2.3. Video filters modules

These modules allow you to perform modifications on the rendered image .

2.3.1. deinterlace

Always enabled

This filter deinterlaces video. It is useful with streams coming from a digital satellite channel or digital terrestial television channels .

2.3.2. wall

Always enabled

This filter allows you to have the video cut in pieces in several windows, which you can order as you wish. It can be used to generate image walls with several sources.

2.3.3. distort

Always enabled

This filter adds a distortion effect to the video. Who said it was useless ? :-)

2.3.4. transform

Always enabled

This filter allows to rotate the video in several ways .

2.3.5. invert

Always enabled

This filter inverses colors.

2.3.6. adjust

Always enabled

This filter allows you to set image contrast, hue, saturation and brightness

2.3.7. clone

Always enabled

Ce filtre vous permet de dupliquer l'image.

2.3.8. crop

Always enabled

This filter allows you to crop parts of the image.

2.3.9. motionblur

Always enabled

This filter adds a "motion blur" effect to the image.

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