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Debian GNU/Linux Network Administrator's Manual (Obsolete Documentation)
Chapter 15 - Firewall

author: Ivan E. Moore II rkrusty@debian.org

Welcome. The purpose of this section is to help you setup Debian as a Firewall.

If you would like to help out with this section, please contact the author.

15.1 Background information

15.2 ipfwadm

15.2.1 Obtaining and installing the software

15.2.2 Kernel changes

15.2.3 Setting up ipfwadm

15.2.4 Using ipfwadm in conjunction with PPP

15.3 IP Masquerading (NAT)

15.4 Using Proxy's

15.5 Finding Help

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Debian GNU/Linux Network Administrator's Manual (Obsolete Documentation)

This manual is OBSOLETE and DEPRECATED since 2000, Instead see http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#quick-reference

Ardo van Rangelrooij ardo.van.rangelrooij@tip.nl
Oliver Elphick olly@lfix.co.uk
Ivan E. Moore II rkrusty@debian.org
Duncan C. Thomson duncan@sciuro.demon.co.uk

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