RFC List by Number 1 June 1971 RFC 170 NIC 6790
1st Author Title Date NIC RFC
Crocker HOST Software 7 April 1969 4687 1
Duvall HOST Software 9 April 1969 4688 2
Crocker Documentation Conventions 9 April 1969 4689 3
Shapiro Network Timetable 24 March 1969 4690 4
Rulifson DEL 2 June 1969 4691 5
Crocker Conversation with Rob Kahn 10 April 1969 4692 6
Deloche HOST-IMP Interface May 1969 4693 7
Deloche ARPA Network Functional
Specifications 5 May 1969 4694 8
Deloche HOST Software 1 May 1969 4695 9
Crocker Documentation Conventions 29 July 1969 4696 10
Deloche Implementation of the HOST-HOST
Software Procedures In GORDO 1 August 1969 4718 11
Wingfield IMP-HOST Interface Flow
Diagrams 26 August 1969 4697 12
Cerf Referring to NWG/RFC: 11 20 August 1969 4698 13
(No RFC by this number ever issued) 14
Carr Network Subsystem for
Time-sharing HOSTS 26 September 1969 4754 15
Crocker M.I.T. (Address) 27 August 1969 4719 16
Kreznar Some questions Re: HOST-IMP
Protocol 27 August 1969 4699 17
Cerf (Use of links 1 and 2) September 1969 4720 18
Kreznar Two Protocol Suggestions to
Reduce Congestion at Swap-
Bound Nodes 7 October 1969 4721 19
Cerf AXCII Format for Network
Interchange 16 October 1969 4722 20
Cerf /report of Network meeting/ 17 October 1969 4723 21
Cerf HOST-HOST Control Message
Formats 17 October 1969 4724 22
Gregg Transmission of Multiple
Control Messages 16 October 1969 4725 23
Crocker Documentation Conventions 21 November 1969 4726 24
Crocker No High Link Numbers 30 October 1969 4727 25
(No RFC by this number ever issued) 26
Crocker Documentation Conventions 9 December 1969 4729 27
English Time Standards 13 January 1970 4730 28
Kahn Note in Response to Bill
English's Request For Comments 19 January 1970 4731 29
Crocker Documentation Conventions 4 February 1970 4732 30
Bobrow Binary Message Forms in
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RFC List By Number RFC 170 NIC 6790 Computer Network February 1968 4733 31 Veader Connecting M.I.T. Computers to the ARPA Computer-to- Computer 31 January 1969 4734 32 Crocker New HOST-HOST Protocol 12 February 1970 4735 33 English Some Brief Preliminary Notes on the ARC Clock 26 February 1970 4736 34 Crocker Network Meeting 3 March 1970 4737 35 Crocker Protocol Notes 16 March 1970 4738 36 Crocker Network Meeting Epilogue, etc. 20 March 1970 4739 37 Wolfe Comments on Network Protocol from NWG/RFC 36. 20 March 1970 4740 38 Harslem Comments on Protocol Re: NWG/RFC 36 25 March 1970 4741 39 Harslem More Comments on the Forth- Coming Protocol 27 March 1970 4742 40 Melvin IMP-IMP Teletype Communication 30 March 1970 4743 41 Ancona Message Data Types 31 March 1970 4744 42 Nemeth Proposed Meeting 8 April 1970 4745 43 Shoshani Comments on NWG/RFC 33 and 36 10 April 1970 4746 44 Postel New Protocol is Coming 14 April 1970 4747 45 Meyer ARPA Network Protocol Notes 17 April 1970 4748 46 Postel BBN's Comments on NWG/RFC 33 20 April 1970 4749 47 Postel A Possible Protocol Plateau 21 April 1970 4750 48 Meyer Conversations with Steve Crocker (UCLA) 25 April 1970 4728 49 Harslem Comments on the Meyer Proposal 30 April 1970 4751 50 Elie Proposal for A Network Interchange Language 4 May 1970 4752 51 Postel Updated Distribution List 1 July 1970 4753 52 Crocker An Official Protocol Mechanism 9 June 1970 4755 53 Crocker An official Protocol Proffering 18 June 1970 4756 54 Newkirk A Prototypical Implementation of the NCP 19 June 1970 4757 55 Belove Third Level Protocol June 1970 4758 56 Kraley Thoughts and Reflections on NWG/RFC 54 19 June 1970 4759 57 Skinner Logical Message Synchronization 26 June 1970 4760 58 Meyer Flow Control - Fixed Versus Demand Allocation 27 June 1970 4761 59 Kalin A Simplified NCP Protocol 13 July 1970 4762 60 Walden A Note on Interprocess Communication in A Resource Sharing 17 July 1970 4761 61 Walden A System for Interprocess Communication in A Resource Sharing 3 August 1970 4762 62 Cerf Belated Network Meeting Report 31 July 1970 4763 63 [Page 2]
RFC List By Number RFC 170 NIC 6790 Elie Getting Rid of Marking (Undated) 4764 64 Walden Comments on Host-Host Protocol Document No. 1 (By S. Crocker) 29 August 1970 4765 65 Crocker Third Level Ideas and Other Noise 26 August 1970 5409 66 Crowther Proposed Change to Host/IMP Spec to Eliminate Marking (Undated) 5410 67 Elie Comments on Memory Allocation Control Commands (CEASE, ALL, GVB) 31 August 1970 5411 68 Bhushan Distribution List Change For MIT 22 Sept 1970 5412 69 Crocker A Note on Padding 15 October 1970 5413 70 Schipper Reallocation in Case of Input Error 25 Sept 1970 5414 71 Bressler Proposed Moratorium on Changes to Network Protocol 26 Sept 1970 5415 72 Crocker Response to NWG/RFC 67 25 Sept 1970 5416 73 White Specifications for Network Use of the UCSB On-Line Systems 16 October 1970 5417 74 Crocker Network Meeting 14 October 1970 5418 75 Bouknight Connection-By Name: User Oriented Protocol 28 October 1970 5180 76 Grossman Syntax and Semantics for the Terminal User Control Language for (Undated) 5419 ENC76 Postel Network Meeting Report (Undated) 5604 77 Harslem NCP Status Report: USCB/RAND November 1970 5199 78 Meyer Logger Protocol Error 16 November 1970 5601 79 Harslem Protocols and Data Formats 1 December 1970 5608 80 Bouknight Request for Reference Information 3 December 1970 5609 81 Meyer Network Meeting Notes 9 December 1970 5619 82 Anderson Language-Machine for Data Reconfiguration 18 December 1970 5621 83 North List of NWG/RFC's 1-80 23 December 1970 5620 84 Crocker Network Working Group Meeting 5 January 1971 5624 85 Crocker Proposal for a Network Standard Format for Data Streams to 5 January 1971 5631 86 Vezza Topic for Discussion at the Next Network Working Group Meeting 12 January 1971 5632 87 Braden NETRJS--A Third Level Protocol for Remote Job Entry 13 January 1971 5668 88 Metcalfe Some Historic Moments in Networking 19 January 1971 5697 89 Braden CN As a Network Service Center 25 January 1971 5707 90 Realy A Proposed User-User Protocol 27 December 1970 5708 91 [Page 3]
RFC List By Number RFC 170 NIC 6790 /No RFC By This Number Ever Issued/ 92 Mckenzie Initial Connection Protocol 27 January 1971 5721 93 Harslem Some Thoughts on Network Graphics 3 February 1971 5725 94 Crocker Distribution of NWG/RFC's Through the NIC 4 February 1971 5731 95 Watson An Interactive Network Experiment ot Study Modes of Access to the 12 February 1971 5739 96 Melvin A First Cut at a Proposed Telnet Protocol 15 February 1971 5740 97 Meyer Logger Protocol Proposol 11 February 1971 5744 98 Karp Network Meeting 22 February 1971 5758 99 Karp Categorization and Guide to NWG/RFC's 26 February 1971 5761 100 Watson Notes on the Network Working Group Meeting (Urbana,Illinois) 23 February 1971 5762 101 Crocker Output of the Host/Host Protocol Glitch Cleaning Committee 22-23 Feb 1971 5763 102 Kalin Implementation of Interrupt Keys 24 February 1971 5764 103 Postel Link 191 25 February 1971 5768 104 White Network Specifications for Remote Job Entry and Remote Job 22 March 1971 5775 105 O'Sullivan User/Server Site Protocol 3 March 1971 5776 106 Bresaler Output of the Host-Host Protocol Glitch Cleaning Committee 23 March 1971 5806 107 Watson Attendance List at the Urbana NWG Meeting, February 17-19, 1971 25 March 1971 5807 108 Winett Level III Server Protocol for the Lincoln Laboratory 360/67 Host 24 March 1971 5808 109 Winett Conventions for Using an IBM 2741 Terminal as a User Console for 25 March 1971 5809 110 Crocker Pressure from the Chairman 31 March 1971 5814 111 O'Sullivan User/Server Site Protocol; Network Host Questionnaire 1 April 1971 5816 112 Harslem Network Activity Report; UCSB-- RAND 5 April 1971 5820 113 Bnushan A file Transfer Protocol 16 April 1971 5823 114 Watson Some Network Information Center Policies on Handling Documen- tation 16 April 1971 5822 115 Crocker Structure of the May NWG Mtg. 12 April 1971 5825 116 Wong Some Comments of the Official Protocol 7 April 1971 5826 117 Watson Recommendations for Facility [Page 4]
RFC List By Number RFC 170 NIC 6790 Documentation 16 April 1971 5830 118 Krilanovich Network Fortran Subprograms 16 April 1971 5831 119 Krilanovich Network PLI Subprograms 16 April 1971 5832 120 Krilanovich Network On-Line Operators 16 April 1971 5833 121 White Network Specifications for UCSB's Simple-Minded File System 26 April 1971 5834 122 Crocker A proferred Official ICP 20 April 1971 5837 123 Melvin Typographical Error in RFC 107 19 April 1971 5840 124 McConnell Response to RFC 86, Proposal for Network Standard Format for a 18 April 1971 5841 125 McConnell Ames Graphics Facilities at Ames Research Center 18 April 1971 5842 126 Postel Comments on RFC 107 20 April 1971 5843 127 Postel Bytes 21 April 1971 5844 128 Harslem A request for Comments on Socket Name Structure 22 April 1971 5845 129 Heafner Response to RFC 111 (Pressure From the Chairman) 22 April 1971 5848 130 Harslem Response to RFC 116 (May NWG Meeting) 22 April 1971 5849 131 White Typographical Error in RFC 107 28 April 1971 6708 132 Sundberg File Transfer and Recovery 27 April 1971 6710 133 Vezza Network Graphics Meeting 29 April 1971 6711 134 Hathaway Response to NWG/RFC 110 29 April 1971 6712 135 Kahn Host Accounting and Administrative Procedures 29 April 1971 6713 136 O'Sullivan TELNET Protocol -- A Proposed Document 30 April 1971 6714 137 O'Sullivan TELNET Protocol -- A Proposed Document (rev.) 8 May 1971 6703 rev 137 Anderson Status Report on Proposed Data Reconfiguration Service 28 April 1971 6715 138 Crocker Agenda for the May NWG Meeting 4 May 1971 6725 140 Harslem Comments on RFC 114 ( A File Transfer Protocol) 29 April 1971 6726 141 Kline Time-out Mechanism in the Host- Host Protocol 3 May 1971 6727 142 Naylor Regarding Proferred Official ICP 3 May 1971 6728 143 Shoshani Data Sharing on Computer Networks 30 April 1971 6729 144 Postel Initial Connection Protocol Control Commands 4 May 1971 6739 145 Karp Views on Issues Relevant to Data Sharing on Computer Networks 12 May 1971 6742 146 Winett The Definition of a Socket 7 May 1971 6750 147 Bhushan Comments on RFC 123 10 May 1971 6751 148 [Page 5]
RFC List By Number RFC 170 NIC 6790
Crocker The best Laid Plans... 10 May 1971 6752 149
Kalin The Use of IPC Facilities --
A Working Paper 5 May 1971 6754 150
Shoshani Comments on a Proferred Official
ICP (RFCs 123, 127) 10 May 1971 6755 151
Wilber SRI Artificial Intelligence
Status Report 10 May 1971 6756 152
Melvin SRI ARC-NIC Status 15 May 1971 6758 153
Crocker Exposition Style 12 May 1971 6759 154
North ARPA Network Mailing Lists May 1971 6760 155
Bouknight Status of the Illinois Site
(Response to RFC 116) 26 April 1971 6761 156
Cerf Invitation to the Second
Symposium on Problems in the
Optimization 12 May 1971 6762 157
O'Sullivan TELNET Protocol -- A Proposed
Document 19 May 1971 6768 158
/ not yet issued / 159
RFC brief List -- Title or Partial
Title 16 May 1971 6771 160
Shoshani A Solution to the Race Condition
in the ICP 19 May 1971 6772 161
Kampe NETBUGGER3 22 May 1971 6774 162
Cerf Data Tranfer Protocols 19 May 1971 6775 163
Heafner Minutes of Network Working Group
Meeting, 5/16 through 5/19/71 25 May 1971 6778 164
Postel A Proferred Official Initial
Connection Protocol 25 May 1971 6779 165
Items below this point do not appear in other 1 June 1971 listings
Anderson Data Reconfiguration Service --
An Implementation Specification 25 May 1971 6780 166
Bhushan Socket Conventions Reconsidered 24 May 1971 6784 167
ARPA Network Mailing Lists 26 May 1971 6785 168
Crocker Computer Networks -- IEEE
Computer Society Workshop 27 May 1971 6789 169
RFC LIST BY Number 1 June 1971 6790 170
[ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
[ into the online RFC archives by Jeff McClellan 7/97 ]
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