1. About the Document

This document is based on the documentation part of the Linux/IrDA project homepage and the Linux/IrDA Tutorial by Jean Tourillhes. I have also included material provided by the Linux/IrDA core team, the Linux/IrDA mailing lists and other sources.

The document is included in THE LINUX DOCUMENTATION PROJECT - TLDP .

The latest version of this document is available at TuxMobil-HOWTOs.

Mathieu Arnold provides an earlier version of the IR-HOWTO in French. A Japanese translation of issue v3.4 is provided by the Linux Japanese FAQ Project .

Please feel free to contact me for comments or questions about the HOWTO. I know this material is not finished or perfect, but I hope you find it useful anyway. For other questions and current information about Linux/IrDA please ask in the Linux/IrDA mailing list as explained below.

Werner Heuser <wehe_at_tuxmobil.org>

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