

!, General Shell Tips
!!, The command-line history
!-n, The command-line history
!n, The command-line history
!string, The command-line history
$, General Shell Tips, Regular Expressions
%cpu, Controlling Processes
%mem, Controlling Processes
&&, Performing more than one command
&>, Usage
*, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
--color=auto, General Shell Tips
--date=, Working with files and folders, Date/Time/Calendars
--forest, Controlling Processes
--h, Help
--help, Help
--mirror, Internet Specific Commands
--verbose, Mathematical tools
-?, Help
-a, Moving around the filesystem, Finding files, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, Finding Text Within Files, Internet Specific Commands, Working with MS-DOS files
-b, Working with files and folders, Text Viewing Tools , Text manipulation tools, Finding Text Within Files
-c, Working with files and folders, Controlling Processes, Text Information Tools, Text manipulation tools, Internet Specific Commands, Some basic Security Tools, tar (tape archiver)
-CONT, Controlling Processes
-d, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, Date/Time/Calendars, Text manipulation tools, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, File Permissions
-e, General Shell Tips, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
-exec, Finding files, Finding information about the system
-F, General Shell Tips, Help, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, Controlling services, Text Viewing Tools , Text manipulation tools, tar (tape archiver), Scheduling Commands to run in the background
-format, Graphics tools (command line based)
-g, Controlling Processes, Text manipulation tools
-geometry, Graphics tools (command line based)
-h, Help, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
-HUP, Controlling Processes
-i, General Shell Tips, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, File Permissions
-iregex, Finding files
-jj, tar (tape archiver)
-k, Working with files and folders, Text manipulation tools
-kill, Controlling Processes
-l, Moving around the filesystem, Finding information about partitions, Controlling Processes, Text Information Tools, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, File Permissions, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
-lx, Finding information about the system
-m, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Internet Specific Commands
-n, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Text Viewing Tools , Text manipulation tools, Finding Text Within Files, Internet Specific Commands
-name, Finding files
-nx, Finding information about the system
-o, Finding files
-p, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, tar (tape archiver)
-path, Finding files
-print, Finding files
-prune, Finding files
-q, Finding Text Within Files
-R, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Controlling services, Text manipulation tools, Finding Text Within Files, Remote Administration Related, File Permissions
-regex, Finding files
-S, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Date/Time/Calendars, Controlling services
-STOP, Controlling Processes
-t, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Controlling Processes, Text manipulation tools, Internet Specific Commands, File Permissions, Compression, Working with MS-DOS files, Checking the Hard Disk for errors
-u, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Controlling Processes, Text manipulation tools, Internet Specific Commands, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
-v, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, Finding Text Within Files, tar (tape archiver), RPM: Redhat Package Management System
-verbose, Graphics tools (command line based)
-w, Text Information Tools, Finding Text Within Files
-x, General Shell Tips, Controlling Processes, Text manipulation tools, Internet Specific Commands, tar (tape archiver), Miscellaneous
-y, Date/Time/Calendars
-z, Working with files and folders, tar (tape archiver)
., Moving around the filesystem, Regular Expressions
.*, Regular Expressions
.bz, Compression
.doc, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
.gz, Compression
.h, Conversion tools
.pdf, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
/, Moving around the filesystem
/dev/null, Usage
/etc/groups, Users/Groups
/etc/hosts, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Network Commands
/etc/init.d, Controlling services
/etc/inittab, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
/etc/passwd, Users/Groups, Text manipulation tools
/etc/profile, Security
/etc/resolv.conf, Internet Specific Commands
/proc, Finding information about the system, Finding information about partitions
/proc/net, Network Commands, Network Configuration, Network Configuration, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Network Commands
1MB, Finding information about the system
2>, Usage
:n, Text Viewing Tools
:p, Text Viewing Tools
;, Performing more than one command, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
<, Usage
<<, Usage
>, Usage
>>, Usage
?, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
@, General Shell Tips
[ ], Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
[!], Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
[ Exposed, The UNIX tools philosophy further reading
[ pages, Online Manual Page Websites:
[^], Regular Expressions
\, General Shell Tips, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
\r, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
^, Regular Expressions
{ }, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
|, Usage, Regular Expressions
||, Performing more than one command
~, General Shell Tips


A, File Permissions
a-z, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
abilities, Virtual Terminals and screen
ability, Graphics tools (command line based)
able, Working with files and folders, Network Configuration , Remote Administration Related, Graphics tools (command line based)
absolute, Moving around the filesystem
Absolute path, Moving around the filesystem
access, The command-line history, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Internet Specific Commands, File Permissions, Miscellaneous
access keys, Conventions used in this guide
access time, File Permissions
accessed, File Permissions
add, General Shell Tips, Finding files, Text manipulation tools, Conversion tools, Mathematical tools, Network Configuration , Internet Specific Commands, Remote Administration Related, Security, File Permissions, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Regular Expressions
addition, Network Configuration
additional, Controlling Processes
address, Network Configuration , Internet Specific Commands
addressed, Contributors
adjust, Working with files and folders
administration, Managing users
administrative, Controlling Processes
administrator, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
administrators, Who would want to read this guide?
admonitions, Conventions used in this guide
advanced, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Text Editors, Text manipulation tools, Network Commands, Internet Specific Commands, rsync, Working with MS-DOS files
advanced bash scripting, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
advanced bash scripting guide, Text manipulation tools
advancement, Feedback
advantage, Working with files and folders
advice, Feedback, Contributors
affect, Finding Text Within Files
algorithm, rsync
alias, General Shell Tips
aliases, General Shell Tips
allow, General Shell Tips, Controlling Processes, Text manipulation tools
allowed, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
allows, Virtual Terminals and screen, Controlling services, Text manipulation tools
AllTheWeb, General Further Reading
alpha, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
alphabetic, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
alphabetical, Text manipulation tools
alphabetically, Text manipulation tools
alphanumeric, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
alternative, General Shell Tips, Usage, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Wildcards
alternatively, The command-line history
alternatives, Some basic Security Tools
American text encoding standard, The Unix Tools Philosophy
amount, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Text manipulation tools, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
anacron, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
analyze, Miscellaneous
AND, Performing more than one command
antiword, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
antiword homepage, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
append, Moving around the filesystem, Finding information about the system, File Permissions
appendix, Introduction, Who would want to read this guide?
application, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Working with files and folders
apply, Controlling Processes
apropos, Help
apt-get, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
archive, Internet Specific Commands, Archiving Files, Compression
archived, tar (tape archiver)
archives, Compression
archiving, Archiving Files
argument, Working with files and folders, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Text Information Tools, Text manipulation tools, Internet Specific Commands, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Miscellaneous
arguments, The command-line history, Working with files and folders
arranged, Graphics tools (command line based)
arrow, The command-line history
arrow keys, The command-line history
art, Conversion tools
article, Contributors
ASCII, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Conversion tools
aspell, Text manipulation tools
assign, Controlling Processes
assist, Working with files and folders, Security
assistance, Resources used to create this document
associated, Help
asterisk, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
at, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
atq, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
atrm, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
Attach, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions)
attempt, General Shell Tips, The command-line history, Regular Expressions
attempting, Controlling Processes
Attempts, Working with files and folders, Network Commands
attribute, File Permissions
attributes, File Permissions
audible, General Shell Tips
author, Feedback, Disclaimer
authored, Who would want to read this guide?, Security
authors, Who would want to read this guide?
authors opinion, Who would want to read this guide?
automated, Some basic Security Tools, Checking the Hard Disk for errors
automates, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
Automatic Command Completion, General Shell Tips
automatically, General Shell Tips, Working with files and folders, Working with MS-DOS files
available, Availability of sources, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, Controlling services, Users/Groups, Network Commands, Working with MS-DOS files
avoid, Mini-Guides


back off, General Shell Tips
Back-Cover, License
background, Controlling Processes, Controlling services
Backgrounds, Controlling Processes
backslash, General Shell Tips, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
bandwidth, rsync
based off, Contributors
bash, Introduction, General Shell Tips, Finding files, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Internet Specific Commands, Specific Further reading
bash scripting, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Specific Further reading
Basic, Finding files, Network Commands, Security, Archiving Files
Bastille Linux, Security
batch, Graphics tools (command line based)
beep, General Shell Tips
beginners, Who would want to read this guide?
beginning, Regular Expressions
bell, General Shell Tips
bg, Controlling Processes
binary, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Text Information Tools
bit, Mathematical tools, File Permissions
bitmap, Graphics tools (command line based)
block, Working with files and folders
blocks, File Permissions, Compression, Working with MS-DOS files
bmp, Working with files and folders
book, Who would want to read this guide?, Availability of sources
bookmarks.html, Internet Specific Commands
boot, Security
bootdisks, Duplicating disks
boots, Security
bootup, Finding information about the system
Bourne-Again-SHell, Introduction
brackets, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
brands, Disclaimer
break key, Controlling Processes
broad-casted, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
broken, Working with files and folders
built, Graphics tools (command line based)
built-in, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
bunch, Compression
burning, Duplicating disks
bytes, Working with files and folders, Text Information Tools
bz* commands, Text Viewing Tools
bzgrep, Text Viewing Tools
bzip2, Text Viewing Tools , tar (tape archiver), Compression
bzip2recover, Compression
bzless, Text Viewing Tools
bzme, Compression


cached, Finding information about the system
cal, Date/Time/Calendars
calculator, Mathematical tools
calendar, Date/Time/Calendars
calls, Finding Text Within Files
capital, Text manipulation tools, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
capture, Graphics tools (command line based)
captures, Network Commands
careful, Working with files and folders, File Permissions
carriage, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
carriage returns, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
cat, Usage, Text manipulation tools
catch, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
cause, General Shell Tips, Moving around the filesystem, Controlling Processes, Internet Specific Commands
causes, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
caution, Disclaimer
cd, General Shell Tips, Moving around the filesystem, Duplicating disks
cdrecord, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
cdrom, Finding information about partitions, Controlling the system, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
cdrom-drive, Controlling the system
centimeters, Mathematical tools
change, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Date/Time/Calendars, Controlling Processes, Managing users, Users/Groups, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Network Configuration , Internet Specific Commands, File Permissions, Graphics tools (command line based)
change owner, File Permissions
character, General Shell Tips, Text manipulation tools, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
character sequences, General Shell Tips
characters, Finding files, Text manipulation tools, Some basic Security Tools, RPM: Redhat Package Management System, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
chat, Text Editors
chattr, Working with files and folders, File Permissions
chcase, Text manipulation tools, Miscellaneous
chcase homepage, Text manipulation tools
check, Text manipulation tools, Internet Specific Commands, Security, Some basic Security Tools, Working with MS-DOS files, RPM: Redhat Package Management System, Checking the Hard Disk for errors
checker, The Unix Tools Philosophy
checking, Some basic Security Tools, RPM: Redhat Package Management System, Checking the Hard Disk for errors
chfn, Users/Groups
chmod, Security, File Permissions
chown, File Permissions
Chris Karakas, Availability of sources, Resources used to create this document
chronological, Contributors
chsh, Users/Groups
clarity, Conventions used in this guide
CLI, Who would want to read this guide?
click, Graphics tools (command line based)
closed, Network Commands
clusters, Working with MS-DOS files
cmp, Text Information Tools, Finding a particular tool(s)
Code, Conventions used in this guide, The Unix Tools Philosophy
colon, Text Viewing Tools , Text manipulation tools
colour, Conversion tools, Graphics tools (command line based)
colours, Graphics tools (command line based)
column, Text manipulation tools
columns, Contributors , Text Information Tools, Text manipulation tools
combination, Conventions used in this guide
combinations, Conventions used in this guide
combine, Text Viewing Tools
Combines, Text Viewing Tools
comm, Text Information Tools
command history, Shell Tips, The command-line history
command line-interface, Who would want to read this guide?
command list, Who would want to read this guide?
command name, General Shell Tips
command number, The command-line history
command substitution, Command Substitution
command syntax, Conventions used in this guide
command-line, Who would want to read this guide?, Who would not want to read this guide?, Resources used to create this document , The Unix Tools Philosophy, Shell Tips, General Shell Tips, The command-line history, Virtual Terminals and screen, Graphics tools (command line based), Finding a particular tool(s)
command-line interface, Who would not want to read this guide?, Finding a particular tool(s)
command-line-based, Introduction
command-lists, General Further Reading
command1, Performing more than one command, Finding information about the system
command2, Performing more than one command, Finding information about the system
commandName, The command-line history
commas, Text manipulation tools, Mathematical tools, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
Commmand, Finding files
common, Text Information Tools, Text manipulation tools, Compression, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
commonly, General Shell Tips
compares, Text Information Tools
complete, Who would not want to read this guide?, General Shell Tips
completions, General Shell Tips
complex, Introduction, The Unix Tools Philosophy, General Shell Tips, Text Viewing Tools , Text manipulation tools, Miscellaneous
complicated, Network Commands
composite, Graphics tools (command line based)
comprehensive, Who would want to read this guide?, Security
compress, Compression
compressed, Text Viewing Tools , Compression
compression, Compression
Comptechdoc's Linux Command Quickreference, General Further Reading
computer, Finding information about the system, Remote Administration Related, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
computers, Network Commands
concatenate, Usage
Concatenates, Usage, Text manipulation tools
concepts, Disclaimer, Mini-Guides
configuration, Network Configuration , Security
configure, Network Configuration
confirm, General Shell Tips
confusing, Finding information about the system
conjunction, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
connect, Remote Administration Related
connected, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Finding information about partitions
consistency, Contributors
console, The command-line history, Security
contact, Internet Specific Commands
content, Disclaimer
contents, Disclaimer, Usage, Moving around the filesystem, Finding information about the system, Conversion tools, Network Commands, File Permissions, Compression, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
continuous, Text Viewing Tools
contribution, Contributors
contributions, Contributors
contributors, Resources used to create this document
control, Controlling the system, Controlling services, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
Control key, Conventions used in this guide
controlling, Controlling the system, Controlling Processes
controls, Security
conventions, Conventions used in this guide
conversion, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Mathematical tools
convert, Resources used to create this document , Finding information about the system, Text manipulation tools, Mathematical tools, Compression
converts, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
copies, Working with files and folders, Remote Administration Related, rsync
copy, License, General Shell Tips, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Remote Administration Related, Miscellaneous
copying, General Shell Tips, Working with files and folders
Copyright, License
copyrights, Disclaimer
core, The Unix Tools Philosophy
coreutils, The UNIX tools philosophy further reading
correct, Contributors , Controlling Processes, Mathematical tools, Some basic Security Tools, Compression, Graphics tools (command line based)
correctly, Internet Specific Commands
cost, Compression
count, Working with files and folders, Text Information Tools, Text manipulation tools
cp, Working with files and folders
CPU, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes
crackers, Internet Specific Commands
criteria, Miscellaneous
critical, Controlling services
criticism, Feedback, Contributors
criticisms, Contributors
cron, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
crontab, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
cryptic, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
CSS, Contributors
CTRL-A, Other Key combinations, Virtual Terminals and screen
CTRL-ALT-DEL, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
CTRL-ALT-F*, Virtual Terminals and screen
CTRL-C, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Controlling Processes, Text Viewing Tools , Network Commands
CTRL-D, General Shell Tips, Other Key combinations, Usage, Managing users, Mathematical tools, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
CTRL-E, Other Key combinations
CTRL-K, Other Key combinations
CTRL-N, Virtual Terminals and screen
CTRL-P, Virtual Terminals and screen
CTRL-R, The command-line history, Other Key combinations
CTRL-W, Other Key combinations
CTRL-X-$, General Shell Tips
CTRL-X-Y, General Shell Tips
CTRL-Y, Other Key combinations
CTRL-Z, Conventions used in this guide, Other Key combinations, Controlling Processes
curl, Internet Specific Commands
current, Conventions used in this guide, Moving around the filesystem, Finding information about the system, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Text manipulation tools, Internet Specific Commands, File Permissions, Compression, Miscellaneous
current directory, Moving around the filesystem
customisable, Controlling Processes
customisation, Text manipulation tools
customisations, Contributors
customise, Finding files, Date/Time/Calendars, Conversion tools, Miscellaneous
cut, Text manipulation tools


daemon, Controlling services, Remote Administration Related, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
Daemons, Controlling services
damage, Disclaimer, Internet Specific Commands
damaged, Compression
dash sign, Conventions used in this guide
data, Working with files and folders, Controlling Processes, File Permissions, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
database, Graphics tools (command line based)
databases, Internet Specific Commands
date, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, Date/Time/Calendars
dates, tar (tape archiver)
Dave Wreski, Security
David Lawyer, Contributors
day, Date/Time/Calendars, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
days, Date/Time/Calendars
db2lyx, Resources used to create this document
dd, Working with files and folders, Date/Time/Calendars, Duplicating disks
deactivating, Network Configuration
deb, Debian (deb), Finding package(s)
Debian documentation, General Further Reading
Debian Package List, Finding package(s)
debugging, Finding information about the system
decending, Moving around the filesystem
decimal, Mathematical tools, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
decompress, Compression
default, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, Controlling Processes, Controlling services, Text manipulation tools, Network Configuration , Security, Graphics tools (command line based)
definitions, Concept Definitions
delete, General Shell Tips, Working with files and folders, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, File Permissions, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
deleted, Working with files and folders, File Permissions
delimiter, Text manipulation tools
dependent, Moving around the filesystem
Depending, Moving around the filesystem
depth, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Text Related Tools, Internet Specific Commands, Mini-Guides
describe, Security
described, Text Viewing Tools
describes, Mini-Guides
description, Introduction, Help
descriptions, Mini-Guides
designed, Who would want to read this guide?, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Usage, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Mathematical tools, Internet Specific Commands, Security, Some basic Security Tools, Compression
destination, Working with files and folders, Network Commands
destroy, Working with files and folders, Managing users
detail, Controlling Processes
detailed, Introduction, Who would not want to read this guide?, Contributors , Help, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Compression, Graphics tools (command line based)
details, Help, Moving around the filesystem, Controlling the system, Internet Specific Commands, Working with MS-DOS files, Duplicating disks
develop, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
device, Controlling the system, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Network Configuration , RPM: Redhat Package Management System
devices, Working with files and folders, Controlling the system
df, Finding information about the system, Finding information about partitions
dictionary, Internet Specific Commands
diff, Text Information Tools, Finding a particular tool(s)
diff3, Text Information Tools, Finding a particular tool(s)
difference, Concept Definitions, Text Information Tools, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Network Commands
differences, rsync
different, Finding files, Managing users, Text Information Tools, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Finding Text Within Files, Remote Administration Related, File Permissions, Wildcards
diffutils, Finding a particular tool(s)
dig, Internet Specific Commands
digit, Text manipulation tools, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
digits, Working with files and folders, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
dir, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
dir1, Finding information about the system
dir2, Finding information about the system
directories, Moving around the filesystem, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Remote Administration Related, File Permissions
directory, General Shell Tips, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Finding information about partitions, Controlling services, Text manipulation tools, Finding Text Within Files, Internet Specific Commands, Compression, Miscellaneous, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
disable, General Shell Tips
disabled, Security
disclaimer, Legal
discuss list, Contributors
disk, Finding files, Finding information about partitions, File Permissions, Working with MS-DOS files, Checking the Hard Disk for errors
disks, Working with files and folders, Finding information about partitions, Working with MS-DOS files, Duplicating disks
display, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Date/Time/Calendars, Text Viewing Tools , Text manipulation tools, Finding Text Within Files, Network Configuration , Graphics tools (command line based)
distinct, Command Substitution
distribute, License
distributions, Finding information about partitions, Security
divide, Working with files and folders
dlocate, Debian (deb)
dmesg, Finding information about the system
DNS, Internet Specific Commands
DocBook, Resources used to create this document
document, Introduction, Contributors , Help, Text Viewing Tools , Mini-Guides
document processor, Availability of sources, Resources used to create this document
documentation, Virtual Terminals and screen, Help, Finding information about partitions, Network Commands, Remote Administration Related, File Permissions, rsync, Working with MS-DOS files
documents, Contributors , Disclaimer, Text Viewing Tools , Text Conversion/Filter Tools
domain information groper, Internet Specific Commands
Dos-style, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
dos2unix, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
dosfsck, Working with MS-DOS files
dot, Moving around the filesystem
dots, Moving around the filesystem
double, Help
download, Internet Specific Commands
downloadable, Availability of sources
downloaded, Internet Specific Commands
downloader, Internet Specific Commands
downloading, Internet Specific Commands, Some basic Security Tools
downloads, Internet Specific Commands
downwards, Moving around the filesystem
dpkg, Debian (deb)
dpkg -S, Debian (deb)
Dr. B. Guillion, Resources used to create this document
drive, Working with files and folders, Finding information about partitions, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions)
drives, Finding information about partitions, Controlling the system
du, Working with files and folders
duplicate, Text manipulation tools, Duplicating disks
duplication, Mini-Guides


echo, General Shell Tips, Finding information about the system, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
edit, The command-line history, Users/Groups, Internet Specific Commands, Security, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
editing, Users/Groups, Graphics tools (command line based), Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
editor, Text Editors
editors, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Text Related Tools, Text Editors, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
effects, Graphics tools (command line based)
efficient, Who would want to read this guide?
eject, Controlling the system
emacs, The command-line history, Text Editors, Specific Further reading
email, Feedback
emerged, The Unix Tools Philosophy
emphasize, Conventions used in this guide
emphasized, Conventions used in this guide
empty, Working with files and folders
enable, Introduction, Conventions used in this guide
encodings, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
encouraged, Feedback
encrypted, Remote Administration Related
encryption, rsync
end, Usage, Finding files, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Text manipulation tools, Security, Regular Expressions
end-of-file, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
end-of-line, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
ending, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
endorsements, Disclaimer
ends, Internet Specific Commands, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
english, Conventions used in this guide
enhancements, Availability of sources
enscript, Conversion tools
enter, Mathematical tools
entered, The command-line history
entries, Text Viewing Tools
entry, Text manipulation tools, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
environment, Managing users
environment variable, General Shell Tips
epigram, Miscellaneous
epigrams, Miscellaneous
equals, File Permissions
equivalent, The command-line history, Moving around the filesystem, Date/Time/Calendars, Security, Regular Expressions
error, Concept Definitions, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system
Error output, Concept Definitions, Usage
errors, Contributors , Disclaimer, Working with MS-DOS files, Checking the Hard Disk for errors
ESC-$, General Shell Tips
ESC-Y, General Shell Tips
escape, General Shell Tips, Security
escape character, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
eth0, Network Configuration
evaluates, Mathematical tools
events, Controlling services
everyday, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
everyone, File Permissions
everything, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Finding information about the system, Managing users, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
exact, Help, Moving around the filesystem, Finding files, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Controlling Processes, Duplicating disks, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
exactly, General Shell Tips, Command Substitution, Working with files and folders, Controlling Processes, Mathematical tools
examples, Introduction, Conventions used in this guide, Disclaimer, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Text Viewing Tools , Scheduling Commands to run in the background
exclude, Finding files
exclude=pattern, tar (tape archiver)
Excluding, Finding files, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
executable, Conventions used in this guide, Moving around the filesystem, Finding files
execute, The command-line history, Command Substitution, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, Mathematical tools, Remote Administration Related, File Permissions, Working with MS-DOS files
execution, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
exist, Usage, Working with files and folders, Internet Specific Commands
existing, Usage, Controlling Processes, File Permissions
exit, General Shell Tips, Working with files and folders, Text Viewing Tools , Mathematical tools, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
expand, General Shell Tips, Text manipulation tools, Finding Text Within Files
expanding, General Shell Tips, Internet Specific Commands
expands, General Shell Tips
expert, Who would not want to read this guide?
explaining, Conventions used in this guide
explains, Directing Input/Output, Network Commands, Graphics tools (command line based)
explanation, Finding information about the system, Security
explanations, Who would want to read this guide?
explicitly, Conventions used in this guide
expression, Mathematical tools
expressions, Mathematical tools, Regular Expressions
ext2, Working with files and folders, File Permissions
ext3, Working with files and folders, File Permissions, Checking the Hard Disk for errors
extended, Controlling Processes
extension, Finding files, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Miscellaneous
extentions, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
extract, tar (tape archiver), Compression


factors, Mathematical tools
fail, The command-line history
fails, Performing more than one command
familiar, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
fdisk, Finding information about partitions
Feedback, Feedback
fg, Other Key combinations, Controlling Processes
fgrep, Finding Text Within Files
field, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
fields, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
figlet, Conversion tools
file access, File Permissions
file name, General Shell Tips
file permissions, Security
File Streams, Concept Definitions
file system, Working with the file-system
file-system, General Shell Tips, Working with the file-system, Working with files and folders, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions)
file-systems, Finding information about the system
file1, Working with files and folders, Text Information Tools
file2, Working with files and folders, Text Information Tools
filename1, Working with files and folders
filename2, Working with files and folders
filepart1, Text Viewing Tools
filepart2, Text Viewing Tools
filepart3, Text Viewing Tools
filespec, Text manipulation tools
filesystem, Moving around the filesystem, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Finding information about partitions, Remote Administration Related, File Permissions, Working with MS-DOS files
filesystems, Working with MS-DOS files
filter, Text manipulation tools, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
filters, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
find, General Shell Tips, The command-line history, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, Text manipulation tools, Mathematical tools, rsync, Graphics tools (command line based), Wildcards
finding, Working with the file-system, Controlling Processes, Text Information Tools
finding tools, Finding a particular tool(s)
finds, Help, Finding files, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Finding Text Within Files
findsmb, Network Commands
finger, Users/Groups
finish, Working with files and folders
finished, Usage, Working with files and folders, Mathematical tools
five, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
fix, General Shell Tips, Managing users
fixing, Contributors
flag, File Permissions
flags, File Permissions
flash, General Shell Tips
flexible, rsync
floppy, Working with files and folders, Working with MS-DOS files, Duplicating disks
floppy-image, Duplicating disks
fmt, Text manipulation tools
folders, Finding files
followed, Controlling Processes, Controlling services, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
following, General Shell Tips, Concept Definitions, Text manipulation tools, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
Follows, Finding Text Within Files, Mathematical tools
force, Working with files and folders, Controlling Processes
foreground, Controlling Processes
forgotten, Security
form, Controlling Processes, Regular Expressions
format, Availability of sources, General Shell Tips, Finding information about the system, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Compression, Graphics tools (command line based), Working with MS-DOS files
formats, Text Related Tools, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Graphics tools (command line based), Working with MS-DOS files
formatted, Working with MS-DOS files
forms, Text manipulation tools
fortune, Miscellaneous
forwards, Text Viewing Tools
found, Contributors , The command-line history, Finding information about partitions, Text manipulation tools, Finding Text Within Files, Security, Graphics tools (command line based)
fractions, Mathematical tools
frame, Conventions used in this guide
frameset, Conventions used in this guide
free, Finding information about the system
Free Software Foundation, License
FreeBSD, The Unix Tools Philosophy
freeze, Controlling Processes
Freshmeat, Text Editors, Archiving Files, Finding more useful tools, Finding package(s)
Freshmeat., Remote Administration Related
from/to dos website, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
fromdos, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
Front-Cover, License
FSF, License
ftp, Internet Specific Commands
full, Text manipulation tools, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Internet Specific Commands, Working with MS-DOS files, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
function, Introduction, General Shell Tips, Controlling Processes, Network Commands, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
functions, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Managing users
further reading, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Specific Further reading


gallons, Mathematical tools
garbled, General Shell Tips
Gareth Anderson, Feedback, License
gateway, Network Configuration
general, Contributors , Mathematical tools, Internet Specific Commands
generator, Some basic Security Tools
George Harmon, Contributors
GFDL, License, GNU Free Documentation License
giga, Miscellaneous
global aliases, General Shell Tips
globbing, Wildcards
globbing pattern, Regular Expressions
globbing patterns, Conventions used in this guide, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
GNU, License, Compression, Finding more useful tools
GNU Directory, Finding more useful tools
GNU Documentation License Site, License
GNU Free Documentation License, License, GNU Free Documentation License
GNU Manual's, Online Info Page Website:
GNU/Linux Tools Summary Homepage, Availability of sources
Google, General Further Reading
Google Groups, General Further Reading
gopher, Internet Specific Commands
grammar, Contributors
grand, Working with files and folders
granted, License
graph, Moving around the filesystem
graphical, Network Commands, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
graphically printable, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
Graphics, Introduction, Graphics tools (command line based)
great, Mathematical tools
greater, Usage
greatly, Text manipulation tools
grep, Finding information about the system, Finding Text Within Files, Mathematical tools, Wildcards, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard), Mandriva (urpm* commands, rpm based)
group, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, Users/Groups, Security, File Permissions, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
groups, Users/Groups
grub, Security
GUI, Introduction, Who would want to read this guide?, Finding a particular tool(s)
guide, Introduction, Contributors , Text Related Tools, Graphics tools (command line based)
gunzip, tar (tape archiver)
gzip, Text Viewing Tools , tar (tape archiver), Compression
gzipped, tar (tape archiver), Compression


halt, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
hand, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
handles, Controlling services
handy, Shell Tips, Some basic Security Tools
hard links, Working with files and folders
hard-link, Working with files and folders
hard-links, Working with files and folders
harmless, General Shell Tips
hda, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
hdb, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
hdc, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
head, Text Viewing Tools
header, Working with files and folders, Conversion tools
help, Help, Network Configuration , Remote Administration Related
hexadecimal, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
hidden, Moving around the filesystem, Internet Specific Commands
hierarchy, Working with the file-system, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions)
higher, Controlling Processes
highlight, Conversion tools
highlighting, Conversion tools
highly, Disclaimer
history, The command-line history, Other Key combinations
hit, Mathematical tools, Security
hitting, Usage
Home, Conventions used in this guide, General Shell Tips, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, Users/Groups, Remote Administration Related, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
host, Network Commands, Internet Specific Commands
hosted, Availability of sources
hostname, Network Commands, Internet Specific Commands, Remote Administration Related
hosts, Network Commands
hour, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
hours, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
HOWTO's, Specific Further reading
hp166, Remote Administration Related
HTML, Contributors , Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Conversion tools
http, Internet Specific Commands, Internet Specific Commands
httrack, Internet Specific Commands
huge, Internet Specific Commands
human readable, Working with files and folders
human-readable, Working with files and folders


ibiblio, Specific Further reading
IBM Developerworks, Regular Expressions, General Further Reading
id, Controlling Processes
id's, Controlling Processes
idea, Who would want to read this guide?
ideas, Feedback
identify, Graphics tools (command line based)
ifcfg, Network Configuration
ifconfig, Network Configuration
ifdown, Network Configuration
ifup, Network Configuration
image, Working with files and folders, Graphics tools (command line based), Duplicating disks
ImageMagick, Graphics tools (command line based), Specific Further reading
images, Graphics tools (command line based)
immutable, File Permissions
import, Graphics tools (command line based)
importance, Conventions used in this guide
improve, Contributors
improved, Contributors
improvements, Contributors
inaccuracies, Disclaimer
inbuilt, General Shell Tips
inches, Mathematical tools
include, Contributors , File Permissions
includes, Finding information about the system, Network Commands
including, General Shell Tips, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Text manipulation tools, Internet Specific Commands, Remote Administration Related, File Permissions, Graphics tools (command line based), Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
increase, Controlling Processes
indented, Text manipulation tools
index, Who would want to read this guide?, Contributors
indication, Controlling Processes
individual, Help, Text Viewing Tools
info, Help, Controlling Processes, Text manipulation tools, Network Commands, Working with MS-DOS files, Wildcards, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard), General Further Reading
Info Pages, Online Info Page Website:
information, Who would not want to read this guide?, Legal, General Shell Tips, Help, Working with files and folders, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Finding information about the system, Finding information about partitions, Controlling Processes, Users/Groups, Finding Text Within Files, Network Commands, Network Configuration , Internet Specific Commands, Security, Archiving Files, rsync, Miscellaneous, Mini-Guides, Duplicating disks, Regular Expressions
inode, File Permissions
input, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Concept Definitions, Usage, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Text manipulation tools, Mathematical tools
insensitive, Finding files
insert, Usage
inside, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
inspection, Network Commands
install, Archiving Files
installed, Help, Finding Text Within Files, Mathematical tools, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
instances, Text manipulation tools
instructions, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
integer, Mathematical tools
integrated, Contributors
integrity, Some basic Security Tools, Compression
interact, Controlling the system, Controlling Processes
interactive, Controlling Processes, Mathematical tools
interchangeably, Introduction, Command Substitution
interface, Network Commands, Network Configuration
interfaces, Network Configuration
intermediate, Who would want to read this guide?
internal, Remote Administration Related
internet, Virtual Terminals and screen, Text Editors, Network Commands, Internet Specific Commands, Some basic Security Tools
interpret, Finding files, Regular Expressions
interpreted, Mathematical tools
interprets, Network Commands
interrelate, Controlling Processes
Introduction to Linux guide, Who would want to read this guide?
Invariant, License
invention, The Unix Tools Philosophy
IP address, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Network Configuration
ispell, Text manipulation tools
issues, Contributors
italic, Conventions used in this guide
italics, Conventions used in this guide


job, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
jobs, Controlling Processes, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
join, Text manipulation tools
jpeg, Working with files and folders, Graphics tools (command line based)
JPG, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
judged, Who would want to read this guide?


Kb, Working with files and folders
kernel, Finding information about the system, Security
kernel ring buffer, Finding information about the system
kernel version, Finding information about the system
kernel-modules, Finding information about the system
Kevin Fenzi, Security
key, The command-line history, Text Editors
key combination, The command-line history, Other Key combinations
key combinations, Conventions used in this guide, Shell Tips
key-combinations, Virtual Terminals and screen
keyboard, Concept Definitions
keyword, Mandriva (urpm* commands, rpm based), Red Hat (rpm)
keywords, Miscellaneous
kibibyte, Miscellaneous
kill, Controlling Processes, Controlling services
killall, Controlling Processes
killed, Controlling Processes
kilobyte, Working with files and folders
kilobytes, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system
knowledge, Who would not want to read this guide?


lang, Conversion tools
language, Contributors
language review, Contributors
last, The command-line history, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Text Viewing Tools , File Permissions
lastlog, Finding information about the system
LaTeX, Availability of sources, The Unix Tools Philosophy
ldap, Internet Specific Commands
leading, Moving around the filesystem
learn, Who would want to read this guide?, Contributors , Moving around the filesystem, Text manipulation tools, Mathematical tools, Network Configuration
learning, Who would want to read this guide?, Text Editors
least, Text manipulation tools, Wildcards
legal, Legal
length, Some basic Security Tools
less, Usage, Text Viewing Tools
lesser, General Shell Tips, Text manipulation tools
let, Compression
letter, Finding information about partitions, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
letters, File Permissions, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
level, Conventions used in this guide, Security
levels, Moving around the filesystem
liability, Disclaimer
license, License, GNU Free Documentation License
licensing, Legal
lilo, Security
limited, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
line, General Shell Tips, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Finding information about the system, Text Information Tools, Text manipulation tools, Finding Text Within Files, RPM: Redhat Package Management System, Regular Expressions
line-by-line, Text Information Tools
lines, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Text Information Tools, Text manipulation tools, Finding Text Within Files, Regular Expressions, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
link, Working with files and folders
linked, Controlling the system
links, Working with files and folders, Internet Specific Commands
link_name, Working with files and folders
linux, Security
Linux Cookbook, Who would want to read this guide?
Linux Documentation Project, Contributors , Security, General Further Reading, Specific Further reading
Linux in a Nutshell, General Further Reading
Linux in a Nutshell 3rd Edition, Who would want to read this guide?
Linux Newbie Admin guide, General Further Reading
Linux Online Classroom, Duplicating disks
Linux Security, Security
Linux Security howto, Security
list, Who would want to read this guide?, Contributors , General Shell Tips, The command-line history, Help, Moving around the filesystem, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, Users/Groups, Text manipulation tools, Network Commands, File Permissions, tar (tape archiver), Graphics tools (command line based), Scheduling Commands to run in the background
listed, Introduction, General Shell Tips, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Text Information Tools, Network Commands, Graphics tools (command line based), Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
listen, Controlling services
listens, Controlling services
listing, Who would not want to read this guide?, Contributors , Text Conversion/Filter Tools, File Permissions, Working with MS-DOS files
lists, Who would not want to read this guide?, Usage, Moving around the filesystem, Finding Text Within Files, Network Commands, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
literal, Finding Text Within Files
litres, Mathematical tools
ln, Working with files and folders
loaded, Finding information about the system
local, Remote Administration Related, rsync
locates, Finding files
location, Usage
locking, Users/Groups, Security
log, The command-line history, Virtual Terminals and screen
logged, Finding information about the system, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Network Commands, Remote Administration Related
logging, Remote Administration Related
logical, Performing more than one command, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
login, Users/Groups, Internet Specific Commands, Remote Administration Related
logout, General Shell Tips
logs-out, General Shell Tips
long, Moving around the filesystem, Finding information about the system, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
look, Usage, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Finding information about partitions, Text Information Tools, Finding Text Within Files, Mathematical tools, Compression, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
looking, Introduction, Finding information about the system, Date/Time/Calendars, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Internet Specific Commands, Security
looks, Finding files, Text manipulation tools
lookup, Internet Specific Commands
lost, Controlling Processes
low, Working with files and folders
low-level, Working with files and folders
lowercase, Text manipulation tools, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
ls, General Shell Tips, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, File Permissions
lsattr, File Permissions
lsd, Moving around the filesystem
LyX, Availability of sources, Contributors
lyxtox, Resources used to create this document , Contributors


machine, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Controlling services, Text Related Tools, Network Commands, Internet Specific Commands, rsync
machine name, General Shell Tips
Machine-translated, Availability of sources
machines, Network Commands, Security
Machtelt Garrels, Who would want to read this guide?, Contributors
magic character, General Shell Tips
maintainers, Availability of sources
maintenance, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
major, Internet Specific Commands, Wildcards
majority, Introduction
makewhatis, Help
man, Help, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Graphics tools (command line based)
man -f, Help
man -K, Help
man page, General Shell Tips
man pages, Who would not want to read this guide?
management, Controlling services
Mandrake, Controlling services
Mandriva, Controlling services, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
manipulate, Working with the file-system, Text Related Tools, Graphics tools (command line based)
manipulation, Wildcards, Regular Expressions
manual, Virtual Terminals and screen, Help, Moving around the filesystem, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Finding information about partitions, Text Viewing Tools , Network Commands, Internet Specific Commands, File Permissions, Miscellaneous, Wildcards, Regular Expressions, General Further Reading
manually, Compression
map, Working with files and folders
mark, Working with MS-DOS files
marks, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Working with MS-DOS files
markup language, Availability of sources
masquerade, Network Commands
mass, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
mass rename, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
mass renaming, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
mass-rename, Working with the file-system
match, Moving around the filesystem, Finding files, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
matched, Regular Expressions
matching, Help, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Finding Text Within Files, File Permissions, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
material, Contributors
maximum, Controlling Processes
mbadblocks, Working with MS-DOS files
mbm, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
mcm, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
mcopy, Working with MS-DOS files
md5, Some basic Security Tools, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
md5sum, Some basic Security Tools
mdm, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
measure, Finding information about the system, Miscellaneous
measurement, Mathematical tools
measurements, Miscellaneous
measures, Finding information about the system
mega, Miscellaneous
Megabyte, Working with files and folders
megabytes, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system
memory, Finding information about the system, Controlling services
Mendel Cooper, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Text manipulation tools
Menu, Conventions used in this guide, Graphics tools (command line based)
message, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
meters, Mathematical tools
method, rsync
methods, File Permissions
mformat, Working with MS-DOS files
Michael Kerrisk, Contributors
Microsoft, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
middle, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
mind, Working with files and folders
mini-guide, Introduction
mini-guides, Introduction, Mini-Guides
mini-tutorials, Introduction
minimal, Users/Groups, Text Editors
minimum, Controlling Processes
minor, Contributors , Managing users
minus, Security, File Permissions, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
minute, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
minutes, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
mis-match, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
miscellaneous, Graphics tools (command line based), Miscellaneous
mixed, Concept Definitions
mkdir, Working with files and folders
mmount, Working with MS-DOS files
mmv, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
mode, Working with files and folders, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Controlling Processes
modifiable, Availability of sources
modification, Moving around the filesystem
modified, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
modify, License, Network Configuration , File Permissions
mogrify, Graphics tools (command line based)
mom, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
montage, Graphics tools (command line based)
month, Date/Time/Calendars, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
months, Date/Time/Calendars
more, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, Text Related Tools, Text manipulation tools, Conversion tools, Network Commands, Network Configuration , Remote Administration Related, Compression, Working with MS-DOS files, Miscellaneous, Wildcards, Regular Expressions
morning, Working with files and folders
motivation, Who would want to read this guide?
mount, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Working with MS-DOS files
mounted, Finding files, Finding information about the system, Finding information about partitions, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Working with MS-DOS files
mouse, Conventions used in this guide
move, Working with files and folders, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Finding information about the system, Text Viewing Tools
moving, Finding files, Working with files and folders
mozilla, Controlling Processes
mp3, Finding information about the system
ms-dos, Compression, Working with MS-DOS files
mTime, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
mtools, Working with MS-DOS files
mull, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
multiple, Working with files and folders, Controlling Processes, Text Viewing Tools , Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
mum, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
must, Controlling Processes
mv, Working with files and folders
myfile, Regular Expressions
myfiles1, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
myfiles2, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions


named, Finding files, Controlling Processes
Naming, Disclaimer
NetBSD, The Unix Tools Philosophy
netstat, Network Commands
network, Network Commands, Network Configuration
networking, Network Commands, Network Configuration
new, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Date/Time/Calendars, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Network Commands, Network Configuration , Remote Administration Related, File Permissions
newer, Working with files and folders, Compression
newline, General Shell Tips, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
newlines, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
newstring, Text manipulation tools
new_location, Working with files and folders
Next, Conventions used in this guide, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Text Viewing Tools
NFTS, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions)
ng, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
nice, Date/Time/Calendars, Controlling Processes
nl, Text manipulation tools
nmap, Network Commands
nmap site, Network Commands
nn, Regular Expressions
nnnn, Regular Expressions
nnnnnnn, Regular Expressions
non-blank, Text Viewing Tools , Text manipulation tools
none, General Shell Tips, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
normal, Controlling Processes, Internet Specific Commands, Compression, Working with MS-DOS files, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
NOT, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
number, Directing Input/Output, Working with the file-system, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Finding information about partitions, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Controlling Processes, Text Viewing Tools , Text manipulation tools, Mathematical tools, Internet Specific Commands, File Permissions, Graphics tools (command line based), Scheduling Commands to run in the background, RPM: Redhat Package Management System, Regular Expressions
number lines, Text manipulation tools
numbering, Text manipulation tools
numbers, Users/Groups, Mathematical tools, Security, File Permissions, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
numeric, Text manipulation tools
numgrep, Mathematical tools


occupying, File Permissions
occurances, Finding files, Text manipulation tools, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
off, Network Commands, File Permissions, Wildcards
office, Users/Groups
official, Availability of sources
old, File Permissions, rsync
oldstring, Text manipulation tools
omit, Remote Administration Related
on-screen, Graphics tools (command line based)
one-line, Text manipulation tools
online, Help, Finding information about partitions, Mini-Guides
online info pages, Online Manual And Info Pages
online man pages, Online Manual And Info Pages
open, Controlling the system, Text Viewing Tools , Network Commands, Graphics tools (command line based)
OpenBSD, The Unix Tools Philosophy
opened, File Permissions
OpenSSH, Specific Further reading
operate, The Unix Tools Philosophy
operating, Finding information about the system, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Security
operations, Finding files
option, General Shell Tips, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, Controlling services, Text Viewing Tools , Text manipulation tools, Finding Text Within Files, Internet Specific Commands, Some basic Security Tools, File Permissions, Graphics tools (command line based), Working with MS-DOS files, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
optional, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system
options, Introduction, Who would not want to read this guide?, General Shell Tips, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Date/Time/Calendars, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Controlling Processes, Text Viewing Tools , Text manipulation tools, Conversion tools, Network Commands, Internet Specific Commands, rsync, Graphics tools (command line based), Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Miscellaneous
OR, Performing more than one command, Regular Expressions
order, Moving around the filesystem, Text manipulation tools, Miscellaneous
Orielly, The UNIX tools philosophy further reading
original, Availability of sources, Conventions used in this guide, Working with files and folders, Managing users, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, tar (tape archiver)
OS, Finding information about the system
output, The Unix Tools Philosophy, General Shell Tips, Help, Command Substitution, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Text Information Tools, Finding Text Within Files, Mathematical tools, Internet Specific Commands, tar (tape archiver), Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
Outputs, Moving around the filesystem, Finding files, Text Viewing Tools , Text Information Tools, Finding Text Within Files, Miscellaneous
override, General Shell Tips
overwrite, Usage, Working with files and folders
overwriting, Working with files and folders, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Internet Specific Commands
ownership, Moving around the filesystem, File Permissions, RPM: Redhat Package Management System


package, Resources used to create this document , Remote Administration Related, Working with MS-DOS files, RPM: Redhat Package Management System, Mandriva (urpm* commands, rpm based), Red Hat (rpm)
package management, Archiving Files
packages, Finding a particular tool(s), Mandriva (urpm* commands, rpm based), Finding package(s)
packet, Network Commands
packets, Network Commands
page, Conventions used in this guide, Virtual Terminals and screen, Moving around the filesystem, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Date/Time/Calendars, Controlling Processes, Text Viewing Tools , Text manipulation tools, Conversion tools, Network Commands, Internet Specific Commands, File Permissions, rsync, Graphics tools (command line based), Miscellaneous, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
pages, Controlling Processes
paranoia, Working with files and folders
parent, Internet Specific Commands, Security
parent directory, Moving around the filesystem
parse, Internet Specific Commands
part, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, Remote Administration Related
particular, General Shell Tips, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, Controlling services, Users/Groups, Text Information Tools, Text manipulation tools, Finding Text Within Files, Network Commands, File Permissions, Graphics tools (command line based), Scheduling Commands to run in the background
partition, Working with files and folders, Finding information about partitions
partitions, Finding information about partitions
parts, Contributors , Wildcards, Regular Expressions
pass, Working with files and folders
passed, General Shell Tips, Finding information about the system
passes, Working with files and folders
passwd, Users/Groups
password, Users/Groups, Remote Administration Related, Some basic Security Tools
passwords, Users/Groups, Remote Administration Related, Some basic Security Tools
paste, Text manipulation tools
path, Moving around the filesystem, Finding files, Working with files and folders, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
pattern, Finding files, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
PC, Remote Administration Related
peace, Working with files and folders
people, Contributors , File Permissions
perform, The command-line history, Usage, Working with files and folders, Controlling services, Remote Administration Related, Graphics tools (command line based), Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Wildcards
performing, Finding information about the system, Controlling services
performs, Network Commands, Regular Expressions
perl, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Text manipulation tools, Miscellaneous
Permission, License, File Permissions
permissions, Security, File Permissions, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
permitted, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
person, Text manipulation tools, Remote Administration Related, File Permissions
pgrep, Controlling Processes
philosophy, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Compression
phrase, Text Information Tools, Wildcards
physical, Virtual Terminals and screen, Finding files
pictures, Conventions used in this guide
pid, Controlling Processes
pid's, Controlling Processes
piece, Miscellaneous
ping, Network Commands
pipe, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Usage, Command Substitution, Text manipulation tools, Regular Expressions
pipes, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Command Substitution
pkill, Controlling Processes
place, The command-line history, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions)
plain, Working with files and folders, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Remote Administration Related
play, Text Editors
PNG, Graphics tools (command line based)
pointers, Working with files and folders
popular, Wildcards
ports, Network Commands
Positive, Feedback, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
possible, General Shell Tips, Network Commands
possibly, Graphics tools (command line based)
post, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
postscript, Conversion tools
power, Managing users, Graphics tools (command line based)
power down, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
power users, Who would want to read this guide?
powerful, Directing Input/Output, Finding information about the system, Text Editors, Text manipulation tools, Mathematical tools, Network Commands
poweroff, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
practice, Managing users
preceding, Moving around the filesystem
prefix, Text Information Tools
prefixed, Text Viewing Tools
present, Date/Time/Calendars
preserves, tar (tape archiver)
press, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Managing users, Mathematical tools, Security, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
prevent, Internet Specific Commands, File Permissions
Prevents, Working with files and folders
Previous, Conventions used in this guide, Performing more than one command, Moving around the filesystem, Text Viewing Tools
primary, Checking the Hard Disk for errors
Print, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Controlling services, Text manipulation tools, Finding Text Within Files, Miscellaneous
print working directory, Moving around the filesystem
printable, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
printed, Conventions used in this guide, General Shell Tips, Concept Definitions
printing, Working with files and folders, Text Information Tools
prints, Help, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, Text Information Tools, Text manipulation tools, Regular Expressions, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
priorities, Controlling Processes
priority, Controlling Processes
privileges, Managing users
probably, Text manipulation tools, Remote Administration Related, File Permissions, Compression
problems, Feedback, Contributors , Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
proc filesystem, Finding information about partitions
procedure, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
proceed, Disclaimer
proceeding, Regular Expressions
process, Usage, Controlling Processes, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
process id, Controlling Processes
process information, Finding information about the system
processed, Working with files and folders
processes, Finding information about the system, Controlling the system, Controlling Processes
processing, Users/Groups
processor, Finding information about the system, Compression
products, Disclaimer
program, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Help, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, Text manipulation tools, Mathematical tools, Internet Specific Commands, Security, Compression, Working with MS-DOS files, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
programmers, Who would want to read this guide?, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Miscellaneous
programming, Mathematical tools, Regular Expressions
programs, Concept Definitions, Conversion tools, Archiving Files, Compression, Graphics tools (command line based), Working with MS-DOS files
program_name, Finding files
prompt, Help, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, Text manipulation tools, Security
prompts, Text manipulation tools
protect, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
protocols, Network Commands, Internet Specific Commands
provide, Controlling services
provided, Introduction, Contributors
provides, Help, Controlling Processes, Archiving Files
ps, Controlling Processes
pstree, Controlling Processes
punctuation, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
purpose, Who would not want to read this guide?
putting, General Shell Tips
pwd, Moving around the filesystem
python, Mathematical tools


quality, Contributors
queries, Network Commands
query, Network Commands
question, Finding information about partitions
queue, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
quickest, Who would want to read this guide?
quit, Help
quite, Finding files, Text Editors
quotation, General Shell Tips, Finding files, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Internet Specific Commands, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
quote, Miscellaneous
quoted, Contributors , General Shell Tips
quotes, Internet Specific Commands


r, File Permissions
Rahul Sundaram, Contributors
random, Working with files and folders, Some basic Security Tools, Graphics tools (command line based), Miscellaneous
range, Mathematical tools, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
ranges, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
ranked, Miscellaneous
rcp, rsync
re-combine, Working with files and folders
readability, Contributors , Text Information Tools
reader, Conventions used in this guide
readers, Who would not want to read this guide?
reading, Conventions used in this guide, File Permissions
reads, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
reboot, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
rebooted, Finding information about the system
reboots, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
receive, Network Configuration
received, Concept Definitions
recode, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
recognised, Moving around the filesystem
recommend, Mathematical tools
recommended, Contributors , Users/Groups
records, Finding information about the system
recover, Compression
recovered, Working with files and folders
recursive, Finding Text Within Files
recursively, Working with files and folders, File Permissions
Redhat, Controlling services
redirect, Usage
Refer, Conventions used in this guide, Moving around the filesystem, Finding files, Finding information about the system, Date/Time/Calendars, Controlling Processes, Internet Specific Commands, Remote Administration Related, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
reference, Who would want to read this guide?, Who would not want to read this guide?, The command-line history, Working with files and folders
references, Contributors , Internet Specific Commands, General Further Reading
referencing, Contributors
referred, The Unix Tools Philosophy
reflected, Users/Groups
regarded, Disclaimer
regardless, Finding files
regular, Finding Text Within Files
regular expression, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Controlling Processes
regular expressions, Finding files, Finding Text Within Files
rel, Miscellaneous
relationship, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
Relative paths, Moving around the filesystem
release number, Finding information about the system
relevance, Miscellaneous
relevant, Finding information about partitions, Text manipulation tools, Security, File Permissions, Miscellaneous
reliable, Working with files and folders
reloaded, Text Viewing Tools
remote, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Internet Specific Commands, Remote Administration Related, rsync
remote machines, Network Commands
remotely, Remote Administration Related
removable, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions)
remove, General Shell Tips, Working with files and folders, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Text manipulation tools, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, File Permissions, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
removes, Working with files and folders, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Text manipulation tools, Network Configuration
removing, Finding files
rename, Working with files and folders, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, File Permissions, Miscellaneous
Renames, Working with files and folders, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
renaming, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Miscellaneous
renaming extensions, Miscellaneous
renders, General Shell Tips
renice, Controlling Processes
Repair, Contributors , Working with MS-DOS files
repairs, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
repeatedly, The command-line history
repeats, General Shell Tips
replace, Text manipulation tools
replacement, rsync
report, Controlling Processes
represent, Moving around the filesystem, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Mathematical tools, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
represents, Moving around the filesystem, File Permissions
requests, Network Commands
required, Contributors , Moving around the filesystem, Checking the Hard Disk for errors
reset, General Shell Tips
resources, Text Editors
respective owners, Disclaimer
respectively, File Permissions
respond, Network Commands
responses, Network Commands
responsibility, Disclaimer
responsible, Contributors
restart, Controlling services
restricted, Internet Specific Commands
restrictions, Managing users
result, Command Substitution, Text manipulation tools
results, Usage, Finding information about the system, Text manipulation tools
retrieve, Working with files and folders, Internet Specific Commands
return, Moving around the filesystem, Controlling Processes, Controlling services, Managing users, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Internet Specific Commands
returned, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
returns, Internet Specific Commands
reverse, Text Viewing Tools , Text manipulation tools, Internet Specific Commands, Remote Administration Related
review, Contributors
Review Coordinator, Contributors
rgb, Graphics tools (command line based)
rgrep, Finding Text Within Files
rights, File Permissions
risk, Disclaimer
rm, General Shell Tips, Working with files and folders, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
rm -i, General Shell Tips
rmdir, Working with files and folders
root, Help, Controlling Processes, Managing users, Remote Administration Related, File Permissions, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
root directory, Finding files
root's password, Security
rotation, Graphics tools (command line based)
rough, Contributors , Graphics tools (command line based)
round, Network Commands
route, Network Commands, Network Configuration
routing, Network Configuration
RPM, Security, RPM: Redhat Package Management System, Red Hat (rpm), Finding package(s), Specific Further reading
rpm -qf, Red Hat (rpm)
rpm -qi, Red Hat (rpm)
RPMFind, Finding package(s)
RPMSeek, Finding package(s)
rsync, Archiving Files, rsync, Specific Further reading
rsync site, rsync
rtf, Conversion tools
run, General Shell Tips, Help, Working with files and folders, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Controlling Processes, Text Viewing Tools , Text Information Tools, Mathematical tools, Compression, Graphics tools (command line based), Scheduling Commands to run in the background
running, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, Controlling services, Text Viewing Tools , Mathematical tools, Remote Administration Related
Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition, General Further Reading


s, File Permissions
samba, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Specific Further reading
save, Controlling Processes, Network Commands
saved, Controlling Processes
saves, rsync, Graphics tools (command line based)
scales, Mathematical tools
scaling, Graphics tools (command line based)
scanner, Network Commands
Scans, Working with MS-DOS files, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
scattered, Some basic Security Tools
schedule, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
scheduled, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
scientific, Miscellaneous
scores, Text Information Tools
scp, Remote Administration Related
screen, General Shell Tips, Virtual Terminals and screen, Concept Definitions, Date/Time/Calendars, Controlling Processes, Graphics tools (command line based)
screen-dump, Graphics tools (command line based)
screen-shots, Graphics tools (command line based)
script, General Shell Tips, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Controlling services, Network Configuration
scripting, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
scripts, Contributors , Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Controlling services
scroll, The command-line history, Text Viewing Tools
sdiff, Text Information Tools, Finding a particular tool(s)
search, Help, Finding files, Controlling Processes, Text Editors, Text manipulation tools, Regular Expressions
search and replace text, Text manipulation tools
Searches, Help, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
searching, Virtual Terminals and screen, Finding files, Wildcards
section, Conventions used in this guide, Resources used to create this document , Contributors , Text Viewing Tools , Text manipulation tools, Finding Text Within Files, Security, Miscellaneous, Mini-Guides
Sections, License, Text manipulation tools, Miscellaneous
sectors, Working with files and folders
secure, Remote Administration Related
secure copy, Remote Administration Related
secure ftp, Remote Administration Related
secure shell, Remote Administration Related
Security, Shell Tips, Network Commands, Security, File Permissions
selected, Text manipulation tools
sell, Working with files and folders
send, Feedback, Directing Input/Output, Usage, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Controlling Processes, Network Configuration , tar (tape archiver)
sends, Usage, Network Commands
sensitive, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Text Information Tools
sentences, Text manipulation tools
separate, Text manipulation tools
separated, Text Information Tools, Text manipulation tools, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
separation, Text manipulation tools
separator, Text manipulation tools
sequentially, Performing more than one command
serial, Text manipulation tools
series, Network Commands
server, Remote Administration Related, Graphics tools (command line based)
servers, Internet Specific Commands, rsync
service, Controlling services
service mark, Disclaimer
services, Controlling services
session, General Shell Tips, Security
set, General Shell Tips, Working with files and folders, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Date/Time/Calendars, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Security, File Permissions, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
set bell-style, General Shell Tips
Sets, Controlling Processes, File Permissions, Graphics tools (command line based)
setting, Network Configuration
settings, Network Configuration
setup, Moving around the filesystem, Text manipulation tools
several, Contributors , General Shell Tips, Working with files and folders, Conversion tools, Network Commands
sftp, Remote Administration Related
SGML, Availability of sources, Resources used to create this document , Contributors
sharing, Network Commands
shell, Conventions used in this guide, Shell Tips, Finding files, Controlling Processes, Text manipulation tools, Security, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Wildcards
shell scripting, Usage
shell scripts, Usage
shells, Introduction, Other Key combinations, Users/Groups
shopping, Text manipulation tools
shortcut, Shell Tips, Other Key combinations, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
show, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, Text manipulation tools, Network Commands, tar (tape archiver), Graphics tools (command line based)
shown, Moving around the filesystem, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Text manipulation tools, Internet Specific Commands
showrgb, Graphics tools (command line based)
shows, Moving around the filesystem, Text Viewing Tools
shred, Working with files and folders, File Permissions
shredding, Working with files and folders
shutdown, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
shutdown -h, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
shutdown -r, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
sign, Controlling Processes
signal, Controlling Processes
signalled, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
signals, Controlling Processes
single-user, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
site, Internet Specific Commands
Sitemenu, Conventions used in this guide
sites, Security
six, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
size, Moving around the filesystem, Working with files and folders, Text manipulation tools, Graphics tools (command line based)
sizes, Working with files and folders
skill, Controlling Processes
slide, Graphics tools (command line based)
slocate, Finding files
smaller, Working with files and folders
SMB, Network Commands
smbmount, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions)
smbumount, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions)
snice, Controlling Processes
sniffer, Network Commands
snort, The command-line history
software, Who would want to read this guide?, Working with files and folders
some_file, Text manipulation tools
some_text_file, Text manipulation tools
sort, Moving around the filesystem, Text manipulation tools
sorted, Moving around the filesystem
Sorting, Text manipulation tools
sound, Controlling services, Network Commands
source, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Conversion tools
Sourceforge, Text Editors, Remote Administration Related, Archiving Files, Finding more useful tools, Finding package(s)
sources, Availability of sources
space, General Shell Tips, Finding information about the system, Text manipulation tools, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
space-seperated, Controlling Processes
spaces, Help, Text Information Tools, Text manipulation tools, File Permissions, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
special, Conventions used in this guide, File Permissions
special character, General Shell Tips, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
special characters, General Shell Tips
special symbols, General Shell Tips
specialcharacter, Regular Expressions
specific, Introduction, Resources used to create this document , Usage, Date/Time/Calendars, Mini-Guides
specifically, Disclaimer, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
specified, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
specifies, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
specify, Controlling Processes, Text manipulation tools, Network Commands, File Permissions, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
speed, Other Key combinations
spell, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Text manipulation tools
spelling, The command-line history
spend, Text Related Tools
split, Working with files and folders
Splits, Working with files and folders
square, Regular Expressions
squeeze, Text manipulation tools list of commands, General Further Reading
ssh, Virtual Terminals and screen, Remote Administration Related
sshd, Controlling services
standard, Conventions used in this guide, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Text manipulation tools, Mathematical tools, Miscellaneous
Standard error, Concept Definitions
Standard input, Concept Definitions, Usage, Mathematical tools
Standard output, Concept Definitions, Usage, Regular Expressions
standard wild-card, tar (tape archiver)
standard wildcard, Regular Expressions
standard wildcards, Conventions used in this guide, Moving around the filesystem, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Internet Specific Commands, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
standards, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
Start, Conventions used in this guide, Moving around the filesystem, Controlling Processes, Mathematical tools
start-up, Checking the Hard Disk for errors
started, Mathematical tools, Security
starting, The command-line history, Moving around the filesystem, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Finding Text Within Files, Regular Expressions
starts, Controlling Processes, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
stat, Working with files and folders
statements, Finding files
statistics, Finding information about the system
status, Controlling services, Network Commands
steep, Text Editors
Step, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
Steps, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
sticky, File Permissions
stop, General Shell Tips, Usage, Finding files, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Controlling Processes, Controlling services, Network Commands, Internet Specific Commands, tar (tape archiver)
stored, Network Configuration
Streams, Concept Definitions
string, The command-line history, Help, Usage, Moving around the filesystem, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Text Information Tools, Text manipulation tools, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Regular Expressions
strings, Help
structure, Contributors
style, Moving around the filesystem, Text Information Tools, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Compression
su, Finding information about the system, Managing users
subdirectories, Moving around the filesystem, Finding files, Working with files and folders, File Permissions
subdirectory, Working with files and folders
subsections, Wildcards
subsequent, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
substituted, General Shell Tips, Finding information about the system
substitution, Finding information about the system
Subsystem, Network Commands
successful, Performing more than one command, Controlling Processes
sudo, Managing users
suggesting, Text manipulation tools
suggestions, Feedback, Contributors
suid, File Permissions
suited, Who would want to read this guide?, Who would not want to read this guide?
sum, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
summarise, Introduction
summarised, Who would want to read this guide?
summarises, Working with files and folders
summary, Who would not want to read this guide?, Resources used to create this document , Help
sums, Mathematical tools
superior, Compression
superuser, Managing users, Security
support, Internet Specific Commands
supports, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Internet Specific Commands
suppress, Text Information Tools
surf, Text Editors
suspend, Controlling Processes
Sweet Code, Finding more useful tools
switch, Virtual Terminals and screen, Managing users, File Permissions
switched, Duplicating disks
symbol, Usage, Text manipulation tools
symbolic, Working with files and folders
symbolic link, Working with files and folders
Symbolic links, Working with files and folders
symbols, General Shell Tips, Moving around the filesystem
syncs, rsync
syntax, Conventions used in this guide, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Finding Text Within Files, Remote Administration Related
system bell, General Shell Tips


TAB, General Shell Tips, Text manipulation tools
TAB key, General Shell Tips
tab-stop, Text manipulation tools
Tabatha Marshall, Contributors
Tabatha Persad, Contributors
table, Conversion tools, Network Configuration , Scheduling Commands to run in the background
Table of Contents, Conventions used in this guide
tabs, Text manipulation tools, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
tac, Text Viewing Tools
tail, Text Viewing Tools
tape, tar (tape archiver)
tar, rsync, Compression
tarball, tar (tape archiver)
target_name, Working with files and folders
task, Introduction, Controlling services
tasks, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Controlling services, Text Editors
tcpdump, Network Commands
techinques, Duplicating disks
technique, Directing Input/Output, Duplicating disks
tee, Usage
tell, Controlling Processes, Controlling services, Mathematical tools, Network Commands
tells, Controlling the system
temporary, Remote Administration Related
tends, Finding information about the system
term, Disclaimer, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
terminal, General Shell Tips, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Controlling Processes
terminate, Usage
terms, License, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
test, Virtual Terminals and screen, Compression
TeX, The Unix Tools Philosophy
text, General Shell Tips, Working with files and folders, Text Related Tools, Text Information Tools, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Finding Text Within Files, Wildcards, Regular Expressions
text-based, The Unix Tools Philosophy
Texts, License
textutils, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
The Linux Documentation Project, Resources used to create this document
The Open Group, Disclaimer
The Unix Philosophy, The UNIX tools philosophy further reading
throw, Working with files and folders
thumbnails, Graphics tools (command line based)
ties, Text manipulation tools
tiff, Graphics tools (command line based)
tilde, General Shell Tips
tile, Graphics tools (command line based)
tille, Contributors
time, Working with files and folders, Date/Time/Calendars, Controlling Processes, Users/Groups, Text Viewing Tools , rsync, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Wildcards
times, The command-line history, Finding information about the system, Text manipulation tools, Regular Expressions
timestamp, Working with files and folders
timestamps, Working with files and folders, Date/Time/Calendars
tiny, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
TLDP, Contributors
today, The Unix Tools Philosophy
todos, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
top, Moving around the filesystem, Controlling Processes
total, Working with files and folders
totals, Finding information about the system
touch, Working with files and folders
tr, Usage, Text manipulation tools, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
tracepath, Network Commands
traceroute, Network Commands
trademark, Disclaimer
traditional, Text Editors
transfer, Working with files and folders, Network Commands, Duplicating disks
transform, Graphics tools (command line based)
translators, Availability of sources
travel, Network Commands
tree, Moving around the filesystem, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Controlling Processes
trick, Moving around the filesystem, Security
tunnel, Remote Administration Related
turn, General Shell Tips, File Permissions
turn off, General Shell Tips
tutorial, Finding information about the system
TuxFinder, Finding package(s), Specific Further reading
types, Working with files and folders, Conversion tools
typescript, General Shell Tips


UID, Controlling Processes
umask, Security
umount, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions)
un-readable, Working with MS-DOS files
unalias, General Shell Tips
uname, Finding information about the system
unbuffered, Concept Definitions
uncompile, Graphics tools (command line based)
unexpand, Text manipulation tools
unfamiliar, Controlling Processes
unfinished, Internet Specific Commands
Unfortunately, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Controlling Processes
uniq, Text manipulation tools
unique, Text Information Tools, Text manipulation tools
units, Mathematical tools
units man page, Miscellaneous
UNIX, Disclaimer, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Concept Definitions, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Date/Time/Calendars, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, Controlling services, Text Editors, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Security, Compression
UNIX system, Who would want to read this guide?, The Unix Tools Philosophy
UNIX tools, The UNIX tools philosophy further reading
UNIX Tools Philosophy, Introduction, The Unix Tools Philosophy, The UNIX tools philosophy further reading
UNIX-like, Compression
unix-tools, The UNIX tools philosophy further reading
unix2dos, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
unmount, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Checking the Hard Disk for errors
unmounted, Working with MS-DOS files
unrecoverable, Working with files and folders
unset, File Permissions
unusual, Conversion tools
Up, Conventions used in this guide
update, Working with files and folders, Users/Groups
updated, Controlling Processes, Text Viewing Tools , File Permissions
upload, Internet Specific Commands
uppercase, Text manipulation tools, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
uptime, Finding information about the system
URL, Internet Specific Commands
urpm*, RPM: Redhat Package Management System, Mandriva (urpm* commands, rpm based)
urpme, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
urpmf, RPM: Redhat Package Management System, Mandriva (urpm* commands, rpm based)
urpmi, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
urpmq, RPM: Redhat Package Management System
usage, General Shell Tips, Internet Specific Commands, Working with MS-DOS files
usenet, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools
user name, General Shell Tips
user-name, General Shell Tips
username, Controlling Processes, Text manipulation tools, Internet Specific Commands, File Permissions, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
usernames, Controlling Processes, Text manipulation tools
utilities, Text Viewing Tools , Compression, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
utility, Working with files and folders, Finding information about the system, Users/Groups, Text manipulation tools, Working with MS-DOS files


V7, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
valid, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns)
validity, Disclaimer
value, Controlling Processes, Text manipulation tools, Security, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
values, Scheduling Commands to run in the background
variety, Controlling Processes, Controlling services, Internet Specific Commands
verbose, Finding information about the system, Controlling Processes, tar (tape archiver), Working with MS-DOS files
verify, Some basic Security Tools
version, Availability of sources, License, Text Viewing Tools , Finding Text Within Files
versions, Availability of sources
vfat, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions)
vi, Text Editors
vice-versa, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
view, Help, Finding information about the system, Conversion tools, Graphics tools (command line based)
viewers, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
viewing, Text Related Tools
vim, Specific Further reading
virtual terminals, Shell Tips, Virtual Terminals and screen
visit, rsync
volunteers, Resources used to create this document


w, Finding information about the system, File Permissions
waiting, Network Commands
wave, Finding information about the system
wc, Text Information Tools
website, Internet Specific Commands
wget, Internet Specific Commands
whatis, Help
whereis, Finding files
which, Finding files, Working with files and folders, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Controlling Processes, Network Commands, Miscellaneous
whitespace, Text manipulation tools, Useful categories of characters (as defined by the POSIX standard)
who, Finding information about the system, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System, File Permissions
whoami, Finding information about the system
whois, Internet Specific Commands
wildcard, General Shell Tips, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Regular Expressions
wildcards, Conventions used in this guide, General Shell Tips, Finding files, Mass Rename/copy/link Tools, Internet Specific Commands, Wildcards, Regular Expressions
William West, Contributors
window, The command-line history, Finding information about the system, Graphics tools (command line based)
window manager, Virtual Terminals and screen
windowing, Graphics tools (command line based)
windows, Working with files and folders, Mounting and Unmounting (Floppy/CDROM/Hard-drive Partitions), Text Related Tools, Text Conversion/Filter Tools, Network Commands, Compression
Windows-format, Text Conversion/Filter Tools
work-around, Internet Specific Commands
write, Text manipulation tools, File Permissions
writing, The Unix Tools Philosophy, Working with files and folders, File Permissions, Scheduling Commands to run in the background, Miscellaneous


X windowing, Introduction
xargs, Finding information about the system
XML, Resources used to create this document
xset, General Shell Tips
xterminal, Shutting Down/Rebooting the System


year, Date/Time/Calendars
years, Date/Time/Calendars
YYYY, Date/Time/Calendars


z* commands, Text Viewing Tools
zcmp, Text Viewing Tools
zdiff, Text Viewing Tools
zero, Mathematical tools, Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns), Regular Expressions
zeroes, Working with files and folders, File Permissions
zgrep, Text Viewing Tools
zgv, Graphics tools (command line based)
zip, Compression
zipgrep, Compression
zipinfo, Compression
zipped, Compression
zless, Text Viewing Tools
zmore, Text Viewing Tools

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