Appendix B. Reporting Errors and Bugs

Just telling us that LVM did not work does not provide us with enough information to help you. We need to know about your setup and the various components of your configuration. The first thing you should do is check the linux-lvm mailing list archives to see if someone else has already reported the same bug. If you do not find a bug report for a problem similar to yours you should collect as much of the following information as possible. The list is grouped into three categories of errors.

This can be a lot of information. If you end up with more than a couple of files, tar and gzip them into a single archive. Submit a link to where this file can be found to the appropriate mailing list (see Section C.1) along with a short description of the error. If you do not have a public web or ftp site that you can post the information to, you can try to submit the file to the list.

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