Chapter 3. The alternatives

Table of Contents
3.1. Experiences with XFree86's driver
3.2. Experiences with ATI's own driver
3.3. Experiences with DRI's driver
3.4. Experiences with the GATOS project's driver
3.5. Thoughts on Schneider Digital's driver
3.6. Still Haven't Chosen One?

As you could see in Chapter 2, the alternatives you can choose may be limited by the XFree86 version you are running. It is very important that you check the dependencies first. If you don't meet the requirements, this HOWTO will not apply to you, and you may and probably will suffer a system crash if proceeding.

The various alternatives of this HOWTO will give variable results. I haven't tested every possible use of the card, but I have had a few experiences, and the drivers also provide some information.

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