Network Working Group                                           N. Freed
Request for Comments: 2789                                      Innosoft
Obsoletes: 2249, 1566                                           S. Kille
Category: Standards Track                           MessagingDirect Ltd.
                                                              March 2000

                          Mail Monitoring MIB

Status of this Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000).  All Rights Reserved.


   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   Specifically, this memo extends the basic Network Services Monitoring
   MIB defined in RFC 2788 [16] to allow monitoring of Message Transfer
   Agents (MTAs). It may also be used to monitor MTA components within

Table of Contents

   1  The SNMP Network Management Framework .......................   2
   2  Message Flow Model ..........................................   3
   3  MTA Objects .................................................   3
   4  Definitions .................................................   4
   5  Changes made since RFC 2249 .................................  29
   6  Acknowledgements ............................................  30
   7  References ..................................................  30
   8  Security Considerations .....................................  31
   9  Author and Chair Addresses ..................................  32
   10 Full Copyright Statement ....................................  33

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1.  The SNMP Network Management Framework

   The SNMP Management Framework presently consists of five major

   o   An overall architecture, described in RFC 2571 [1].

   o   Mechanisms for describing and naming objects and events for the
       purpose of management. The first version of this Structure of
       Management Information (SMI) is called SMIv1 and described in STD
       16, RFC 1155 [2], STD 16, RFC 1212 [3] and RFC 1215 [4]. The
       second version, called SMIv2, is described in STD 58, RFC 2578
       [5], STD 58, RFC 2579 [6] and STD 58, RFC 2580 [7].

   o   Message protocols for transferring management information. The
       first version of the SNMP message protocol is called SNMPv1 and
       described in STD 15, RFC 1157 [8]. A second version of the SNMP
       message protocol, which is not an Internet standards track
       protocol, is called SNMPv2c and described in RFC 1901 [9] and RFC
       1906 [10].  The third version of the message protocol is called
       SNMPv3 and described in RFC 1906 [10], RFC 2572 [11] and RFC 2574

   o   Protocol operations for accessing management information. The
       first set of protocol operations and associated PDU formats is
       described in STD 15, RFC 1157 [8]. A second set of protocol
       operations and associated PDU formats is described in RFC 1905

   o   A set of fundamental applications described in RFC 2573 [14] and
       the view-based access control mechanism described in RFC 2575

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  Objects in the MIB are
   defined using the mechanisms defined in the SMI.

   This memo specifies a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2. A
   MIB conforming to the SMIv1 can be produced through the appropriate
   translations. The resulting translated MIB must be semantically
   equivalent, except where objects or events are omitted because no
   translation is possible (use of Counter64). Some machine readable
   information in SMIv2 will be converted into textual descriptions in
   SMIv1 during the translation process. However, this loss of machine
   readable information is not considered to change the semantics of the

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2.  Message Flow Model

   A general model of message flow inside an MTA has to be presented
   before a MIB can be described. Generally speaking, message flow is
   modelled as occurring in four steps:

   (1) Messages are received by the MTA from User Agents, Message
       Stores, other MTAs, and gateways.

   (2) The "next hop" for the each message is determined. This is simply
       the destination the message is to be transmitted to; it may or
       may not be the final destination of the message. Multiple "next
       hops" may exist for a single message (as a result of either
       having multiple recipients or distribution list expansion); this
       may make it necessary to duplicate messages.

   (3) If necessary messages are converted into the format that's
       appropriate for the next hop. Conversion operations may be
       successful or unsuccessful.

   (4) Messages are transmitted to the appropriate destination, which
       may be a User Agent, Message Store, another MTA, or gateway.

   Storage of messages in the MTA occurs at some point during this
   process.  However, it is important to note that storage may occur at
   different and possibly even multiple points during this process. For
   example, some MTAs expand messages into multiple copies as they are
   received. In this case (1), (2), and (3) may all occur prior to
   storage. Other MTAs store messages precisely as they are received and
   perform all expansions and conversions during retransmission
   processing. So here only (1) occurs prior to storage.  This leads to
   situations where, in general, a measurement of messages received may
   not equal a measurement of messages in store, or a measurement of
   messages stored may not equal a measurement of messages
   retransmitted, or both.

3.  MTA Objects

   If there are one or more MTAs on the host, the following MIB may be
   used to monitor them. Any number of the MTAs on a single host or
   group of hosts may be monitored. Each MTA is dealt with as a separate
   network service and has its own applTable entry in the Network
   Services Monitoring MIB.

   The MIB described in this document covers only the portion which is
   specific to the monitoring of MTAs. The network service related part
   of the MIB is covered in RFC 2788 [16].

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   This MIB defines four tables. The first of these contains per-MTA
   information that isn't specific to any particular part of MTA. The
   second breaks each MTA down into a collection of separate components
   called groups. Groups are described in detail in the comments
   embedded in the MIB below. The third table provides a means of
   correlating associations tracked by the network services MIB with
   specific groups within different MTAs. Finally, the fourth table
   provides a means of tracking any errors encountered during the
   operation of the MTA. The first two tables must be implemented to
   conform with this MIB; the last two are optional.

4.  Definitions


      OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Gauge32, MODULE-IDENTITY, mib-2
        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
        FROM SNMPv2-TC
        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
      applIndex, URLString

      LAST-UPDATED "200003030000Z"
      ORGANIZATION "IETF Mail and Directory Management Working Group"
        "        Ned Freed

         Postal: Innosoft International, Inc.
                 1050 Lakes Drive
                 West Covina, CA 91790

         Tel: +1 626 919 3600
         Fax: +1 626 919 3614

        "The MIB module describing Message Transfer Agents (MTAs)"
      REVISION "200003030000Z"
        "This revision, published in RFC 2789, changes a number of
         DisplayStrings to SnmpAdminStrings. Note that this change

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         is not strictly supported by SMIv2.  However, the alternative
         of deprecating the old objects and defining new objects
         would have a more adverse impact on backward compatibility
         and interoperability, given the particular semantics of
         these objects.  The defining reference for distinguished
         names has also been updated from RFC 1779 to RFC 2253."
      REVISION "199905120000Z"
        "This revision fixes a number of technical problems found in
         previous versions: The conformance groups for different
         versions of this MIB have been corrected, the recommendation
         that an empty string be returned if the last operation was
         successful has been removed from
         mtaGroupInboundRejectionReason and
         mtaGroupOutboundConnectFailureReason as it conflicts
         with the stated purpose of these variables, and the
         required mtaStatusCode entry has been added to
         MtaGroupErrorEntry.  It should be noted that this last
         change in no way affects the bits on the wire."
      REVISION "199708170000Z"
        "This revision, published in RFC 2249, adds the
         mtaGroupDescription and mtaGroupURL fields, conversion
         operation counters, a group hierarchy description mechanism,
         counters for specific errors, oldest message IDs, per-MTA
         and per-group loop counters, and a new table for tracking
         any errors an MTA encounters."
      REVISION "199311280000Z"
        "The original version of this MIB was published in RFC 1566"
      ::= {mib-2 28}

   mtaTable OBJECT-TYPE
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
        "The table holding information specific to an MTA."
      ::= {mta 1}

   mtaEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX MtaEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
        "The entry associated with each MTA."
      INDEX {applIndex}
      ::= {mtaTable 1}

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   MtaEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

   mtaReceivedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The number of messages received since MTA initialization.
         This includes messages transmitted to this MTA from other
         MTAs as well as messages that have been submitted to the
         MTA directly by end-users or applications."
      ::= {mtaEntry 1}

   mtaStoredMessages OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Gauge32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The total number of messages currently stored in the MTA.
         This includes messages that are awaiting transmission to
         some other MTA or are waiting for delivery to an end-user
         or application."
      ::= {mtaEntry 2}

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   mtaTransmittedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The number of messages transmitted since MTA initialization.
         This includes messages that were transmitted to some other
         MTA or are waiting for delivery to an end-user or
      ::= {mtaEntry 3}

   mtaReceivedVolume OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      UNITS "K-octets"
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The total volume of messages received since MTA
         initialization, measured in kilo-octets.  This volume should
         include all transferred data that is logically above the mail
         transport protocol level.  For example, an SMTP-based MTA
         should use the number of kilo-octets in the message header
         and body, while an X.400-based MTA should use the number of
         kilo-octets of P2 data.  This includes messages transmitted
         to this MTA from other MTAs as well as messages that have
         been submitted to the MTA directly by end-users or
      ::= {mtaEntry 4}

   mtaStoredVolume OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Gauge32
      UNITS "K-octets"
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The total volume of messages currently stored in the MTA,
         measured in kilo-octets.  This volume should include all
         stored data that is logically above the mail transport
         protocol level.  For example, an SMTP-based MTA should
         use the number of kilo-octets in the message header and
         body, while an X.400-based MTA would use the number of
         kilo-octets of P2 data.  This includes messages that are
         awaiting transmission to some other MTA or are waiting
         for delivery to an end-user or application."
      ::= {mtaEntry 5}

   mtaTransmittedVolume OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32

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      UNITS "K-octets"
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The total volume of messages transmitted since MTA
         initialization, measured in kilo-octets.  This volume should
         include all transferred data that is logically above the mail
         transport protocol level.  For example, an SMTP-based MTA
         should use the number of kilo-octets in the message header
         and body, while an X.400-based MTA should use the number of
         kilo-octets of P2 data.  This includes messages that were
         transmitted to some other MTA or are waiting for delivery
         to an end-user or application."
      ::= {mtaEntry 6}

   mtaReceivedRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
         received since MTA initialization.  Recipients this MTA
         has no responsibility for, i.e. inactive envelope
         recipients or ones referred to in message headers,
         should not be counted even if information about such
         recipients is available.  This includes messages
         transmitted to this MTA from other MTAs as well as
         messages that have been submitted to the MTA directly
         by end-users or applications."
      ::= {mtaEntry 7}

   mtaStoredRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Gauge32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
         currently stored in the MTA.  Recipients this MTA has no
         responsibility for, i.e. inactive envelope recipients or
         ones referred to in message headers, should not be
         counted.  This includes messages that are awaiting
         transmission to some other MTA or are waiting for
         delivery to an end-user or application."
      ::= {mtaEntry 8}

   mtaTransmittedRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only

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      STATUS current
        "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
         transmitted since MTA initialization.  Recipients this
         MTA had no responsibility for, i.e. inactive envelope
         recipients or ones referred to in message headers,
         should not be counted.  This includes messages that were
         transmitted to some other MTA or are waiting for
         delivery to an end-user or application."
      ::= {mtaEntry 9}

   mtaSuccessfulConvertedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The number of messages that have been successfully
         converted from one form to another since MTA
      ::= {mtaEntry 10}

   mtaFailedConvertedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The number of messages for which an unsuccessful
         attempt was made to convert them from one form to
         another since MTA initialization."
      ::= {mtaEntry 11}

   mtaLoopsDetected OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "A message loop is defined as a situation where the MTA
         decides that a given message will never be delivered to
         one or more recipients and instead will continue to
         loop endlessly through one or more MTAs.  This variable
         counts the number of times the MTA has detected such a
         situation since MTA initialization. Note that the
         mechanism MTAs use to detect loops (e.g., trace field
         counting, count of references to this MTA in a trace
         field, examination of DNS or other directory information,
         etc.), the level at which loops are detected (e.g., per
         message, per recipient, per directory entry, etc.), and
         the handling of a loop once it is detected (e.g., looping

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         messages are held, looping messages are bounced or sent
         to the postmaster, messages that the MTA knows will loop
         won't be accepted, etc.) vary widely from one MTA to the
         next and cannot be inferred from this variable."
      ::= {mtaEntry 12}

   -- MTAs typically group inbound reception, queue storage, and
   -- outbound transmission in some way, rather than accounting for
   -- such operations only across the MTA as a whole. In the most
   -- extreme case separate information will be maintained for each
   -- different entity that receives messages and for each entity
   -- the MTA stores messages for and delivers messages to.  Other
   -- MTAs may elect to treat all reception equally, all queue
   -- storage equally, all deliveries equally, or some combination
   -- of this. Overlapped groupings are also possible, where an MTA
   -- decomposes its traffic in different ways for different
   -- purposes.

   -- In any case, a grouping abstraction is an extremely useful for
   -- breaking down the activities of an MTA. For purposes of
   -- labelling this will be called a "group" in this MIB.

   -- Each group contains all the variables needed to monitor all
   -- aspects of an MTA's operation.  However, the fact that all
   -- groups contain all possible variables does not imply that all
   -- groups must use all possible variables. For example, a single
   -- group might be used to monitor only one kind of event (inbound
   -- processing, outbound processing, or storage). In this sort of
   -- configuration any counters that are unused as a result of a
   -- given MTA's use of the group construct must be inaccessible;
   -- e.g., returning either a noSuchName error (for an SNMPv1 get),
   -- or a noSuchInstance exception (for an SNMPv2 get).

   -- Groups can be created at any time after MTA initialization. Once
   -- a group is created it should not be deleted or its mtaGroupIndex
   -- changed unless the MTA is reinitialized.

   -- Groups are not necessarily mutually exclusive. A given event may
   -- be recorded by more than one group, a message may be seen as
   -- stored by more than one group, and so on.  Groups should be all
   -- inclusive, however: if groups are implemented all aspects of an
   -- MTA's operation should be registered in at least one group.
   -- This freedom lets implementors use different sets of groups to
   -- provide different "views" of an MTA.

   -- The possibility of overlap between groups means that summing
   -- variables across groups may not produce values equal to those in
   -- the mtaTable. mtaTable should always provide accurate information

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   -- about the MTA as a whole.

   -- The term "channel" is often used in MTA implementations; channels
   -- are usually, but not always, equivalent to a group. However,
   -- this MIB does not use the term "channel" because there is no
   -- requirement that an MTA supporting this MIB has to map its
   -- "channel" abstraction one-to-one onto the MIB's group abstraction.

   -- An MTA may create a group or group of groups at any time. Once
   -- created, however, an MTA cannot delete an entry for a group from
   -- the group table.  Deletion is only allowed when the MTA is
   -- reinitialized, and is not required even then.  This restriction
   -- is imposed so that monitoring agents can rely on group
   -- assignments being consistent across multiple query operations.

   -- Groups may be laid out so as to form a hierarchical arrangement,
   -- with some groups acting as subgroups for other groups.
   -- Alternately, disjoint groups of groups may be used to provide
   -- different sorts of "snapshots" of MTA operation.  The
   -- mtaGroupHierarchy variable provides an indication of how each
   -- group fits into the overall arrangement being used.

   -- Note that SNMP also defines and uses term "group". MTA groups are
   -- NOT the same as SNMP groups.

   mtaGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MtaGroupEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS current
         "The table holding information specific to each MTA group."
       ::= {mta 2}

   mtaGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX MtaGroupEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS current
         "The entry associated with each MTA group."
       INDEX {applIndex, mtaGroupIndex}
       ::= {mtaGroupTable 1}

   MtaGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

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   mtaGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647)
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
        "The index associated with a group for a given MTA."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 1}

   mtaGroupReceivedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The number of messages received to this group since
         group creation."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 2}

   mtaGroupRejectedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The number of messages rejected by this group since
         group creation."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 3}

   mtaGroupStoredMessages OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Gauge32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current

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        "The total number of messages currently stored in this
         group's queue."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 4}

   mtaGroupTransmittedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The number of messages transmitted by this group since
         group creation."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 5}

   mtaGroupReceivedVolume OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      UNITS "K-octets"
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The total volume of messages received to this group since
         group creation, measured in kilo-octets.  This volume
         should include all transferred data that is logically above
         the mail transport protocol level.  For example, an
         SMTP-based MTA should use the number of kilo-octets in the
         message header and body, while an X.400-based MTA should use
         the number of kilo-octets of P2 data."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 6}

   mtaGroupStoredVolume OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Gauge32
      UNITS "K-octets"
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The total volume of messages currently stored in this
         group's queue, measured in kilo-octets.  This volume should
         include all stored data that is logically above the mail
         transport protocol level.  For example, an SMTP-based
         MTA should use the number of kilo-octets in the message
         header and body, while an X.400-based MTA would use the
         number of kilo-octets of P2 data."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 7}

   mtaGroupTransmittedVolume OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      UNITS "K-octets"
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current

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        "The total volume of messages transmitted by this group
         since group creation, measured in kilo-octets.  This
         volume should include all transferred data that is logically
         above the mail transport protocol level.  For example, an
         SMTP-based MTA should use the number of kilo-octets in the
         message header and body, while an X.400-based MTA should use
         the number of kilo-octets of P2 data."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 8}

   mtaGroupReceivedRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
         received to this group since group creation.
         Recipients this MTA has no responsibility for should not
         be counted."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 9}

   mtaGroupStoredRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Gauge32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
         currently stored in this group's queue.  Recipients this
         MTA has no responsibility for should not be counted."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 10}

   mtaGroupTransmittedRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
         transmitted by this group since group creation.
         Recipients this MTA had no responsibility for should not
         be counted."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 11}

   mtaGroupOldestMessageStored OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX TimeInterval
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "Time since the oldest message in this group's queue was

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         placed in the queue."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 12}

   mtaGroupInboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Gauge32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The number of current associations to the group, where the
         group is the responder."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 13}

   mtaGroupOutboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Gauge32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The number of current associations to the group, where the
        group is the initiator."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 14}

   mtaGroupAccumulatedInboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The total number of associations to the group since
        group creation, where the MTA was the responder."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 15}

   mtaGroupAccumulatedOutboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The total number of associations from the group since
         group creation, where the MTA was the initiator."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 16}

   mtaGroupLastInboundActivity OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX TimeInterval
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "Time since the last time that this group had an active
        inbound association for purposes of message reception."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 17}

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   mtaGroupLastOutboundActivity OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX TimeInterval
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "Time since the last time that this group had a
         successful outbound association for purposes of
         message delivery."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 18}

   mtaGroupLastOutboundAssociationAttempt OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX TimeInterval
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "Time since the last time that this group attempted
         to make an outbound association for purposes of
         message delivery."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 34}

   mtaGroupRejectedInboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The total number of inbound associations the group has
        rejected, since group creation.  Rejected associations
        are not counted in the accumulated association totals."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 19}

   mtaGroupFailedOutboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The total number associations where the group was the
        initiator and association establishment has failed,
        since group creation.  Failed associations are
        not counted in the accumulated association totals."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 20}

   mtaGroupInboundRejectionReason OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The failure reason, if any, for the last association this
        group refused to respond to. If no association attempt

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        has been made since the MTA was initialized the value
        should be 'never'."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 21}

   mtaGroupOutboundConnectFailureReason OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The failure reason, if any, for the last association attempt
        this group initiated. If no association attempt has been
        made since the MTA was initialized the value should be
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 22}

   mtaGroupScheduledRetry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX TimeInterval
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The amount of time until this group is next scheduled to
         attempt to make an association."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 23}

   mtaGroupMailProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "An identification of the protocol being used by this group.
         For an group employing OSI protocols, this will be the
         Application Context.    For Internet applications, OID
         values of the form {applTCPProtoID port} or {applUDPProtoID
         port} are used for TCP-based and UDP-based protocols,
         respectively. In either case 'port' corresponds to the
         primary port number being used by the protocol. The
         usual IANA procedures may be used to register ports for
         new protocols. applTCPProtoID and applUDPProtoID are
         defined in the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB, RFC 2788."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 24}

   mtaGroupName OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "A descriptive name for the group. If this group connects to
         a single remote MTA this should be the name of that MTA. If

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         this in turn is an Internet MTA this should be the domain
         name.  For an OSI MTA it should be the string encoded
         distinguished name of the managed object using the format
         defined in RFC 2253.  For X.400(1984) MTAs which do not
         have a Distinguished Name, the RFC 2156 syntax
         'mta in globalid' used in X400-Received: fields can be
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 25}

   mtaGroupSuccessfulConvertedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The number of messages that have been successfully
         converted from one form to another in this group
         since group creation."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 26}

   mtaGroupFailedConvertedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "The number of messages for which an unsuccessful
         attempt was made to convert them from one form to
         another in this group since group creation."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 27}

   mtaGroupDescription OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "A description of the group's purpose.  This information is
         intended to identify the group in a status display."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 28}

      SYNTAX URLString
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "A URL pointing to a description of the group.  This
         information is intended to identify and briefly describe
         the group in a status display."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 29}

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   mtaGroupCreationTime OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX TimeInterval
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "Time since this group was first created."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 30}

   mtaGroupHierarchy OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647)
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "Describes how this group fits into the hierarchy. A
         positive value is interpreted as an mtaGroupIndex
         value for some other group whose variables include
         those of this group (and usually others). A negative
         value is interpreted as a group collection code: Groups
         with common negative hierarchy values comprise one
         particular breakdown of MTA activity as a whole. A
         zero value means that this MIB implementation doesn't
         implement hierarchy indicators and thus the overall
         group hierarchy cannot be determined."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 31}

   mtaGroupOldestMessageId OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "Message ID of the oldest message in the group's queue.
         Whenever possible this should be in the form of an
         RFC 822 msg-id; X.400 may convert X.400 message
         identifiers to this form by following the rules laid
         out in RFC2156."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 32}

   mtaGroupLoopsDetected OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "A message loop is defined as a situation where the MTA
         decides that a given message will never be delivered to
         one or more recipients and instead will continue to
         loop endlessly through one or more MTAs.  This variable
         counts the number of times the MTA has detected such a
         situation in conjunction with something associated with

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         this group since group creation.  Note that the
         mechanism MTAs use to detect loops (e.g., trace field
         counting, count of references to this MTA in a trace
         field, examination of DNS or other directory information,
         etc.), the level at which loops are detected (e.g., per
         message, per recipient, per directory entry, etc.), and
         the handling of a loop once it is detected (e.g., looping
         messages are held, looping messages are bounced or sent
         to the postmaster, messages that the MTA knows will loop
         won't be accepted, etc.) vary widely from one MTA to the
         next and cannot be inferred from this variable."
      ::= {mtaGroupEntry 33}

   -- The mtaGroupAssociationTable provides a means of correlating
   -- entries in the network services association table with the
   -- MTA group responsible for the association.

   mtaGroupAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MtaGroupAssociationEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
        "The table holding information regarding the associations
         for each MTA group."
      ::= {mta 3}

   mtaGroupAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX MtaGroupAssociationEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
        "The entry holding information regarding the associations
         for each MTA group."
      INDEX {applIndex, mtaGroupIndex, mtaGroupAssociationIndex}
      ::= {mtaGroupAssociationTable 1}

   MtaGroupAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

   mtaGroupAssociationIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647)
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "Reference into association table to allow correlation of
         this group's active associations with the association table."

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      ::= {mtaGroupAssociationEntry 1}

   -- The mtaGroupErrorTable gives each group a way of tallying
   -- the specific errors it has encountered.  The mechanism
   -- defined here uses RFC 1893 status codes to identify
   -- various specific errors.  There are also classes for generic
   -- errors of various sorts, and the entire mechanism is also
   -- extensible, in that new error codes can be defined at any
   -- time.

   mtaGroupErrorTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MtaGroupErrorEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
        "The table holding information regarding accumulated errors
         for each MTA group."
      ::= {mta 5}

   mtaGroupErrorEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX MtaGroupErrorEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
        "The entry holding information regarding accumulated
         errors for each MTA group."
      INDEX {applIndex, mtaGroupIndex, mtaStatusCode}
      ::= {mtaGroupErrorTable 1}

   MtaGroupErrorEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          INTEGER (4000000..5999999),

   mtaGroupInboundErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "Count of the number of errors of a given type that have
         been accumulated in association with a particular group
         while processing incoming messages. In the case of SMTP

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         these will typically be errors reporting by an SMTP
         server to the remote client; in the case of X.400
         these will typically be errors encountered while
         processing an incoming message."
      ::= {mtaGroupErrorEntry 1}

   mtaGroupInternalErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "Count of the number of errors of a given type that have
         been accumulated in association with a particular group
         during internal MTA processing."
      ::= {mtaGroupErrorEntry 2}

   mtaGroupOutboundErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
        "Count of the number of errors of a given type that have
         been accumulated in association with a particular group's
         outbound connection activities. In the case of an SMTP
         client these will typically be errors reported while
         attempting to contact or while communicating with the
         remote SMTP server. In the case of X.400 these will
         typically be errors encountered while constructing
         or attempting to deliver an outgoing message."
      ::= {mtaGroupErrorEntry 3}

   mtaStatusCode OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (4000000..5999999)
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
        "An index capable of representing an Enhanced Mail System
         Status Code.  Enhanced Mail System Status Codes are
         defined in RFC 1893.  These codes have the form


         Here 'class' is either 2, 4, or 5 and both 'subject' and
         'detail'  are integers in the range 0..999. Given a status
         code the corresponding index value is defined to be
         ((class * 1000) + subject) * 1000 + detail.  Both SMTP
         error response codes and X.400 reason and diagnostic codes
         can be mapped into these codes, resulting in a namespace

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         capable of describing most error conditions a mail system
         encounters in a generic yet detailed way."
      ::= {mtaGroupErrorEntry 4}

   -- Conformance information

   mtaConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {mta 4}

   mtaGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {mtaConformance 1}
   mtaCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {mtaConformance 2}

   -- Compliance statements

   mtaCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
        "The compliance statement for RFC 1566 implementations
         which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for basic
         monitoring of MTAs."
      MODULE  -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC1566Group}
      ::= {mtaCompliances 1}

   mtaAssocCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
        "The compliance statement for RFC 1566 implementations
         which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for monitoring
         of MTAs and their associations."
      MODULE  -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC1566Group, mtaRFC1566AssocGroup}
      ::= {mtaCompliances 2}

   mtaRFC2249Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
        "The compliance statement for RFC 2249 implementations
         which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for basic
         monitoring of MTAs."
      MODULE  -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2249Group}
      ::= {mtaCompliances 5}

   mtaRFC2249AssocCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
        "The compliance statement for RFC 2249 implementations

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         which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for monitoring of
         MTAs and their associations."
      MODULE  -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2249Group, mtaRFC2249AssocGroup}
      ::= {mtaCompliances 6}

   mtaRFC2249ErrorCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
        "The compliance statement for RFC 2249 implementations
         which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for monitoring of
         MTAs and detailed errors."
      MODULE  -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2249Group, mtaRFC2249ErrorGroup}
      ::= {mtaCompliances 7}

   mtaRFC2249FullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
        "The compliance statement for RFC 2249 implementations
         which support the full Mail Monitoring MIB for
         monitoring of MTAs, associations, and detailed errors."
      MODULE  -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2249Group, mtaRFC2249AssocGroup,
      ::= {mtaCompliances 8}

   mtaRFC2789Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
        "The compliance statement for RFC 2789 implementations
         which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for basic
         monitoring of MTAs."
      MODULE  -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2789Group}
      ::= {mtaCompliances 9}

   mtaRFC2789AssocCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
        "The compliance statement for RFC 2789 implementations
         which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for monitoring of
         MTAs and their associations."
      MODULE  -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2789Group, mtaRFC2789AssocGroup}
      ::= {mtaCompliances 10}

   mtaRFC2789ErrorCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE

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RFC 2789                  Mail Monitoring MIB                 March 2000

      STATUS current
        "The compliance statement for RFC 2789 implementations
         which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for monitoring of
         MTAs and detailed errors."
      MODULE  -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2789Group, mtaRFC2789ErrorGroup}
      ::= {mtaCompliances 11}

   mtaRFC2789FullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
        "The compliance statement for RFC 2789 implementations
         which support the full Mail Monitoring MIB for
         monitoring of MTAs, associations, and detailed errors."
      MODULE  -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2789Group, mtaRFC2789AssocGroup,
      ::= {mtaCompliances 12}

   -- Units of conformance

   mtaRFC1566Group OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
        mtaReceivedMessages, mtaStoredMessages,
        mtaTransmittedMessages, mtaReceivedVolume, mtaStoredVolume,
        mtaTransmittedVolume, mtaReceivedRecipients,
        mtaStoredRecipients, mtaTransmittedRecipients,
        mtaGroupReceivedMessages, mtaGroupRejectedMessages,
        mtaGroupStoredMessages, mtaGroupTransmittedMessages,
        mtaGroupReceivedVolume, mtaGroupStoredVolume,
        mtaGroupTransmittedVolume, mtaGroupReceivedRecipients,
        mtaGroupStoredRecipients, mtaGroupTransmittedRecipients,
        mtaGroupOldestMessageStored, mtaGroupInboundAssociations,
        mtaGroupLastInboundActivity, mtaGroupLastOutboundActivity,
        mtaGroupScheduledRetry, mtaGroupMailProtocol, mtaGroupName}
      STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing basic monitoring of MTAs.
         This is the original set of such objects defined in RFC

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      ::= {mtaGroups 10}

   mtaRFC1566AssocGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing monitoring of MTA
         associations.  This is the original set of such objects
         defined in RFC 1566."
      ::= {mtaGroups 11}

   mtaRFC2249Group OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
        mtaReceivedMessages, mtaStoredMessages,
        mtaTransmittedMessages, mtaReceivedVolume, mtaStoredVolume,
        mtaTransmittedVolume, mtaReceivedRecipients,
        mtaStoredRecipients, mtaTransmittedRecipients,
        mtaSuccessfulConvertedMessages, mtaFailedConvertedMessages,
        mtaGroupReceivedMessages, mtaGroupRejectedMessages,
        mtaGroupStoredMessages, mtaGroupTransmittedMessages,
        mtaGroupReceivedVolume, mtaGroupStoredVolume,
        mtaGroupTransmittedVolume, mtaGroupReceivedRecipients,
        mtaGroupStoredRecipients, mtaGroupTransmittedRecipients,
        mtaGroupOldestMessageStored, mtaGroupInboundAssociations,
        mtaGroupOutboundAssociations, mtaLoopsDetected,
        mtaGroupLastInboundActivity, mtaGroupLastOutboundActivity,
        mtaGroupScheduledRetry, mtaGroupMailProtocol, mtaGroupName,
        mtaGroupFailedConvertedMessages, mtaGroupDescription,
        mtaGroupURL, mtaGroupCreationTime, mtaGroupHierarchy,
        mtaGroupOldestMessageId, mtaGroupLoopsDetected}
      STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing basic monitoring of MTAs.
         This group was originally defined in RFC 2249."
      ::= {mtaGroups 4}

   mtaRFC2249AssocGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {

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RFC 2789                  Mail Monitoring MIB                 March 2000

      STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing monitoring of MTA
         associations.  This group was originally defined in RFC
      ::= {mtaGroups 5}

   mtaRFC2249ErrorGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
        mtaGroupInboundErrorCount, mtaGroupInternalErrorCount,
      STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing monitoring of
         detailed MTA errors.  This group was originally defined
         in RFC 2249."
      ::= {mtaGroups 6}

   mtaRFC2789Group OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
        mtaReceivedMessages, mtaStoredMessages,
        mtaTransmittedMessages, mtaReceivedVolume, mtaStoredVolume,
        mtaTransmittedVolume, mtaReceivedRecipients,
        mtaStoredRecipients, mtaTransmittedRecipients,
        mtaSuccessfulConvertedMessages, mtaFailedConvertedMessages,
        mtaGroupReceivedMessages, mtaGroupRejectedMessages,
        mtaGroupStoredMessages, mtaGroupTransmittedMessages,
        mtaGroupReceivedVolume, mtaGroupStoredVolume,
        mtaGroupTransmittedVolume, mtaGroupReceivedRecipients,
        mtaGroupStoredRecipients, mtaGroupTransmittedRecipients,
        mtaGroupOldestMessageStored, mtaGroupInboundAssociations,
        mtaGroupOutboundAssociations, mtaLoopsDetected,
        mtaGroupLastInboundActivity, mtaGroupLastOutboundActivity,
        mtaGroupScheduledRetry, mtaGroupMailProtocol, mtaGroupName,
        mtaGroupFailedConvertedMessages, mtaGroupDescription,
        mtaGroupURL, mtaGroupCreationTime, mtaGroupHierarchy,
        mtaGroupOldestMessageId, mtaGroupLoopsDetected}
      STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing basic monitoring of MTAs.

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RFC 2789                  Mail Monitoring MIB                 March 2000

         This is the appropriate group for RFC 2789."
      ::= {mtaGroups 7}

   mtaRFC2789AssocGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing monitoring of MTA
         associations.  This is the appropriate group for RFC
         2789 association monitoring."
      ::= {mtaGroups 8}

   mtaRFC2789ErrorGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
        mtaGroupInboundErrorCount, mtaGroupInternalErrorCount,
      STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing monitoring of
         detailed MTA errors.  This is the appropriate group
         for RFC 2789 error monitoring."
      ::= {mtaGroups 9}


5.  Changes made since RFC 2249

   This revision corrects a number of minor technical errors in the
   construction of the mail monitoring MIB in RFC 2249 [18]:

   (1) All DisplayStrings have been changed to SnmpAdminStrings,

   (2) the conformance groups for different versions of this MIB have
       been corrected,

   (3) the required mtaStatusCode entry has been added to
       MtaGroupErrorEntry (which does not affect the bits on the wire in
       any way), and

   (4) the recommendation that an empty string be returned if the last
       operation was successful has been removed from
       mtaGroupInboundRejectionReason and
       mtaGroupOutboundConnectFailureReason as it conflicts with the
       stated purpose of these variables.

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6.  Acknowledgements

   This document is a work product of the Mail and Directory Management
   (MADMAN) Working Group of the IETF. It is based on an earlier MIB
   designed by S. Kille, T. Lenggenhager, D. Partain, and W. Yeong. The
   Electronic Mail Association's TSC committee was instrumental in
   providing feedback on and suggesting enhancements to RFC 1566 [19]
   that have led to the present document.

7.  References

   [1]  Harrington, D., Presuhn, R. and B. Wijnen, "An Architecture for
        Describing SNMP Management Frameworks", RFC 2571, April 1999.

   [2]  Rose, M. and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification of
        Management Information for TCP/IP-based Internets", STD 16, RFC
        1155, May 1990.

   [3]  Rose, M. and K. McCloghrie, "Concise MIB Definitions", STD 16,
        RFC 1212, March 1991.

   [4]  Rose, M., "A Convention for Defining Traps for use with the
        SNMP", RFC 1215, March 1991.

   [5]  McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D. and J. Schoenwaelder, "Structure of
        Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578,
        April 1999.

   [6]  McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D. and J. Schoenwaelder, "Textual
        Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999.

   [7]  McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D. and J. Schoenwaelder, "Conformance
        Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580, April 1999.

   [8]  Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M. and J. Davin, "Simple
        Network Management Protocol", STD 15, RFC 1157, May 1990.

   [9]  Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser,
        "Introduction to Community-based SNMPv2", RFC 1901, January

   [10] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser, "Transport
        Mappings for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol
        (SNMPv2)", RFC 1906, January 1996.

   [11] Case, J., Harrington D., Presuhn R. and B. Wijnen, "Message
        Processing and Dispatching for the Simple Network Management
        Protocol (SNMP)", RFC 2572, April 1999.

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RFC 2789                  Mail Monitoring MIB                 March 2000

   [12] Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model (USM)
        for version 3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol
        (SNMPv3)", RFC 2574, April 1999.

   [13] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser, "Protocol
        Operations for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management
        Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1905, January 1996.

   [14] Levi, D., Meyer, P. and B. Stewart, "SNMPv3 Applications", RFC
        2573, April 1999.

   [15] Wijnen, B., Presuhn, R. and K. McCloghrie, "View-based Access
        Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network Management Protocol
        (SNMP)", RFC 2575, April 1999.

   [16] Freed, N. and S. Kille, "Network Services Monitoring MIB", RFC
        2788, March 2000.

   [17] Wahl, M., Kille, S. and T. Howes, "Lightweight Directory Access
        Protocol (v3): UTF-8 String Representation of Distinguished
        Names", RFC 2253, December 1997.

   [18] Freed, N. and S. Kille, "Mail Monitoring MIB", RFC 2249, January

   [19] Freed, N. and S. Kille, "Mail Monitoring MIB", RFC 1566, January

   [20] Kille, S., "Mapping between X.400(1988) and RFC 822/MIME", RFC
        2156, January 1998.

   [21] Crocker, D., "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text
        Message", STD 11, RFC 822, August 1982.

   [22] Vaudreuil, G., "Enhanced Mail System Status Codes", RFC 1893,
        January 1996.

8.  Security Considerations

   There are no management objects defined in this MIB that have a MAX-
   ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create.  So, if this MIB is
   implemented correctly, then there is no risk that an intruder can
   alter or create any management objects of this MIB via direct SNMP
   SET operations.

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RFC 2789                  Mail Monitoring MIB                 March 2000

   However, this MIB does provide passive information about the
   existence, type, and configuration of applications on a given host
   that could potentially indicate some sort of vulnerability. Finally,
   the information MIB provides about network usage could be used to
   analyze network traffic patterns.

   SNMPv1 by itself is not a secure environment.  Even if the network
   itself is secure (for example by using IPSec), even then, there is no
   control as to who on the secure network is allowed to access and
   GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this MIB.

   It is recommended that the implementers consider the security
   features as provided by the SNMPv3 framework.  Specifically, the use
   of the User-based Security Model RFC 2574 [12] and the View-based
   Access Control Model RFC 2575 [15] is recommended.

   It is then a customer/user responsibility to ensure that the SNMP
   entity giving access to an instance of this MIB, is properly
   configured to give access to the objects only to those principals
   (users) that have legitimate rights to indeed GET or SET
   (change/create/delete) them.

9.  Author and Chair Addresses

   Ned Freed
   Innosoft International, Inc.
   1050 Lakes Drive
   West Covina, CA 91790

   Phone: +1 626 919 3600
   Fax:   +1 626 919 3614

   Steve Kille, MADMAN WG Chair
   MessagingDirect Ltd.
   The Dome, The Square
   Richmond TW9 1DT

   Phone: +44 20 8332 9091

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RFC 2789                  Mail Monitoring MIB                 March 2000

10.  Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000).  All Rights Reserved.

   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
   included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
   followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than

   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

Freed & Kille               Standards Track                    [Page 33]

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