rfc9240v1.txt   rfc9240.txt 
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Request for Comments: 9240 S. Randriamasy Request for Comments: 9240 S. Randriamasy
Category: Standards Track Nokia Bell Labs Category: Standards Track Nokia Bell Labs
ISSN: 2070-1721 Y. Yang ISSN: 2070-1721 Y. Yang
Yale University Yale University
J. Zhang J. Zhang
Tongji University Tongji University
K. Gao K. Gao
Sichuan University Sichuan University
May 2022 May 2022
An ALTO Extension: Entity Property Maps An Extension for Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO): Entity
Property Maps
Abstract Abstract
This document specifies an extension to the base Application-Layer This document specifies an extension to the base Application-Layer
Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol that generalizes the concept of Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol that generalizes the concept of
"endpoint properties", which have been tied to IP addresses so far, "endpoint properties", which have been tied to IP addresses so far,
to entities defined by a wide set of objects. Further, these to entities defined by a wide set of objects. Further, these
properties are presented as maps, similar to the network and cost properties are presented as maps, similar to the network and cost
maps in the base ALTO Protocol. While supporting the endpoints and maps in the base ALTO Protocol. While supporting the endpoints and
related Endpoint Property Service defined in RFC 7285, the ALTO related Endpoint Property Service defined in RFC 7285, the ALTO
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5. Protocol Specification: Basic Data Types 5. Protocol Specification: Basic Data Types
5.1. Entity Domain 5.1. Entity Domain
5.1.1. Entity Domain Type 5.1.1. Entity Domain Type
An entity domain has a type, which is uniquely identified by a string An entity domain has a type, which is uniquely identified by a string
that MUST be no more than 64 characters, and MUST NOT contain that MUST be no more than 64 characters, and MUST NOT contain
characters other than US-ASCII alphanumeric characters characters other than US-ASCII alphanumeric characters
(U+0030-U+0039, U+0041-U+005A, and U+0061-U+007A), the hyphen ('-', (U+0030-U+0039, U+0041-U+005A, and U+0061-U+007A), the hyphen-minus
U+002D), the colon (':', U+003A), or the low line ('_', U+005F). ('-', U+002D), the colon (':', U+003A), or the low line ('_',
The usage of colon (':', U+003A) MUST obey the rules below: The usage of colon (':', U+003A) MUST obey the rules below:
* The colon (':', U+003A) character MUST NOT appear more than once; * The colon (':', U+003A) character MUST NOT appear more than once;
* The colon character MUST NOT be used unless within the string * The colon character MUST NOT be used unless within the string
"priv:"; "priv:";
* The string "priv:" MUST NOT be used unless it starts the string * The string "priv:" MUST NOT be used unless it starts the string
that identifies an entity domain type; and that identifies an entity domain type; and
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Each entity property has a type to indicate the encoding and the Each entity property has a type to indicate the encoding and the
semantics of the value of this entity property, and has a name to semantics of the value of this entity property, and has a name to
identify it. identify it.
5.2.1. Entity Property Type 5.2.1. Entity Property Type
The type EntityPropertyType is used in this document to indicate a The type EntityPropertyType is used in this document to indicate a
string denoting an entity property type. The string MUST be no more string denoting an entity property type. The string MUST be no more
than 32 characters, and it MUST NOT contain characters other than US- than 32 characters, and it MUST NOT contain characters other than US-
ASCII alphanumeric characters (U+0030-U+0039, U+0041-U+005A, and ASCII alphanumeric characters (U+0030-U+0039, U+0041-U+005A, and
U+0061-U+007A), the hyphen ('-', U+002D), the colon (':', U+003A), or U+0061-U+007A), the hyphen-minus ('-', U+002D), the colon (':',
the low line ('_', U+005F). Note that the '.' separator is not U+003A), or the low line ('_', U+005F). Note that the '.' separator
allowed because it is reserved to separate an entity property type is not allowed because it is reserved to separate an entity property
and an information resource identifier when an entity property is type and an information resource identifier when an entity property
resource-specific. is resource-specific.
While Section 5.1.1 allows the use of the character ":" with While Section 5.1.1 allows the use of the character ":" with
restrictions on entity domain identifiers, it can be used without restrictions on entity domain identifiers, it can be used without
restrictions on entity property type identifiers. This relates to restrictions on entity property type identifiers. This relates to
[RFC7285], where a Server can define properties for endpoints "ipv4" [RFC7285], where a Server can define properties for endpoints "ipv4"
and "ipv6". In the present extension, there is a mapping of ALTO and "ipv6". In the present extension, there is a mapping of ALTO
entity domain types "ipv4" and "ipv6" to ALTO address types "ipv4" entity domain types "ipv4" and "ipv6" to ALTO address types "ipv4"
and "ipv6". Properties defined for "ipv4" and "ipv6" endpoints and "ipv6". Properties defined for "ipv4" and "ipv6" endpoints
should be reusable on "ipv4" and "ipv6" entities. Forbidding the should be reusable on "ipv4" and "ipv6" entities. Forbidding the
usage of ":" in a non-private entity property type identifier would usage of ":" in a non-private entity property type identifier would
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