Network Working Group                                       P. Johansson
Request for Comments: 2734                      Congruent Software, Inc.
Category: Standards Track                                  December 1999

                          IPv4 over IEEE 1394

Status of this Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999).  All Rights Reserved.


   This document specifies how to use IEEE Std 1394-1995, Standard for a
   High Performance Serial Bus (and its supplements), for the transport
   of Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) datagrams; it defines the
   necessary methods, data structures and codes for that purpose. These
   include not only packet formats and encapsulation methods for
   datagrams, but also an address resolution protocol (1394 ARP) and a
   multicast channel allocation protocol (MCAP). Both 1394 ARP and MCAP
   are specific to Serial Bus; the latter permits management of Serial
   Bus resources when used by IP multicast groups.


   1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................2
   2. DEFINITIONS AND NOTATION.........................................4
      2.1 Conformance..................................................4
      2.2 Glossary.....................................................4
      2.3 Abbreviations................................................6
      2.4 Numeric values...............................................6
   3. IP-CAPABLE NODES.................................................6
   4. LINK ENCAPSULATION AND FRAGMENTATION.............................7
      4.1 Global asynchronous stream packet (GASP) format..............8
      4.2 Encapsulation header.........................................9
      4.3 Link fragment reassembly....................................11
   6. CONFIGURATION ROM...............................................14
      6.1 Unit_Spec_ID entry..........................................14
      6.2 Unit_SW_Version entry.......................................14

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      6.3 Textual descriptors.........................................15
   7. IP UNICAST......................................................16
   8. IP BROADCAST....................................................17
   9. IP MULTICAST....................................................17
      9.1 MCAP message format.........................................18
      9.2 MCAP message domain.........................................21
      9.3 Multicast receive...........................................21
      9.4 Multicast transmit..........................................22
      9.5 Advertisement of channel mappings...........................23
      9.6 Overlapped channel mappings.................................23
      9.7 Transfer of channel ownership...............................24
      9.8 Redundant channel mappings..................................25
      9.9 Expired channel mappings....................................25
      9.10 Bus reset..................................................26
   10. IANA CONSIDERATIONS............................................26
   11. SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS........................................27
   12. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...............................................27
   13. REFERENCES.....................................................28
   14. EDITOR'S ADDRESS...............................................28
   15. Full Copyright Statement.......................................29


   This document specifies how to use IEEE Std 1394-1995, Standard for a
   High Performance Serial Bus (and its supplements), for the transport
   of Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) datagrams. It defines the
   necessary methods, data structures and codes for that purpose and
   additionally defines methods for an address resolution protocol (1394
   ARP) and a multicast channel allocation protocol (MCAP)---both of
   which are specific to Serial Bus.

   The group of IEEE standards and supplements, draft or approved,
   related to IEEE Std 1394-1995 is hereafter referred to either as 1394
   or as Serial Bus.

   1394 is an interconnect (bus) that conforms to the CSR architecture,
   ISO/IEC 13213:1994. Serial Bus permits communications between nodes
   over shared physical media at speeds that range, at present, from 100
   to 400 Mbps. Both consumer electronic applications (such as digital
   VCRs, stereo systems, televisions and camcorders) and traditional
   desktop computer applications (e.g., mass storage, printers and
   tapes), have adopted 1394. Serial Bus is unique in its relevance to
   both consumer electronic and computer domains and is EXPECTED to form
   the basis of a home or small office network that combines both types
   of devices.

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   The CSR architecture describes a memory-mapped address space that
   Serial Bus implements as a 64-bit fixed addressing scheme. Within the
   address space, ten bits are allocated for bus ID (up to a maximum of
   1,023 buses), six are allocated for node physical ID (up to 63 per
   bus) while the remaining 48 bits (offset) describe a per node address
   space of 256 terabytes. The CSR architecture, by convention, splits a
   node's address space into two regions with different behavioral
   characteristics. The lower portion, up to but not including 0xFFFF
   F000 0000, is EXPECTED to behave as memory in response to read and
   write transactions. The upper portion is more like a traditional IO
   space: read and write transactions in this area usually have side
   effects. Control and status registers (CSRs) that have FIFO behavior
   customarily are implemented in this region.

   Within the 64-bit address, the 16-bit node ID (bus ID and physical
   ID) is analogous to a network hardware address---but 1394 node IDs
   are variable and subject to reassignment each time one or more nodes
   are added to or removed from the bus.

   NOTE: Although the 16-bit node ID contains a bus ID, at present there
   is no standard method to connect separately enumerated Serial Buses.
   Active development of a standard for Serial Bus to Serial Bus bridges
   is underway in the IEEE P1394.1 working group. Unless extended by
   some future standard, the IPv4 over 1394 protocols specified by this
   document may not operate correctly across bridges.

   The 1394 link layer provides a packet delivery service with both
   confirmed (acknowledged) and unconfirmed packets. Two levels of
   service are available: "asynchronous" packets are sent on a best-
   effort basis while "isochronous" packets are guaranteed to be
   delivered with bounded latency. Confirmed packets are always
   asynchronous but unconfirmed packets may be either asynchronous or
   isochronous. Data payloads vary with implementations and may range
   from one octet up to a maximum determined by the transmission speed
   (at 100 Mbps, named S100, the maximum asynchronous data payload is
   512 octets while at S400 it is 2048 octets).

   NOTE: Extensions underway in IEEE P1394b contemplate additional
   speeds of 800, 1600 and 3200 Mbps.

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2.1 Conformance

   When used in this document, the keywords "MAY", "OPTIONAL",
   NOT" differentiate levels of requirements and optionality and are to
   be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

   Several additional keywords are employed, as follows:

   EXPECTED: A keyword used to describe the behavior of the hardware or
   software in the design models assumed by this standard. Other
   hardware and software design models may also be implemented.

   IGNORED: A keyword that describes bits, octets, quadlets or fields
   whose values are not checked by the recipient.

   RESERVED: A keyword used to describe either objects---bits, octets,
   quadlets and fields---or the code values assigned to these objects;
   the object or the code value is set aside for future standardization.
   A RESERVED object has no defined meaning and SHALL be zeroed by its
   originator or, upon development of a future standard, set to a value
   specified by such a standard. The recipient of a RESERVED object
   SHALL NOT check its value. The recipient of an object whose code
   values are defined by this standard SHALL check its value and reject
   RESERVED code values.

2.2 Glossary

   The following terms are used in this standard:

   address resolution protocol: A method for a requester to determine
   the hardware (1394) address of an IP node from the IP address of the

   bus ID: A 10-bit number that uniquely identifies a particular bus
   within a group of multiple interconnected buses. The bus ID is the
   most significant portion of a node's 16-bit node ID. The value 0x3FF
   designates the local bus; a node SHALL respond to requests addressed
   to its 6-bit physical ID if the bus ID in the request is either 0x3FF
   or the bus ID explicitly assigned to the node.

   encapsulation header: A structure that precedes all IP data
   transmitted over 1394. See also link fragment.

   IP datagram: An Internet message that conforms to the format
   specified by STD 5, RFC 791.

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   link fragment: A portion of an IP datagram transmitted within a
   single 1394 packet. The data payload of the 1394 packet contains both
   an encapsulation header and its associated link fragment. It is
   possible to transmit datagrams without link fragmentation.

   multicast channel allocation protocol: A method for multicast groups
   to coordinate their use of Serial Bus resources (channels) if
   multicast datagrams are transmitted on other than the default
   broadcast channel.

   multicast channel owner: A multicast source that has allocated a
   channel for one or more multicast addresses and transmits MCAP
   advertisements to communicate these channel mapping(s) to other
   participants in the IP multicast group. When more than one source
   transmits MCAP advertisements for the same channel number, the source
   with the largest physical ID is the owner.

   node ID: A 16-bit number that uniquely identifies a Serial Bus node
   within a group of multiple interconnected buses. The most significant
   ten bits are the bus ID and the least significant six bits are the
   physical ID.

   node unique ID: A 64-bit number that uniquely identifies a node among
   all the Serial Bus nodes manufactured worldwide; also known as the
   EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier, 64-bits).

   octet: Eight bits of data.

   packet: Any of the 1394 primary packets; these may be read, write or
   lock requests (and their responses) or stream data. The term "packet"
   is used consistently to differentiate Serial Bus primary packets from
   1394 ARP requests/responses, IP datagrams or MCAP

   physical ID: On a particular bus, this 6-bit number is dynamically
   assigned during the self-identification process and uniquely
   identifies a node on that bus.

   quadlet: Four octets, or 32 bits, of data.

   stream packet: A 1394 primary packet with a transaction code of 0x0A
   that contains a block data payload. Stream packets may be either
   asynchronous or isochronous according to the type of 1394 arbitration

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2.3 Abbreviations

   The following are abbreviations that are used in this standard:

      1394 ARP Address resolution protocol (specific to 1394)
      CSR      Control and status register
      CRC      Cyclical redundancy checksum
      EUI-64   Extended Unique Identifier, 64-bits
      GASP     Global asynchronous stream packet
      IP       Internet protocol (within this document, IPv4)
      MCAP     Multicast channel allocation protocol

2.4 Numeric values

   Decimal and hexadecimal numbers are used within this standard. By
   editorial convention, decimal numbers are most frequently used to
   represent quantities or counts. Addresses are uniformly represented
   by hexadecimal numbers, which are also used when the value
   represented has an underlying structure that is more apparent in a
   hexadecimal format than in a decimal format.

   Decimal numbers are represented by Arabic numerals or by their
   English names. Hexadecimal numbers are prefixed by 0x and represented
   by digits from the character set 0 - 9 and A - F. For the sake of
   legibility, hexadecimal numbers are separated into groups of four
   digits separated by spaces.

   For example, both 42 and 0x2A represent the same numeric value.


   Not all Serial Bus devices are capable of the reception and
   transmission of 1394 ARP requests/responses or IP datagrams. An IP-
   capable node SHALL fulfill the following minimum requirements:

   - it SHALL implement configuration ROM in the general format
     specified by ISO/IEC 13213:1994 and SHALL implement the bus
     information block specified by IEEE P1394a and a unit directory
     specified by this standard;

   - the max_rec field in its bus information block SHALL be at least 8;
     this indicates an ability to accept block write requests and
     asynchronous stream packets with data payload of 512 octets. The
     same ability SHALL also apply to read requests; that is, the node
     SHALL be able to transmit a block response packet with a data
     payload of 512 octets;

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   - it SHALL be isochronous resource manager capable, as specified by
     IEEE P1394a;

   - it SHALL support both reception and transmission of asynchronous
     streams as specified by IEEE P1394a; and


   All IP datagrams (broadcast, unicast or multicast), 1394 ARP
   requests/responses and MCAP advertisements/solicitations that are
   transferred via 1394 block write requests or stream packets SHALL be
   encapsulated within the packet's data payload. The maximum size of
   data payload, in octets, is constrained by the speed at which the
   packet is transmitted.

               Table 1 - Maximum data payloads (octets)

                  Speed   Asynchronous   Isochronous
                |  S100 |      512     |     1024    |
                |  S200 |     1024     |     2048    |
                |  S400 |     2048     |     4096    |
                |  S800 |     4096     |     8192    |
                | S1600 |     8192     |    16384    |
                | S3200 |    16384     |    32768    |

   NOTE: The maximum data payloads at speeds of S800 and faster may be
   reduced (but will not be increased) as a result of standardization by
   IEEE P1394b.

   The maximum data payload for asynchronous requests and responses may
   also be restricted by the capabilities of the sending or receiving
   node(s); this is specified by max_rec in either the bus information
   block or 1394 ARP response.

   For either of these reasons, the maximum data payload transmissible
   between IP-capable nodes may be less than the default 1500 octet
   maximum transmission unit (MTU) specified by this document. This
   requires that the encapsulation format also permit 1394 link-level
   fragmentation and reassembly of IP datagrams.

   NOTE: IP-capable nodes may operate with an MTU size larger than the
   default, but the means by which a larger MTU is configured are beyond
   the scope of this document.

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4.1 Global asynchronous stream packet (GASP) format

   Some IP datagrams, as well as 1394 ARP requests and responses, may be
   transported via asynchronous stream packets. When asynchronous stream
   packets are used, their format SHALL conform to the global
   asynchronous stream packet (GASP) format specified by IEEE P1394a.
   The GASP format illustrated below is INFORMATIVE and reproduced for
   ease of reference, only.

                       1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |          data_length          |tag|  channel  |  0x0A |   sy  |
   |                           header_CRC                          |
   |           source_ID           |        specifier_ID_hi        |
   |specifier_ID_lo|                    version                    |
   |                                                               |
   +---                           data                          ---+
   |                                                               |
   |                            data_CRC                           |

                         Figure 1 - GASP format

   The source_ID field SHALL specify the node ID of the sending node and
   SHALL be equal to the most significant 16 bits of the sender's
   NODE_IDS register.

   The specifier_ID_hi and specifier_ID_lo fields together SHALL contain
   the value 0x00 005E, the 24-bit organizationally unique identifier
   (OUI) assigned by the IEEE Registration Authority (RA) to IANA.

   The version field SHALL be one.

   NOTE: Because the GASP format utilizes the first two quadlets of data
   payload in an asynchronous stream packet format, the maximum payloads
   cited in Table 1 are effectively reduced by eight octets. In the
   clauses that follow, references to the first quadlet of data payload
   mean the first quadlet usable for an IP datagram or 1394 ARP request
   or response.  When the GASP format is used, this is the third quadlet
   of the data payload for the packet.

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4.2 Encapsulation header

   All IP datagrams transported over 1394 are prefixed by an
   encapsulation header with one of the formats illustrated below.

   If an entire IP datagram may be transmitted within a single 1394
   packet, it is unfragmented and the first quadlet of the data payload
   SHALL conform to the format illustrated below.

                        1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   | lf|          reserved         |           ether_type          |

          Figure 2 - Unfragmented encapsulation header format

   The lf field SHALL be zero.

   The ether_type field SHALL indicate the nature of the datagram that
   follows, as specified by the following table.

                      ether_type   Datagram
                    |   0x0800   |   IPv4     |
                    |   0x0806   |   1394 ARP |
                    |   0x8861   |   MCAP     |

   NOTE: Other network protocols, identified by different values of
   ether_type, may use the encapsulation formats defined herein but such
   use is outside of the scope of this document.

   In cases where the length of the datagram exceeds the maximum data
   payload supported by the sender and all recipients, the datagram
   SHALL be broken into link fragments; the first two quadlets of the
   data payload for the first link fragment SHALL conform to the format
   shown below.

                        1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   | lf|rsv|      datagram_size    |           ether_type          |
   |              dgl              |            reserved           |

         Figure 3 - First fragment encapsulation header format

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   The second and subsequent link fragments (up to and including the
   last) SHALL conform to the format shown below.

                        1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   | lf|rsv|      datagram_size    |  rsv  |    fragment_offset    |
   |              dgl              |            reserved           |

     Figure 4 - Subsequent fragment(s) encapsulation header format

   The definition and usage of the fields is as follows:

      The lf field SHALL specify the relative position of the link
      fragment within the IP datagram, as encoded by the following

                        lf      Position
                     |   0   |  Unfragmented  |
                     |   1   |  First         |
                     |   2   |  Last          |
                     |   3   |  Interior      |

      datagram_size: The encoded size of the entire IP datagram. The
      value of datagram_size SHALL be the same for all link fragments of
      an IP datagram and SHALL be one less than the value of Total
      Length in the datagram's IP header (see STD 5, RFC 791).

      ether_type: This field is present only in the first link fragment
      and SHALL have a value of 0x0800, which indicates an IPv4

      fragment_offset: This field is present only in the second and
      subsequent link fragments and SHALL specify the offset, in octets,
      of the fragment from the beginning of the IP datagram. The first
      octet of the datagram (the start of the IP header) has an offset
      of zero; the implicit value of fragment_offset in the first link
      fragment is zero.

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      dgl: The value of dgl (datagram label) SHALL be the same for all
      link fragments of an IP datagram. The sender SHALL increment dgl
      for successive, fragmented datagrams; the incremented value of dgl
      SHALL wrap from 65,535 back to zero.

   All IP datagrams, regardless of the mode of transmission (block write
   requests or stream packets) SHALL be preceded by one of the above
   described encapsulation headers. This permits uniform software
   treatment of datagrams without regard to the mode of their

4.3 Link fragment reassembly

   The recipient of an IP datagram transmitted via more than one 1394
   packet SHALL use both the sender's source_ID (obtained from either
   the asynchronous packet header or the GASP header) and dgl to
   identify all the link fragments from a single datagram.

   Upon receipt of a link fragment, the recipient may place the data
   payload (absent the encapsulation header) within an IP datagram
   reassembly buffer at the location specified by fragment_offset. The
   size of the reassembly buffer may be determined from datagram_size.

   If a link fragment is received that overlaps another fragment
   identified by the same source_ID and dgl, the fragment(s) already
   accumulated in the reassembly buffer SHALL be discarded. A fresh
   reassembly may be commenced with the most recently received link
   fragment. Fragment overlap is determined by the combination of
   fragment_offset from the encapsulation header and data_length from
   the 1394 packet header.

   Upon detection of a Serial Bus reset, recipient(s) SHALL discard all
   link fragments of all partially reassembled IP datagrams and
   sender(s) SHALL discard all not yet transmitted link fragments of all
   partially transmitted IP datagrams.


   Methods to determine the hardware address of a device from its
   corresponding IP address are inextricably tied to the transport
   medium utilized by the device. In the description below and
   throughout this document, the acronym 1394 ARP pertains solely to an
   address resolution protocol whose methods and data structures are
   specific to 1394.

   1394 ARP requests SHALL be transmitted by the same means as broadcast
   IP datagrams; 1394 ARP responses MAY be transmitted in the same way
   or they MAY be transmitted as block write requests addressed to the

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   sender_unicast_FIFO address identified by the 1394 ARP request. A
   1394 ARP request/response is 32 octets and SHALL conform to the
   format illustrated by Figure 5.

                       1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |    hardware_type (0x0018)     |    protocol_type (0x0800)     |
   |  hw_addr_len  |  IP_addr_len  |            opcode             |
   |                                                               |
   +---                     sender_unique_ID                    ---+
   |                                                               |
   | sender_max_rec|      sspd     |     sender_unicast_FIFO_hi    |
   |                      sender_unicast_FIFO_lo                   |
   |                        sender_IP_address                      |
   |                        target_IP_address                      |

              Figure 5 - 1394 ARP request/response format

   1394 ARP requests and responses transported by asynchronous stream
   packets SHALL be encapsulated within the GASP format specified by
   IEEE P1394a (see also 4.1). The recipient of a 1394 ARP request or
   response SHALL ignore it unless the most significant ten bits of the
   source_ID field (whether obtained from the GASP header of an
   asynchronous stream packet or the packet header of a block write
   request) are equal to either 0x3FF or the most significant ten bits
   of the recipient's NODE_IDS register.

   Field usage in a 1394 ARP request/response is as follows:

      hardware_type: This field indicates 1394 and SHALL have a value of

      protocol_type: This field SHALL have a value of 0x0800; this
      indicates that the protocol addresses in the 1394 ARP
      request/response conform to the format for IP addresses.

      hw_addr_len: This field indicates the size, in octets, of the
      1394-dependent hardware address associated with an IP address and
      SHALL have a value of 16.

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      IP_addr_len: This field indicates the size, in octets, of an IP
      version 4 (IPv4) address and SHALL have a value of 4.

      opcode: This field SHALL be one to indicate a 1394 ARP request and
      two to indicate a 1394 ARP response.

      sender_unique_ID: This field SHALL contain the node unique ID of
      the sender and SHALL be equal to that specified in the sender's
      bus information block.

      sender_max_rec: This field SHALL be equal to the value of max_rec
      in the sender's configuration ROM bus information block.

      sspd: This field SHALL be set to the lesser of the sender's link
      speed and PHY speed. The link speed is the maximum speed at which
      the link may send or receive packets; the PHY speed is the maximum
      speed at which the PHY may send, receive or repeat packets. The
      table below specifies the encoding used for sspd; all values not
      specified are RESERVED for future standardization.

                        Table 2 - Speed codes

                            Value   Speed
                          |   0   |  S100 |
                          |   1   |  S200 |
                          |   2   |  S400 |
                          |   3   |  S800 |
                          |   4   | S1600 |
                          |   5   | S3200 |

      sender_unicast_FIFO_hi and sender_unicast_FIFO_lo: These fields
      together SHALL specify the 48-bit offset of the sender's FIFO
      available for the receipt of IP datagrams in the format specified
      by section 6. The offset of a sender's unicast FIFO SHALL NOT
      change, except as the result of a power reset.

      sender_IP_address: This field SHALL specify the IP address of the

      target_IP_address: In a 1394 ARP request, this field SHALL specify
      the IP address from which the sender desires a response. In a 1394
      ARP response, it SHALL be IGNORED.

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   Configuration ROM for IP-capable nodes SHALL contain a unit directory
   in the format specified by this standard. The unit directory SHALL
   contain Unit_Spec_ID and Unit_SW_Version entries, as specified by
   ISO/IEC 13213:1994.

   The unit directory may also contain other entries permitted by
   ISO/IEC 13213:1994 or IEEE P1212r.

6.1 Unit_Spec_ID entry

   The Unit_Spec_ID entry is an immediate entry in the unit directory
   that specifies the organization responsible for the architectural
   definition of the Internet Protocol capabilities of the device.

                        1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |      0x12     |            unit_spec_ID (0x00 005E)           |

                  Figure 6 - Unit_Spec_ID entry format

   The value of unit_spec_ID SHALL be 0x00 005E, the registration ID
   (RID) obtained by IANA from the IEEE RA. The value indicates that the
   IETF and its technical committees are responsible for the maintenance
   of this standard.

6.2 Unit_SW_Version entry

   The Unit_SW_Version entry is an immediate entry in the unit directory
   that, in combination with the unit_spec_ID, specifies the document
   that defines the software interface of the unit.

                        1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |      0x13     |          unit_sw_version (0x00 0001)          |

                Figure 7 - Unit_SW_Version entry format

   The value of unit_sw_version SHALL be one, which indicates that the
   device complies with the normative requirements of this standard.

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6.3 Textual descriptors

   Textual descriptors within configuration ROM are OPTIONAL; when
   present they provide additional descriptive information intended to
   be intelligible to a human user. IP-capable nodes SHOULD associate a
   textual descriptor with a content of "IANA" with the Unit_Spec_ID
   entry and a textual descriptor with a content of "IPv4" for the
   Unit_SW_Version entry.

   The figure below illustrates a unit directory implemented by an IP-
   capable node; it includes OPTIONAL textual descriptors. Although the
   textual descriptor leaves are not part of the unit directory, for the
   sake of simplicity they are shown immediately following the unit

                        1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |      directory_length (4)     |              CRC              |
   |      0x12     |            unit_spec_ID (0x00 005E)           |
   |      0x81     |         textual descriptor offset (3)         |
   |      0x13     |                unit_sw_version                |
   |      0x81     |         textual descriptor offset (5)         |
   | textual_descriptor_length (3) |              CRC              |
   |                                                               |
   +---                          zeros                          ---+
   |                                                               |
   |      "I"      |      "A"      |      "N"      |      "A"      |
   | textual_descriptor_length (3) |              CRC              |
   |                                                               |
   +---                          zeros                          ---+
   |                                                               |
   |      "I"      |      "P"      |      "v"      |      "4"      |

        Figure 9 - Sample unit directory and textual descriptors

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RFC 2734                  IPv4 over IEEE 1394              December 1999


   A unicast IP datagram may be transmitted to a recipient within a 1394
   primary packet that has one of the following transaction codes:

              tcode   Description     Arbitration
            |  0x01 | Block write   | Asynchronous |
            |  0x0A | Stream packet | Isochronous  |
            |  0x0A | Stream packet | Asynchronous |

   Block write requests are suitable when 1394 link-level
   acknowledgement is desired but there is no need for bounded latency
   in the delivery of the packet (quality of service).

   Isochronous stream packets provide quality of service guarantees but
   no 1394 link-level acknowledgement.

   The last method, asynchronous stream packets, is mentioned only for
   the sake of completeness. This method SHOULD NOT be used for IP
   unicast, since it provides for neither 1394 link-level acknowledgment
   nor quality of service---and consumes a valuable resource, a channel

   Regardless of the IP unicast method employed, asynchronous or
   isochronous, it is the responsibility of the sender of a unicast IP
   datagram to determine the maximum data payload that may be used in
   each packet. The necessary information may be obtained from:

   - the SPEED_MAP maintained by the 1394 bus manager, which provides
     the maximum transmission speed between any two nodes on the local
     Serial Bus. The bus manager analyzes bus topology in order to
     construct the speed map; the maximum transmission speed between
     nodes reflects the capabilities of the intervening nodes. The speed
     in turn implies a maximum data payload (see Table 1);

   - the sender_max_rec field in a 1394 ARP response; or

   - other methods beyond the scope of this standard.

   The maximum data payload SHALL be the minimum of the largest data
   payload implemented by the sender, the recipient and the PHYs of all
   intervening nodes (the last is implicit in the SPEED_MAP entry
   indexed by sender and recipient).

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   NOTE: The SPEED_MAP is derived from the self-ID packets transmitted
   by all 1394 nodes subsequent to a bus reset. An IP-capable node may
   observe the self-ID packets directly.

   Unicast IP datagrams whose quality of service is best-effort SHALL be
   contained within the data payload of 1394 block write transactions
   addressed to the source_ID and sender_unicast_FIFO obtained from a
   1394 ARP response.

   If no acknowledgement is received in response to a unicast block
   write request it is uncertain whether or not the data payload was
   received by the target.

   NOTE: An acknowledgment may be absent because the target is no longer
   functional, may not have received the packet because of a header CRC
   error or may have received the packet successfully but the
   acknowledge sent in response was corrupted.

   Unicast IP datagrams that require quality of service other than
   best-effort are beyond the scope of this standard.


   Broadcast IP datagrams are encapsulated according to the
   specifications of section 4 and are transported by asynchronous
   stream packets. There is no quality of service provision for IP
   broadcast over 1394. The channel number used for IP broadcast is
   specified by the BROADCAST_CHANNEL register.

   All broadcast IP datagrams SHALL use asynchronous stream packets
   whose channel number is equal to the channel field from the

   Although 1394 permits the use of previously allocated channel
   number(s) for up to one second subsequent to a bus reset, IP-capable
   nodes SHALL NOT transmit asynchronous stream packets at any time the
   valid bit in their BROADCAST_CHANNEL register is zero. Since the
   valid bit is automatically cleared to zero by a bus reset, this
   prohibits the use of 1394 ARP or broadcast IP until the IRM allocates
   a channel number.


   Multicast IP datagrams are encapsulated according to the
   specifications of section 4 and are transported by stream packets.
   Asynchronous streams are used for best-effort IP multicast; quality
   of service other than best-effort is beyond the scope of this

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   By default, all best-effort IP multicast SHALL use asynchronous
   stream packets whose channel number is equal to the channel field
   from the BROADCAST_CHANNEL register. In particular, datagrams
   addressed to and SHALL use this channel number.
   Best-effort IP multicast for other IP multicast group addresses may
   utilize a different channel number if such a channel number is
   allocated and advertised prior to use, as described below.

   IP-capable nodes may transmit best-effort IP multicast only if one of
   the following two conditions is met:

   - the channel number in the stream packet is equal to the channel
     number field in the BROADCAST_CHANNEL register and the valid bit in
     the same register is one; or

   - for other channel number(s), some source of IP multicast has
     allocated and is advertising the channel number used.

   The remainder of this section describes a multicast channel
   allocation protocol (MCAP) employed by both IP multicast sources and
   recipients whenever a channel number other than the default is used.
   MCAP is a cooperative protocol; the participants exchange messages
   over the broadcast channel used by all IP-capable nodes on a
   particular Serial Bus.

   CAUTION: This document does not define facilities and methods for
   shared use of a single channel number (other than the default channel
   number specified by the BROADCAST_CHANNEL register) by more than one
   IP multicast address.

9.1 MCAP message format

   MCAP messages, whether sent by a multicast channel owner or
   recipient, are transported as the data portion of a GASP packet and
   have the format illustrated below. The first four octets of the
   message are fixed; the remainder consists of variable-length tuples,
   each of which encodes information about a particular IP multicast
   group. Individual MCAP messages SHALL NOT be fragmented and SHALL be
   encapsulated within a stream packet as ether_type 0x8861.

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                        1                   2                   3
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |            length             |    reserved   |     opcode    |
   |                                                               |
   +                          message data                         +
   |                                                               |

                    Figure 10 - MCAP message format

   Field usage in an MCAP message is as follows:

      length: This field SHALL contain the size, in octets, of the
      entire MCAP message.

      opcode: This field SHALL have one of the values specified by the
      table below.

       opcode    Name       Comment
      |   0   | Advertise | Sent by a multicast channel owner to       |
      |       |           | broadcast the current mapping(s) from one  |
      |       |           | or more group addresses to their           |
      |       |           | corresponding channel number(s).           |
      |   1   |  Solicit  | Sent to request multicast channel owner(s) |
      |       |           | to advertise the indicated channel         |
      |       |           | mapping(s) as soon as possible.            |

      message data: The remainder of the MCAP message is variable in
      length and SHALL consist of zero or more group address descriptors
      with the format illustrated below.

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                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |     length    |      type     |            reserved           |
      |   expiration  |    channel    |     speed     |    reserved   |
      |                           bandwidth                           |
      |                                                               |
      +                         group_address                         +
      |                                                               |

               Figure 11 - MCAP group address descriptor format

      length: This field SHALL contain the size, in octets, of the MCAP
      group address descriptor.

      type: This field SHALL have a value of one, which indicates a
      group address descriptor.

      expiration: The usage of this field varies according to opcode.
      For solicit messages the expiration field SHALL be IGNORED.
      Otherwise, for advertisements, this field SHALL contain a time-
      stamp, in seconds, that specifies a future time after which the
      channel number specified by channel may no longer be used.

      channel: This field is valid only for advertise messages, in which
      case it SHALL specify an allocated channel number, in the range
      zero to 63 inclusive. All other values are RESERVED.

      speed: This field is valid only for advertise messages, in which
      case it SHALL specify the speed at which stream packets for the
      indicated channel are transmitted. Table 2 specifies the encoding
      used for speed.

      bandwidth: This field SHALL be zero; it is allocated in the group
      address descriptor to accommodate future extensions to MCAP that
      specify quality of service and utilize the isochronous
      capabilities of Serial Bus.

      group_address: This variable length field SHALL specify the IP
      address of a particular IP multicast group. The length of
      group_address, in octets, is derived from the length of the group
      address descriptor by subtracting 12 from the length field.

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RFC 2734                  IPv4 over IEEE 1394              December 1999

9.2 MCAP message domain

   MCAP messages carry information valid only for the local Serial Bus
   on which they are transmitted. Recipients of MCAP messages SHALL
   IGNORE all MCAP messages from other than the local bus, as follows.
   The source_ID of the sender is contained in the GASP header that
   precedes the encapsulated MCAP message. A recipient of an MCAP
   message SHALL examine the most significant ten bits of source_ID from
   the GASP header; if they are not equal to either 0x3FF or the most
   significant ten bits of the recipient's NODE_IDS register, the
   recipient SHALL IGNORE the message.

   Within an MCAP message domain, the owner of a channel mapping is
   identified by the source_ID field in the GASP header of an MCAP
   advertisement. The owner is the node with the largest physical ID,
   the least significant six bits of source_ID.

9.3 Multicast receive

   An IP-capable device that wishes to receive multicast data SHALL
   first ascertain the channel mapping (if any) that exists between a
   group address and a channel number other than the default channel
   specified by the BROADCAST_CHANNEL register. Such a device may
   observe the MCAP advertisements on the broadcast channel for the
   desired channel mapping(s).

   An intended multicast recipient may transmit MCAP solicitation
   requests in order to request multicast channel owner(s) to broadcast
   advertisements sooner than the next ten second interval. Originators
   of MCAP solicitation requests SHALL limit the rate at which they are
   transmitted. Subsequent to sending a solicitation request, the
   originator SHALL NOT send another MCAP solicitation request until ten
   seconds have elapsed.

   In either case, if a mapping exists for the group address for other
   than the default channel, an MCAP advertise message is EXPECTED
   within ten seconds. Upon receipt of an MCAP advertise message that
   describes one or more channel mappings, the intended multicast
   recipient may receive IP datagrams on the indicated channel number(s)
   until the expiration time.

   If multiple MCAP advertise messages are observed that specify the
   same group address, the channel number SHALL be obtained from the
   advertisement message with the largest physical ID, which SHALL be
   obtained from the least significant six bits of source_ID from the
   GASP header.

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   If no MCAP advertise message is received for a particular group
   address within ten seconds, no multicast source(s) are active for
   channel(s) other than the default. Either there is there is no
   multicast data or it is being transmitted on the default channel.

   Once a multicast recipient has observed an advertisement for the
   desired group address, it MAY receive multicast data on either the
   default broadcast channel or the channel number(s) indicated but it
   SHALL continue to monitor the default broadcast channel for MCAP
   advertisements for the same group address in order to refresh the
   expiration time of channel number(s) in use.

9.4 Multicast transmit

   An IP-capable device that wishes to transmit multicast data on other
   than the default channel SHALL first ascertain whether or not another
   multicast source has already allocated a channel number for the group
   address. The intended multicast source may transmit an MCAP
   solicitation request with one or more group address descriptors.

   Whether or not a solicitation request has been transmitted, the
   intended multicast source SHALL monitor the broadcast channel for
   MCAP advertisements. If a channel mapping already exists for the
   group address, an MCAP advertisement SHOULD be received within ten
   seconds. In this case the intended multicast source may commence
   transmission of IP datagrams on the indicated channel number(s) and
   may continue to do so until their expiration time. The multicast
   source SHALL monitor MCAP advertisements in order to refresh the
   expiration time of channel number(s) in use.

   When no other multicast source has established a channel mapping for
   the group address, the intended multicast source may attempt to
   allocate a channel number from the isochronous resource manager's
   CHANNELS_AVAILABLE register according to the procedures described in
   IEEE P1394a. If the channel number allocation is successful, the
   multicast source SHALL advertise the new channel mapping(s) as soon
   as possible. Once 100 ms elapses subsequent to the initial
   advertisement of a newly allocated channel number , the multicast
   source may transmit IP datagrams using the channel number advertised.

   Multicast IP datagrams may be transmitted on the default channel
   until the sender observes (or transmits) an advertisement that
   specifies non- default channel mapping(s) for the multicast
   addresses. This permits the smooth transition of multicast from the
   default channel to an explicitly allocated channel.

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   Once a multicast source has advertised a channel mapping, it SHALL
   continue to transmit MCAP advertisements for the channel mapping
   unless it either a) transfers ownership to another multicast source,
   b) permits the channel mapping to expire without transfer or c) in
   the case of overlapped channel mappings, relinquishes control of the
   channel mapping to another multicast source.

9.5 Advertisement of channel mappings

   Each multicast source SHALL periodically broadcast an advertisement
   of all IP multicast group addresses for which it has allocated a
   channel number different from the default multicast channel number.
   An advertisement SHALL consist of a single MCAP message with an
   opcode of zero that contains one or more group address descriptors
   (one for each group address assigned a channel number other than that
   specified by the BROADCAST_CHANNEL register).

   Within each group address descriptor, the group_address and channel
   fields associate an IP multicast group address with a Serial Bus
   channel number. The speed field specifies the maximum 1394 speed at
   which any of the senders within the IP multicast group is permitted
   to transmit data.  The expiration field specifies the current time or
   a future time after which the channel mapping(s) are no longer valid.
   Except when a channel owner intends to relinquish ownership (as
   described in 9.7 below), the expiration time SHALL be at least 60
   seconds in the future measured from the time the advertisement is

   No more than ten seconds SHALL elapse from the transmission of its
   most recent advertisement before the owner of a channel mapping
   initiates transmission of the subsequent advertisement. The owner of
   a channel mapping SHOULD transmit an MCAP advertisement in response
   to a solicitation as soon as possible after the receipt of the

9.6 Overlapped channel mappings

   When two intended multicast sources wish to transmit to the same IP
   multicast group and no channel mapping exists for the group address,
   there is a chance that both will allocate channel numbers and both
   will advertise the channel mappings. These channel mappings overlap,
   i.e., the same group address is mapped to more than one channel
   number in MCAP advertisements with nonzero expiration times.

   Multicast channel owners SHALL monitor MCAP advertisements in order
   to detect overlapped channel mappings. MCAP advertisements whose
   expiration field has a value less than 60 SHALL be ignored for the
   purpose of overlapped channel detection. When an overlapped channel

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   mapping is detected, the owner with the largest physical ID (as
   determined by the least significant six bits of source_ID from the
   GASP header) is NOT REQUIRED to take any action. The channel numbers
   advertised by owners with smaller physical IDs are invalid; their
   owners SHALL cease transmission of both IP datagrams and MCAP
   advertisements that use the invalid channel numbers. As soon as these
   channel mappings expire , their owners SHALL deallocate any unused
   channel numbers as described in 9.8 below.

   Recipients of MCAP advertisements that detect overlapped channel
   mappings SHALL ignore the advertisements from multicast channel
   owner(s) with the smaller physical IDs and SHALL NOT transmit IP
   datagrams that use the invalid channel number. It is possible for
   some channel mappings in a single MCAP advertisement to be valid even
   if others SHALL be IGNORED as a result of overlap.

9.7 Transfer of channel ownership

   The owner of a channel mapping may cease multicast transmission on a
   particular channel, in which case it SHOULD invalidate the channel
   mapping and in some cases deallocate the channel number. Because
   other multicast sources may be using the same channel mapping, an
   orderly process is defined to transfer channel ownership.

   The owner of an existing channel mapping that wishes to release the
   mapping SHALL commence a timer to measure the time remaining before
   the anticipated release of the mapping and its associated channel.
   Until the timer counts down to zero, the owner SHOULD continue to
   transmit MCAP advertisements for the affected channel but SHALL
   adjust expiration in each advertisement to reflect the time remaining
   until the channel is to be deallocated. If the owner is unable to
   transmit MCAP advertisements until the timer reaches zero, it SHALL
   initiate a bus reset. Otherwise, the sequence of expiration times
   transmitted by the owner intending to release the mapping SHALL
   decrease with each succeeding advertisement.  If other multicast
   source(s) are using the same channel mapping and observe an
   expiration time less than or equal to 60 seconds, they SHALL commence
   transmitting MCAP advertisements for the channel mapping with
   refreshed expiration times greater than or equal to 60 seconds that
   maintain the channel mapping. Any contention that occurs between
   multiple sources that attempt to claim ownership of the channel
   mapping SHALL be resolved as described in 9.8. If the original owner
   observes an MCAP advertisement for the channel to be relinquished
   before its own timer has expired, it SHALL NOT deallocate the channel

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   Otherwise, if the owner's timer expires without the observation of a
   MCAP advertisement by another node, the owner of the channel number
   SHALL subsequently deallocate the channel as described in 9.8. If the
   intended owner of the channel mapping observes an MCAP advertisement
   whose expiration field is zero, orderly transfer of the channel(s)
   from the former owner has failed. The intended owner SHALL either
   stop reception and transmission on the expired channel number(s) or
   allocate different channel number(s) as specified by 9.4.

9.8 Redundant channel mappings

   When ownership of a channel mapping is transferred from one multicast
   source to another, it is possible for more than one device to claim
   ownership. This results in redundant MCAP advertisements, transmitted
   by different sources, each of which specifies the same multicast
   group address and channel. A procedure similar to that of 9.6 SHALL
   resolve the contention for channel ownership.

   Multicast channel owners SHALL monitor MCAP advertisements in order
   to detect redundant channel mappings. MCAP advertisements whose
   expiration field has a value less than 60 SHALL be ignored for the
   purpose of redundant channel detection. When a redundant channel
   mapping is detected, the owner with the largest physical ID (as
   determined by the least significant six bits of source_ID from the
   GASP header) is NOT REQUIRED to take any action. The owner(s) with
   smaller physical IDs SHALL cease transmission of MCAP advertisements
   for the redundant channel number but SHALL NOT deallocate the channel

9.9 Expired channel mappings

   A channel mapping expires when expiration seconds have elapsed since
   the most recent MCAP advertisement. At this time, multicast
   recipients SHALL stop reception on the expired channel number(s).
   Also at this time, the owner of the channel mapping(s) SHALL transmit
   an MCAP advertisement with expiration cleared to zero and SHALL
   continue to transmit such advertisements until 30 seconds have
   elapsed since the expiration of the channel mapping. Once this
   additional 30-second period has elapsed, the owner of the channel
   mapping(s) SHALL deallocate the channel number(s) and indicate their
   availability in the isochronous resource manager's CHANNELS_AVAILABLE

   If an IP-capable device observes an MCAP advertisement whose
   expiration field is zero, it SHALL NOT attempt to allocate any of the
   channel number(s) specified until 30 seconds have elapsed since the
   most recent such advertisement.

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9.10 Bus reset

   A bus reset SHALL invalidate all multicast channel mappings and SHALL
   cause all multicast recipients and senders to zero all MCAP
   advertisement interval timers.

   Prior owners of multicast channel mappings may reallocate a channel
   number from the isochronous resource manager's CHANNELS_AVAILABLE
   register and resume broadcast of MCAP advertisements as soon as a
   channel is allocated. If channel reallocation is attempted, the prior
   owner SHOULD use the same channel number allocated prior to the bus
   reset and may commence reallocation immediately upon completion of
   the bus reset so long as the same channel number is reused. If the
   prior owner elects to allocate a different channel number, it SHALL
   wait until at least one second has elapsed since the completion of
   the bus reset before attempting to allocate a new channel number.

   Intended or prior recipients or transmitters of multicast on other
   than the default channel SHALL NOT transmit MCAP solicitation
   requests until at least ten seconds have elapsed since the completion
   of the bus reset.  Multicast data on other than the default channel
   SHALL NOT be received or transmitted until an MCAP advertisement is
   observed or transmitted for the IP multicast group address.

   Intended or prior transmitters of multicast on other than the default
   channel that did not own a channel mapping for the IP multicast group
   address prior to the bus reset SHALL NOT attempt to allocate a
   channel number from the isochronous resource manager's
   CHANNELS_AVAILABLE register until at least ten seconds have elapsed
   since the completion of the bus reset. Subsequent to this ten second
   delay, intended or prior transmitters of multicast may follow the
   procedures specified by 9.4 to allocate a channel number and
   advertise the channel mapping.


   This document necessitates the creation and management of a new name
   space (registry) by IANA. The need for such a registry arises out of
   the method by which protocol interfaces are uniquely identified by
   bus standards compliant with ISO/IEC 13213:1994, CSR Architecture.
   This is explained in more detail in section 6; the essence is that a
   globally unique 48-bit number SHALL identify the document that
   specifies the protocol interface. The 48-bit number is the
   concatenation of 0x00 005E (a registration ID, or RID, granted to
   IANA by the IEEE Registration Authority) and a second 24-bit number
   administered by IANA.

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   The IEEE RA RECOMMENDS that the policy for management of the second
   24-bit number be chosen to maximize the quantity of usable numbers
   with the range of possible values. In particular, the IEEE RA
   RECOMMENDS that the assignment scheme not apply a structure to the
   number (e.g., the allocation of a version field within the number)
   since this would tend to waste large portions of the range.

   The new name space is "CSR Protocol Identifiers". The values zero and
   0xFF FFFF are reserved and SHALL NOT be allocated by IANA. The value
   one is allocated to this document. The remaining numbers SHALL be
   managed by IANA and allocated as necessary to identify Internet-
   Drafts that become IESG standards track documents.

   Regardless of the assignment method elected by IANA, a registry of
   all assigned version numbers SHOULD be maintained at one or more
   Internet sites and should clearly identify the relevant standard
   identified by the combination of the RID and version number.


   This document specifies the use of an unsecured link layer, Serial
   Bus, for the transport of IPv4 datagrams. Serial Bus is vulnerable to
   denial of service attacks; it is also possible for devices to
   eavesdrop on data or present forged identities. Implementers who
   utilize Serial Bus for IPv4 SHOULD consider appropriate counter-
   measures within application or other layers.


   This document represents the efforts of the IP/1394 Working Group.
   The editor wishes to acknowledge the contributions made by all the
   active participants, either on the reflector or at face-to-face
   meetings, which have advanced the technical content.

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RFC 2734                  IPv4 over IEEE 1394              December 1999


   Normative reference to standards under development at the time of
   this document's publication shall utilize the most current draft
   until such time as it is replaced by an approved standard.

   [1] IEEE Std 1394-1995, Standard for a High Performance Serial Bus

   [2] ISO/IEC 13213:1994, Control and Status Register (CSR)
       Architecture for Microcomputer Buses

   [3] IEEE Project P1394a, Draft Standard for a High Performance Serial
       Bus (Supplement)

   [4] IEEE Project P1394b, Draft Standard for a High Performance Serial
       Bus (Supplement)

   [5] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol Darpa Internet Program Protocol
       Specification", RFC 791, September 1981.

   [6] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
       Levels", RFC 2119, March 1997.


   Peter Johansson
   Congruent Software, Inc.
   98 Colorado Avenue
   Berkeley, CA  94602

   Phone: (510) 527-3926
   Fax:   (510) 527-3856

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RFC 2734                  IPv4 over IEEE 1394              December 1999

15.  Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999).  All Rights Reserved.

   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
   included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
   followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than

   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

Johansson                   Standards Track                    [Page 29]

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