Chapter 10. Upgrading Linux and Other Applications

Table of Contents
10.1. Using the Red Hat Package Manager (RPM)
10.2. Installing or Upgrading Without RPM
10.3. Strategies for Keeping an Up-to-date System
10.4. Linux Kernel Upgrades
10.5. Upgrading a Red Hat Stock Kernel
10.6. Building a Custom Kernel
10.7. Moving to the Linux 2.2.x Kernels
10.8. Configuring the Apache Web Server
10.9. Configuring the Squid HTTP Caching Proxy Daemon
10.10. Configuring the Sendmail E-mail Daemon

To get the most out of your Linux system, such as adding features, getting rid of potential bugs, and ensuring it is reasonably free of security holes, it is a good idea to keep your server -- including the Linux kernel, modules, and user applications -- upgraded. At times it may also be necessary to upgrade hardware components such as a larger hard drive. This chapter will address these issues.

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