5.31. Installing Util-linux-2.12

Estimated build time:           0.1 SBU
Estimated required disk space:  8 MB

5.31.1. Contents of Util-linux

The Util-linux package contains a number of miscellaneous utility programs. Some of the more prominent utilities are used to mount, unmount, format, partition and manage disk drives, open tty ports and fetch kernel messages.

Installed programs: agetty, arch, blockdev, cal, cfdisk, chkdupexe, col, colcrt, colrm, column, ctrlaltdel, cytune, ddate, dmesg, elvtune, fdformat, fdisk, fsck.cramfs, fsck.minix, getopt, hexdump, hwclock, ipcrm, ipcs, isosize, kill, line, logger, look, losetup, mcookie, mkfs, mkfs.bfs, mkfs.cramfs, mkfs.minix, mkswap, more, mount, namei, parse.bash, parse.tcsh, pg, pivot_root, ramsize (link to rdev), raw, rdev, readprofile, rename, renice, rev, rootflags (link to rdev), script, setfdprm, setsid, setterm, sfdisk, swapoff (link to swapon), swapon, test.bash, test.tcsh, tunelp, ul, umount, vidmode (link to rdev), whereis and write


5.31.3. Util-linux Installation Dependencies

Util-linux depends on: Bash, Binutils, Coreutils, Diffutils, GCC, Gettext, Glibc, Grep, Make, Ncurses, Sed, Zlib.


5.31.5. Installation of Util-linux

Util-linux doesn't use the freshly installed headers and libraries from the /tools directory. This is fixed by altering the configure script:

cp configure configure.backup
sed "s@/usr/include@/tools/include@g" configure.backup > configure 

Prepare Util-linux for compilation:


Compile some support routines:

make -C lib

And, since you'll need only a couple of the utilities contained in this package, build just those:

make -C mount  mount umount
make -C text-utils  more

Now copy these programs to the temporary tools directory:

cp mount/{,u}mount text-utils/more /tools/bin

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