. IrDA Network Neighborhood
5.7.1. Laptop-Printer-PDA
5.7.2. Bridging/Routing
5.7.3. IPv6
5.7.4. DHCP
5.8. Linux/IrDA and APM
5.9. Performance Testing
5.10. IrDA Protocols
5.10.1. IrDA Stack
5.10.2. Existing IrDA Protocol Implementations
5.11. FAQ

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