Network Working Group                                       Y. Kawatsura
Request for Comments: 3538                                       Hitachi
Category: Informational                                        June 2003

         Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) Supplement for the
               v1.0 Internet Open Trading Protocol (IOTP)

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003).  All Rights Reserved.


   This document describes detailed Input/Output parameters for the
   Internet Open Trading Protocol (IOTP) Payment Application Programming
   Interface (API).  It also describes procedures in the Payment Bridge
   for the use of SET (SET Secure Electronic Transaction) as the payment
   protocol within Version 1.0 of the IOTP.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction....................................................3
      1.1 Objectives of this Document.................................3
      1.2 Scope of this specification.................................3
          1.2.1 The version of IOTP specification.....................3
          1.2.2 The version of SET specification......................4
          1.2.3 The version of IOTP Architecture document.............4
      1.3 Audience....................................................4
      1.4 Notation....................................................4
      1.5 Terminology.................................................4
   2. Requirements & Development Policy...............................4
   3. Business Models.................................................5
      3.1 Entity models between SET and IOTP..........................5
      3.2 Role of Participants........................................5
      3.3 Scope of Transaction Types..................................6
      3.4 Types of transaction not in scope...........................6
   4. Architecture of SET/IOTP........................................7
   5. Trading Types of SET/IOTP.......................................7
      5.1 Baseline Purchase...........................................7
      5.2 Cash Advances...............................................8
      5.3 Status Inquiry .............................................8

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   6. General Flow of SET/IOTP........................................8
      6.1 Baseline Purchase...........................................9
          6.1.1 Brand Independent Baseline Purchase...................9
          6.1.2 Brand Dependent Baseline Purchase....................13
      6.2 Cash Advances..............................................14
      6.3 Status Inquiry.............................................15
   7. IOTP Payment APIs..............................................16
      7.1 Brand Compilation Related API Calls........................16
          7.1.1 Find Accepted Payment Brand..........................16
          7.1.2 Find Accepted Payment Protocol.......................17
          7.1.3 Get Payment Initialization Data......................18
          7.1.4 Inquire Authentication Challenge.....................19
          7.1.5 Authenticate.........................................19
          7.1.6 Check Authentication Response........................19
      7.2 Brand Selection Related API Calls..........................20
          7.2.1 Find Payment Instrument..............................20
          7.2.2 Check Payment Possibility............................21
      7.3 Payment Transaction Related API Calls......................22
          7.3.1 Start Payment Consumer...............................22
          7.3.2 Start Payment Payment Handler........................23
          7.3.3 Resume Payment Consumer..............................24
          7.3.4 Continue Process.....................................25
          7.3.5. Change Process State................................26
      7.4 General Inquiry API Calls..................................26
          7.4.1 Payment Instrument Inquiry...........................26
          7.4.2 Inquire Pending Payment..............................26
          7.4.3 Remove Payment Log...................................27
      7.5 Payment Related Inquiry API Calls..........................27
          7.5.1 Check Payment Receipt................................27
          7.5.2 Expand Payment Receipt...............................27
          7.5.3 Inquire Process State................................28
          7.5.4 Start Payment Inquiry................................29
          7.5.5 Inquire Payment Status...............................30
   8. SET dependent Process..........................................30
      8.1 Relationships between them for IOTP Purchase/Cash Advances.30
      8.2 Definition of Identifiers..................................31
          8.2.1 Definition of BrandId................................31
          8.2.2 Definition of ProtocolBrandId........................31
          8.2.3 Definition of ProtocolId.............................33
          8.2.4 Relationship between Ids.............................33
      8.3 Process prior to Payment...................................34
          8.3.1 FindAcceptedPaymentProtocol Function.................34
          8.3.2 FindPaymentInstrument Function.......................35
          8.3.3 GetPaymentInitializationData Function................36
      8.4 Process of Payment.........................................37
          8.4.1 StartPaymentConsumer Function........................37
          8.4.2 StartPaymentPaymentHandler Function..................41
          8.4.3 ContinueProcess Function (Consumer Side).............42

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          8.4.4 ContinueProcess Function (Payment Handler Side)......43
          8.4.5 InquireProcessState Function.........................45
      8.5 Payment Receipt............................................45
          8.5.1 CheckPayReceipt Function.............................45
          8.5.2 ExpandPayReceipt Function............................45
      8.6 Status Inquiry.............................................46
      8.7 Resume Process.............................................47
      8.8 SET Scheme Specific Authentication on IOTP.................47
      8.9 SET Bridge ProcessState....................................48
          8.9.1 SET Bridge ProcessState of Consumer..................48
          8.9.2 SET Bridge ProcessState of Payment Handler...........49
      8.10 Relationship between Pay Step and Deliv Step on SET/IOTP..49
      8.11 Completion Code...........................................50
      8.12 PercentComplete...........................................50
      8.13 Severity..................................................51
   9. Error Handling.................................................51
      9.1 Types of Errors............................................51
      9.2 IOTP Level Error (OAC Error)...............................52
      9.3 IOTP Level Error (SET Bridge Error)........................52
      9.4 SET Level Error (SET Technical Error)......................52
          9.4.1 SET Initiation Error.................................52
          9.4.2 SET Transaction Error................................53
      9.5 SET Level Error (SET Business Error).......................53
   10. Security Considerations.......................................54
   11. References....................................................54
   12. IANA Considerations...........................................55
   13. Acknowledgement...............................................55
   14. Author's Address..............................................55
   15. Full Copyright Statement......................................56

1. Introduction

   This chapter describes the outline of this document.

1.1 Objectives of this Document

   This document describes how SET (SET Secure Electronic Transaction)
   works within the IOTP (Internet Open Trading Protocol).

1.2 Scope of this specification

1.2.1 The version of IOTP specification

   This document is written based on IOTP Version 1.0 [RFC 2801].

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1.2.2 The version of SET specification

   This document is written based on SET Version 1.0 [SET].

1.2.3 The version of IOTP Architecture document

   This document is written based on IOTP Payment API document Version
   1.0 [IOTP Payment API].

1.3 Audience

   This document is indented for readers who are familiar with the
   following documents:

   1) IOTP Specification Version 1.0 [RFC 2801]
   2) SET Specification, in particular Book 2:Programmer's Guide and
      Book3:Formal Protocol Definition,
   3) External Interface Guide to SET Secure Electronic Transaction
   4) Internet Open Trading Supplement: Architecture and Payment API
      [IOTP API]

1.4 Notation

   SET Messages and Elements are described with the prefix "SET".

   SET PRes
   SET SaleDetail

1.5 Terminology

   This document uses the following terms:

   SET/IOTP             The specification described in this document.
   SET related message  Both SET Messages and SET Initiation Messages

2. Requirements & Development Policy

   This chapter describes the requirements and development policies of

   The requirements of SET/IOTP are as follows:

   o  To be based on SET specifications.  Interoperability at the
      payment level must be maintained.

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   o  To not enforce modifications which are specific to SET/IOTP.
      General features of IOTP should not be tampered with to cater to a
      particular payment method.

   o  To keep integrity between IOTP and SET.  Inconstancy must not be
      raised between IOTP and SET elements when they have the same

   The development policy of SET/IOTP is as follows:

   o  To minimize the number of message round trips

   o  To minimize the length of messages

3. Business Models

   This chapter describes the difference in entity models between SET
   and IOTP, the definitions of Trading Roles in SET/IOTP, and the scope
   of SET/IOTP.

3.1 Entity models between SET and IOTP

   The following table describes how SET and IOTP entities correspond to
   each other.

   |    IOTP Entity                SET Entity         |
   | ------------------------------------------------ |
   | Consumer        <--->      Card Holder           |
   | Merchant        <--->      Merchant (Initiation) |
   | Payment Handler <--->      Merchant (Payment)    |
   | Delivery Handler<--->      None                  |
   | None            <--->      Acquirer              |

      Figure 1 Entity Models between SET and IOTP

3.2 Role of Participants

   The following table describes the trading roles in SET/IOTP.

   Trading Roles        Role
   Consumer             An Individual who purchases goods and/or
                        services, and pays for the value received
                        by choosing a SET Transaction.  This
                        individual corresponds with the
                        CardHolder in SET.

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   Merchant             An organization that provides goods and/or
                        services for purchase, accepts payment
                        methods, delivers invoices and triggers
                        payment processes.

   Payment Handler      An organization that processes negotiations on
                        payments including SET payment transactions.

   Delivery Handler     An Organization that ships digital or physical
                        goods to the Consumer.

   Customer Care        The same as in [RFC 2801].

   Merchant Care        The same as in [RFC 2801].

3.3 Scope of Transaction Types

   The types of IOTP transactions that are supported in this document
   are as follows:

   o  Brand Independent Baseline Purchase when SET is used for payment

   o  Brand Dependent Baseline Purchase when SET is used for payment

   o  Cash Advances (Brand Independent and Brand Dependent case)

   o  Status Inquiry on SET payments

3.4 Types of transaction not in scope

   The types of transactions that are NOT covered in this document are
   as follows:

   o  Credit Reversal Process

   o  Customer Care Service with Consumer Related SET Certificate

   o  Customer Care Service with Consumer Related SET Certificate
      Registration Inquiry

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4. Architecture of SET/IOTP

   SET/IOTP Architecture is as follows:

   IOTP client (Consumer)  <--------------->  IOTP server (Merchant)
         ^                     Internet             ^
         | IOTP Payment                             | IOTP Payment
         |    API                                   |    API
         v                                          v
   IOTP/Payment Bridge                        IOTP/Payment Bridge
        ^                                           ^
        | Existing Payment APIs, e.g.,              |
        | SET, Mondex, etc.                         |
        v                                           v
   Existing Payment Software               Existing Payment Software

      Figure 2 SET/IOTP Architecture

   IOTP Application Core (OAC): Software that processes IOTP messages.
   IOTP Payment Bridge (OPB): Interface between OAC and Existing Payment
   Software.  SET Bridge is also an interface between OAC and SET Core.

   Existing Payment Software (EPS): Existing Software that processes
   Payments.  The SET Core is software that supports mechanisms in SET
   specification from Book1 to Book3.  EPS does NOT necessarily have to
   implement the SET Initiation Processor, which is specified in SET
   EIG.  SET Related Module Both SET related OPB and EPS.

5. Trading Types of SET/IOTP

   This chapter describes the outline of SET/IOTP trading types.

5.1 Baseline Purchase

   Three steps will take place in a Baseline Purchase in the following

   (1) Offer Step

   Consumer selects goods/services over the Internet, for instance on
   the web, and then chooses the payment method (SET is selected), the
   SET brand, the payment currency, and then confirms the invoice.

   There are two Offer Process types, Brand Independent and Brand

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   (1-a) Brand Independent Purchase

   In a Brand Independent Purchase, the Merchant sends the TPO Block and
   Offer Response Block simultaneously after the consumer's purchase
   decision.  The Brand Independent Purchase has the merit of
   eliminating one round of messages compared with the Brand Dependent
   Purchase because the contents of the Offer Response Block (for
   example, the description on the invoice) do not change based on the
   selected brand.

   (1-b) Brand Dependent Purchase

   Brand Dependent Purchase is used when the contents of the Offer
   Response Block are dependent on the selected Payment Brand.  With
   this method, the currency selection and discounts based on payment
   method can be implemented.

   (2) Payment Step

   The Consumer confirms the order and then pays for the order with a
   SET Transaction.  The SET Transaction messages will be encapsulated
   in IOTP Messages.

   (3) Delivery Step

   After completing the Payment, the Consumer receives the
   goods/services via either on-line or physical delivery.

5.2 Cash Advances

   Cash Advances can be made via a Value Exchange Transaction in IOTP. A
   first Payment by SET and a second Payment by some other payment
   mechanism is supported in Baseline IOTP.  The Cash Advance has two
   types - Brand Independent and Brand Dependent Cases.

5.3 Status Inquiry

   A Consumer can send a SET Payment Inquiry in IOTP.  The SET Message
   is encapsulated in an IOTP Message.

6. General Flow of SET/IOTP

   This chapter illustrates the general SET/IOTP message flows.

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6.1 Baseline Purchase

   Baseline purchases consist of two types, Brand Independent Purchase
   and Brand Dependent Purchase.  Each type is illustrated in the charts

6.1.1 Brand Independent Baseline Purchase

   The general flow of a Brand Independent Purchase is as follows:

   (1) Consumer Side (Before PayRequest Message)

   SET Core     SET Bridge       OAC
      |             |             |  TPO & OfferResp message
      |             |             |<------------------- From
      |             |<------------|                       Merchant
      |             | FindPayment |
      |             |   Instrument|
      |             |------------>|
      |             |  Response   |
      |             |<------------|
      |             | CheckPayment|
      |             |  Possibility|
      |             |------------>|
      |             |  Response   |
      |             |<------------|
      |<------------| StartPayment|
      |------------>|     Consumer|
      |             |------------>| PayRequest Message
      |             |  Response   |-------------------> To Payment
                                    (SET Init Resp/        Handler
                                         SET PInitReq)

      Figure 3 Consumer Side for Brand Independent (1)

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   (2) Consumer Side (After PayRequest Message)

   SET Core     SET Bridge       OAC
      |             |             |  Pay Exch Message
      |             |             |<------------------- From
      | SET PInitRes|<------------|  (SET PInitRes)      P.H.
      |<------------| Continue    |
      |------------>|     Process |
      |  SET PReq   |------------>|  Pay Exch Message
      |             |  Response   |-------------------> To P.H.
      |             |             |    (SET PReq)
      |             |             |  Pay Exch Message
      |             |             |<------------------  From P.H.
      |  SET PRes   |<------------|    (SET PRes)
      |<------------| Continue    |
      |------------>|    Process  |
      |             |------------>|
      |             |Response[END]|
      |             |<------------|
      |             | CheckPayment|
      |             |     Receipt |
      |             |------------>|
      |             |  Response   |
      |             |<------------|
      |             |ExpandPayment|
      |             |     Receipt |
      |             |------------>|
      |             |  Response   |
      |             |<------------|
      |             |ChangeProcess|
      |             |       State |
      |             |------------>|
      |             |  Response   |

      Figure 4 Consumer Side flow for Brand Independent (2)

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   (3) Merchant Side

                                 OAC        SET Bridge
                                  |FindAccepted    |
                                  | PaymentBrand   |
                                  |  Response      |
                                  |FindAccepted    |
                                  | PaymentProtocol|
                                  |  Response      |
                                  |GetPaymentInit- |
                                  | lizationData   |
          TPO & Offer Resp Msg.   |<---------------|
         <------------------------|  Response      |
   To  Consumer

      Figure 5 Merchant Side flow for Brand Independent

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   (4) Payment Handler Side.

                                 OAC        SET Bridge        SET Core
              PayRequest Message  |                |             |
   From    ---------------------->|                |             |
    Consumer  (SET Init Res/      |--------------->|             |
                    SET PInitReq) |StartPayment    |------------>|
                                  | PaymentHandler |<------------|
             PayExch Message      |<---------------|             |
   To      <----------------------|  Response      |             |
    Consumer (SET Init Req/       .                .             .
                   SET PInitRes)  .                .             .
             PayExch Mssage       |                |             |
           ---------------------->|                |             |
   From Consumer (SET PReq)       |--------------->| SET PReq    |
                                  | Continue       |------------>|
                                  |       Process  |<------------|
                                  |<---------------| SET PRes    |
                                  |  Response      |             |
                                  |--------------->|             |
                                  | Inquire        |             |
                                  |   ProcessState |             |
                                  |<---------------|             |
                                  |  Response      |             |
                                  |--------------->|             |
                                  | ChangeProcess  |             |
                                  |      State     |             |
           PayResponse Message    |<---------------|             |
         <------------------------|  Response      |             |
   To  Consumer (SET PRes)

      Figure 6 Payment Handler side flow for Brand Independent

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6.1.2 Brand Dependent Baseline Purchase

   The general flow of a Brand Dependent Purchase is as follows:

   (1) Consumer Side (Before PayRequest Message)

   SET Core     SET Bridge       OAC
      |             |             |  TPO message
      |             |             |<------------------- From
      |             |<------------|                       Merchant
      |             | FindPayment |
      |             |   Instrument|
      |             |------------>|
      |             |  Response   |
      |             |<------------|
      |             | CheckPayment|
      |             |  Possibility|
      |             |------------>|  TPO Selection Msg.
      |             |  Response   |-------------------> To Merchant
      |             |             |<------------------  From Merchant
      |             |<------------| Offer Response Msg.
      |<------------| StartPayment|
      |------------>|     Consumer|
      |             |------------>| PayRequest Message
      |             |  Response   |-------------------> To Payment
                                    (SET Init Resp/        Handler
                                         SET PInitReq)

      Figure 7 Consumer Side flow for Brand Dependent (1)

   (2) Consumer Side (After PayRequest Message)

   This flow is the same as Brand Independent.

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   (3) Merchant Side

                                 OAC        SET Bridge
                                  |FindAccepted    |
                                  | PaymentBrand   |
                                  |  Response      |
                                  |FindAccepted    |
                                  | PaymentProtocol|
          TPO  Message            |<---------------|
         <------------------------|  Response      |
   To Consumer                    |                |
          TPO Selection Message   |                |
         ------------------------>|                |
   From Consumer                  |--------------->|
                                  |GetPaymentInit- |
                                  | lizationData   |
          Offer Response Message  |<---------------|
         <------------------------|  Response      |
   To  Consumer

      Figure 8 Merchant Side flow for Brand Dependent (1)

   (4) Payment Handler Side

   This flow is the same as Brand Independent.

6.2 Cash Advances

   IOTP Cash Advances processes can be made with a credit card using an
   IOTP Value Exchange Transaction.  In Cash Advances a first Payment by
   a SET Transaction, and a second Payment by some other payment
   mechanism, is supported in Baseline IOTP.  The general flow is

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6.3 Status Inquiry

   The general flow of a Status Inquiry is as follows:

   (1) Consumer Side

   SET Core     SET Bridge       OAC
      |             |             |
      |             |             |
      |             |<------------|
      |<------------| StartPayment|
      |------------>|      Inquiry|
      | SET InqReq  |------------>| Inquiry Request
      |             |  Response   |-------------------> To P.H.
      |             |             |   (SET InqReq)
      |             |             |
      |             |             | Inquiry Response
      |             |             |<------------------- From P.H.
      |             |             |   (SET InqRes)
      | SET Inq Res |<------------|
      |<------------| Continue    |
      |------------>|      Process|
      | SET InqReq  |------------>|
      |             |    [End]    |
      |             |ChangeProcess|
      |             |        State|
      |             |<------------|

      Figure 9 Consumer Side flow for Status Inquiry

   (2) Payment Handler Side

                                   OAC        SET Bridge     SET Core
              InquiryReq message    |              |             |
   From    ------------------------>|              |             |
    Consumer     (SET InqReq)       |------------->|             |
                                    |        Status| SET InqReq  |
                                    |              |<------------|
                                    |              | SET InqRes  |
              InquiryResp message   |<-------------|             |
   To      <------------------------|  Response    |             |
    Consumer     (SET InqRes)       |

      Figure 10 Payment Handler Side flow for Status Inquiry

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7. IOTP Payment APIs

   This section provides a summary of SET/IOTP interactions with API
   calls as in [IOTP Payment API].

   The description of parameters hereafter are written as follows:

      Parameter name : Mandatory (M) or Optional (O) : Description

   For more details on the IOTP Payment APIs, see [IOTP Payment API].
   "-" in the Description is the same as description in the [IOTP
   Payment API].

   Notice: Status is the status of SET/IOTP.  Though some Fields are
   specified "#IMPLIED" in [IOTP Payment API], if the fields must be
   used in SET/IOTP, this document specifies the status as Mandatory,

7.1 Brand Compilation Related API Calls

7.1.1 Find Accepted Payment Brand

   Receive the payment scheme specific packaged data to generate Brand
   Component.  In this version of SET/IOTP, This API must be called
   before Find Accepted Payment Protocol function.

   Input Parameters
   PayDirection       : M : This must be set "Debit".
   CurrCodeType       : M : This should be set "ISO4217-A".
   CurrCode           : M : -
   Amount             : M : -
   MerchantPayId      : M : -
   MerchantOrgId      : M : -
   WalletId           : O : -
   MerchantData       : O : The details are not specified in
                            this document.
   Output Parameters
   BrandItem          : M : See NOTE below.

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   NOTE: Parameters of BrandItem
   BrandId            : M : This is defined in the section 8.2.1.
   xml:lang           : M : -
   BrandName          : M : Brand Name, such as "MasterCard".
   BrandLogoNetLocn   : M : -
   BrandNarrative     : O : This is not specified in this document.
   BrandPackaged      : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.

7.1.2 Find Accepted Payment Protocol

   Receive the payment scheme specific packaged data to generate the
   PayProtocol Component.

   Input Parameters
   BrandId            : M : This is defined in the section 8.2.1.
   PayDirection       : M : This must be set "Debit".
   CurrCodeType       : M : This should be set "ISO4217-A".
   CurrCode           : M : -
   Amount             : M : -
   MerhcantPayId      : M : -
   MercahntOrgId      : M : -
   WalletId           : O : -
   BrandPackaged      : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.
   MerchantData       : O : This is not specified in the SET/IOTP.

   Output Parameters
   ProtocolItem       : M : See NOTE below.
   BrandItem          : M : -

   NOTE Parameters of ProtocolItem
   ProtocolId         : M : This is set "SETv1.0".
   ProtocolBrandId    : M : This is set the Payment Protocol Specific
                            ID corresponding to the BrandId as Input
                            Parameter and ProtocolId as the
                            Output Parameter.  For the detail,
                             see 8.2.2.
   xml:lang           : M : -
   ProtocolName       : M : This is not specified in this document
                            but must be included the protocol name
                            and its version at least.

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   PayReqNetLocn      : O : The Net Location indicating where a
                            unsecured Payment Request Message should
                            be sent if this protocol choice is used.
   SecPayReqNetLocn   : O : The Net Location indicating where
                            a secured Payment Request Message
                            should be sent if this protocol choice
                            is used.
   ProtocolAmount     : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.
   PayProtocol        : M : The XML Packaged Data, which includes
    PackagedContent         the information for the 1st SET
                            Initiation Process.  See for the details
                            to section 8.3.1.
   Brand              : M : In this document, BrandId, which is the
                            same as Input Parameter,must be set ONLY.
                            See NOTE below.
   CurrencyAmount     : M : See NOTE below.
   ProtocolBrand      : M : Multiple Components are not arrowed in
                            the current version of SET/IOTP.

   Note Parameters of CurrencyAmount
   CurrCodeType       : M : This should be set "ISO4217-A".
   CurrCode           : M : -
   Amount             : M : -

   Note Parameters of Brand
   BrandId            : M : -

7.1.3 Get Payment Initialization Data

   This API is used to get the packaged content in Payment Component.

   Input Parameters
   BrandId            : M : See the details of section 8.2.1.
   MerchantPayId      : M : -
   PayDirection       : M : This is set "Debit".
   CurrCodeType       : M : This is set "ISO5217-A".
   CurrCode           : M : -
   Amount             : M : -
   OkFrom             : M : -
   OkTo               : M : -
   ReceiverOrgId      : M : Organization ID which is used to get
                            TradingRolePackagedContents, which
                            depend on the organizations for each.
   MerchantOrgId      : M : -

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   ProtocolId         : M : This field must be set "SETv1.0".
   WalletId           : O : -
   PassPhrase         : O : -
   ProtocolBrand      : M : -
   BrandPackaged      : O : This is not used in the current version
    Content                 of SET/IOTP.
   ProtocolAmount     : O : This is not used in the current version
    PackagedContent         of SET/IOTP.
   PayProtocolPackaged: M : This field is copied from the
    Content                 PayProtocol Component.
   OrderPackaged      : M : Packaged Data regarding the Order data,
    Content                 which the Merchant's OAC sets.
   BrandSelBrandInfo  : O : This is not used in the current
    PackagedContent         version of SET/IOTP.
   BrandSelProtocol   : O : This is not used in the
    AmountInfoPackaged      current version of SET/IOTP.
   BrandSelCurrency   : O : This is not used in the
    AmountInfo              current version of SET/IOTP.

   Output Parameters
   OkFrom             : M : -
   OkTo               : M : -
   OrderPackaged      : M :Changed OrderPackagedContent if
    Content                it rewrites the order information.
                           Otherwise, passed the same input
                           data to OAC.
   TradingRole       : O : The receiver depended
    PackagedContent        TradingRolePackagedContent.  The Name
                           Attribute of the packaged contents
                           must include "Payment:" as the prefix,
                           for example "Payment:SET-OD".  Multiple
                           TradingRoleData may be returned.

7.1.4 Inquire Authentication Challenge

   This is not used in the current version of SET/IOTP.

7.1.5 Authenticate

   This is not used in the current version of SET/IOTP.

7.1.6 Check Authentication Response

   This is not used in the current version of SET/IOTP.

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7.2 Brand Selection Related API Calls

7.2.1 Find Payment Instrument

   This API is used to get the Payment Instruments that can be accepted
   by the Payment Handler on behalf of the Merchant.

   Input Parameters
   BrandId            : M : See the details of section 8.2.2.
   ProtocolId         : M : This must be set "SETv1.0".
   PayDirection       : M : This must be set "Debit".
   CurrCodeType       : M : This should be set "ISO5217-A".
   CurrCode           : M : -
   Amount             : M : -
   ConsumerPayId      : M : -
   WalletId           : O : -
   ProtocolBrand      : M : -
   BrandPackaged      : O : This is not used in the current
    Content                 version of SET/IOTP.
   ProtocolAmount     : O : This is not used in the current
    PackagedContent         version of SET/IOTP.
   PayProtocolPackaged: M : See details for section 8.3.1.

   Output Parameters
   PayInstrument      : M : Multiple PayInstrument Ids may
                            be returned. See NOTE below.

   NOTE Parameters of PayInstrument
   Id                 : M : This must be unique each SET
                            Certificates which the
                            Consumer can use.
   xml:lang           : M : -
   PayInstName        : M : -

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7.2.2 Check Payment Possibility

   If the SET Bridge receives this API Message, the SET Bridge returns
   three packaged content fields.

   Input Parameters
   BrandId            : M : This is set the consumer selected
   PaymentInstrumentId: M : This is set the consumer selected
   PayDirection       : M : This is set "Debit".
   CurrCodeType       : M : This is set "ISO4217-A".
   CurrCode           : M : -
   Amount             : M : -
   ProtocolId         : M : This must be set "SETv1.0".
   WalletId           : O : -
   Passphrase         : O : -
   ConsumerPayId      : M : -
   ProtocolBrand      : M : This is set the consumer selected
                            ProtocolBrand Component.
   BrandPackaged      : O : This is not used in the current
    Content                 version of SET/IOTP.
   ProtocolAmount     : O : This is not used in the current
    PackagedContent         version of SET/IOTP.
   PayProtocol        : M : This field is copied from the PayProtocol
   PackagedContent          Component

   Output Parameter
   BrandSelBrandInfo  : O : This is not used in the current
   PackagedContent          version of SET/IOTP.
   BrandSelProtocol   : O : This is not used in the
    AmountInfoPackaged      current version of SET/IOTP.

   BrandSelCurrency   : O : This is not used in the
    AmountInfoPackaged         current version of SET/IOTP.

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7.3 Payment Transaction Related API Calls

7.3.1 Start Payment Consumer

   In SET/IOTP, this API is used for the Consumer's SET Bridge to
   process the 1st SET Initiation and any subsequent SET messages.

   Input Parameters
   BrandId            : M : ID for the consumer selected
                            Brand.  See the details of
                            section 8.2.1.
   PaymentInstrumentId: M : ID for the consumer selected
   CurrCodeType       : M : The consumer selected CurrCodeType.
   CurrCode           : M : The consumer selected CurrCode.
   Amount             : M : The consumer selected Amount.
   PayDirection       : M : Indicates the payment direction
                            from the Consumer's prospective.
   ProtocolId         : M : The consumer selected ProtocolId.
   OkFrom             : M : -
   OkTo               : M : -
   ConsumerPayId      : M : -
   WalletID           : O : -
   Passphrase         : O : -
   CallBackFunction   : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.
   CallBackLanguage   : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.
   ProtocolBrand      : M : ID for the consumer selected
                            Protocol dependent Brand information.
   BrandPackaged      : O : This is not used in the current
    Content                 version of SET/IOTP.
   ProtocolAmount     : O : This is not used in the current
    PackagedContent         version of SET/IOTP.
   PayProtocolPackaged   : M : See section 8.2.2.

   Output Parameters
   ContStatus         : M : "Continue" must be set if there is
                            in no problem
   PaySchemePackaged  : M : See section 6.5.1.

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7.3.2 Start Payment Payment Handler

   This API is used to initiate a payment on the Payment Handler's side.
   The SET Related Module does a payment initialization.  The SET
   Related Module processes SET Message received and returns the
   appropriate SET Message (e.g., 2nd SET Initiation or SET PinitRes

   Input Parameters
   BrandId            : M : ID for the consumer selected Brand.
                            See the details of section 8.2.1.
   ConsumerPayId      : O : ID for the consumer generated payment
   CurrCodeType       : M : The consumer selected CurrCodeType.
                            This should be set "ISO4217-A".
   CurrCode           : M : The consumer selected CurrCode.
   Amount             : M : The consumer selected Amount.
   PayDirection       : M : This is set "Debit".
   ProtocolId         : M : The consumer selected ProtocolId.
                            This must be set "SETv1.0".
   OkFrom:            : M : -
   OkTo               : M : -
   PaymentHandlerPayId: M : -
   MerchantOrgId      : M : -
   WalletID           : O : -
   Passphrase         : O : -
   CallBackFunction   : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.
   CallBackLanguage   : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.
   BrandPackaged      : O : This is not used in the current
   Content                  version of SET/IOTP.
   ProtocolAmountP    : O : This is not used in the current
    PackagedContent         version of SET/IOTP.
   PayProtocolPackaged: M : -
   ProtocolBrand      : M : Information for the consumer selected
                            Protocol dependent Brand.
   BrandSelBrandInfo  : O : This is not used in the current
    PackagedContent         version of SET/IOTP.
   BrandSelProtocol   : O : This is not used in the
    AmountInfo              current version of SET/IOTP.
   BrandSelCurrency   : O : This is not used in the
    AmountInfo              current version of SET/IOTP.

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   TradingRolePackaged: O : Copied from the TradingRoleData
    Content                 Component.  The Name Attribute of
                            the packaged contents must include
                            "Payment:" as the prefix,
                            for example "Payment:SET-OD".
   PaySchemePackaged  : M : See section 6.5.2.

   Output Parameters
   PaySchemePackaged  : M : See section 6.5.2.
   ContStatus         : M : "Continue" must be set if there
                             is no problem.

7.3.3 Resume Payment Consumer

   This API is used to restart a payment transaction when the
   transaction is suspended for some reason such as a time out.  The
   last SET Message relevant to this suspended transaction is returned
   as the Response.

   Input Parameters
   ConsumerPayId     : M : -
   WalletId          : O : -
   PassPhrase        : O : -
   CallBackFunction  : O : This is not used in the current version
                           of SET/IOTP.
   CallBack          : O : This is not used in the current version
    LanguageList           of SET/IOTP.

   Output Parameters
   ContStatus        : M : -
   PaySchamePackaged : M : See section 8.7.

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7.3.4 Continue Process

   This API is used to pass a SET related message, received from the
   counter party, to the SET Bridge, and accept the next SET message as
   a response.

   (1) Consumer Side Payment Bridge

   Input Parameters
   PayId              : M : Set ConsumerPayId
   WalletId           : O : -
   PassPhrase         : O : -
   PaySchemePackaged  : M : See section 8.4.3.

   Output Parameters
   ContStatus         : M : Set "End" if SET PRes message is
                            received in the PaySchemePackagedContent
                            as the input parameter, otherwise set
   PaySchemePackaged  : O : If ContStatus is set "End", this is not
    Content                 used.  See 8.4.3.

   (2) Payment Handler Side Payment Bridge

   Input Parameters
   PayId              : M : Set PaymentHandlerPayId
   WalletId           : O : -
   PassPhrase         : O : -
   PaySchemePackaged  : M : See section 8.4.4.

   Output Parameters
   ContStatus         : M : Set "End" if SET PRes message is
                            received in the
                            PaySchemePackagedContent as the
                            output parameter, otherwise set
   PaySchemePackaged  : M : See section 8.4.4.

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7.3.5. Change Process State

   This API is used by the OAC to change the Process State of the OPB.
   For instance, it is used to change the Payment Status after a SET
   Payment Transaction was completed.  When an error or suspend happens,
   this API is also used.

   (1) Consumer Side Payment Bridge

   Input Parameters
   PayId              : M : Set ConsumerPayId
   ProcessState       : M : -
   CompletionCode     : M : -
   ProcessType        : M : -
   WalletID           : O : -
   PassPhrase         : O : -

   Output Parameters
   ProcessState      : M : -
   CompletionCode    : M : -
   PercentComplete   : O : See section 8.13.
   xml:lang          : O : -
   StatusDesc        : O : This field is not specified in SET/IOTP.

7.4 General Inquiry API Calls

7.4.1 Payment Instrument Inquiry

   This API is not used in the current version of SET/IOTP.

7.4.2 Inquire Pending Payment

   This API is used to check whether the payment Bridge or its wallet is
   currently in use, or not.

   Input Parameters
   WalletID           : O : -

   Output Parameters
   PayId              : M : -

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7.4.3 Remove Payment Log

   This API is used both Consumer and Payment Handler.

   Input Parameters
   PayId              : M : -
   WallerId           : O : -
   Passphrase         : O : -

   There is no output parameters.

7.5 Payment Related Inquiry API Calls

7.5.1 Check Payment Receipt

   This API is used to check a Payment Receipt.  However since the
   current SET specification does not support Receipts, SET/IOTP sends
   its own visual information of a Receipt to the SET Bridge.

   Input Parameters
   PayId              : M : -
   WalletId           : O : -
   PassPhrase         : O : -
   PaySchemePackaged  : M : See section 8.5.1.

   Output Parameters
   There is no output Parameter.

7.5.2 Expand Payment Receipt

   This expands an IOTP Payment Receipt Component packaged data into a
   form which may be used for display or printing purposes.

   Input Parameters
   PayId              : M : -
   WalletId           : O : -
   PassPhrase         : O : -
   PackagedContent    : M : See section 8.5.2.

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   Output Parameters
   BrandId            : M : -
   ProtocolBrandId    : M : -
   PayInstrumentId    : M : -
   PaySchemePayId     : M : LID_M in the SET PRes message is
                            set.  (The format of this value must
                            be same as SET Initiation.)
   Amount             : M : Amount * AuthRatio (or CapRatio if
                            available).  CapRatio should be the
                            high priority than AuthRatio.
   CurrCodeType       : M : -
   CurrCode           : M : -
   PayDirection       : M : -
   ProtocolId         : M : -
   ProtocolTransId    : O : -
   TimeStamp          : M : This value should be used the
                            Date field of MessageWrapper in the
                            SET PRes message
   xml:lang           : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.
   ConsumerDesc       : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.

   PaymentHandlerDesc : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.
   StyleNetLocn       : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.
   PaymentProperty    : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.

7.5.3 Inquire Process State

   This API is used to check the payment status.  For example, when the
   OAC receives a Continue Payment Response API, it uses this API if the
   ContStatus is set to "End".  This API can be used at anytime.

   (1) Consumer Payment Bridge

   Input Parameters
   PayId              : M : Set ConsumerPayId
   WalletId           : O : -
   PassPhrase         : O : -

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   Output Parameters
   ProcessState       : M : -
   PercentComplete    : O : See 8.13 for the guideline of
                            setting value.
   CompletionCode      : O : See section 8.12.
   xml:lang           : O : -
   StatusDesc         : O : -
   PayReceiptNameRefs : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.
   PayReceiptPackConts: O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.

   (2) Payment Handler Payment Bridge

   Input Parameters
   PayId              : M : Set PaymentHandlerPayId
   WalletId           : O : -
   PassPhrase         : O : -

   Output Parameters
   ProcessState       : M : -
   PercentComplete    : O : See section 8.13 for the guideline
                            of setting value.
   CompletionCode      : O : See section 8.12.
   xml:lang           : O : -
   StatusDesc         : O : -
   PayReceiptNameRefs : O : This is set "PRes".
   PayReceiptPackConts: O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.

7.5.4 Start Payment Inquiry

   This API call returns the SET InqReq Message in order to process a
   SET Inquiry.

   Input Parameters
   ConsumerPayId      : M : -
   WalletId           : O : -
   Passphrase         : O : -

   Output Parameters
   PaySchemePackaged  : M:  Packaged Data to include SET
    Content                 InqReq message.  See section 8.6.

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7.5.5 Inquire Payment Status

   The Payment Handler uses this API request for Consumer initiated
   inquiry processing.  In SET/IOTP, the Payment Handler's SET Bridge
   receives a SET InqReq message in an InquirePaymentDetail API.  The
   SET Core processes it, and creates a SET InqRes message.  The
   response encapsulates the SET InqRes message.

   Input Parameters
   PaymentHandlerPayId: M : -
   WalletID           : O : -
   PassPhrase         : O : -
   PaySchemePackaged  : M : See section 8.6.

   Output Parameters
   PaymentHandlerPayId: M : -
   ProcessState       : M : -
   CompletionCode     : O : -
   xml:lang           : O : -
   StatusDesc         : O : -
   PaySchamePackaged  : M : See section 8.6.

8. SET dependent Process

   This chapter describes the core concepts for the development of

8.1 Relationships between them for IOTP Purchase/Cash Advances

   This document describes SET Initiation Messages based on the [SET
   EIG].  Merchant sends the 1st SET Initiation Message to the Consumer
   in order to activate a SET payment transaction.  After this message,
   the other SET Initiation Messages (JPO, etc.) and the SET payment
   Transaction (SET PinitReq message, etc.) are exchanged between the
   Consumer and the Payment Handler.

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   +------------+                 +----------+
   |            |                 |          |
   |            |<----------------| Merchant |
   |            | 1st SET InitMsg |          |
   |            |                 +----------+
   |  Consumer  |                 +----------+
   |            |                 |          |
   |            |<--------------->|   P.H.   |
   |            | Other SET Init/ |          |
   +------------+ SET Message     +----------+

      Figure 11 Relationship between IOTP Messages and SET Messages

   When the Merchant sends any data (e.g., SET SaleDetail) except a SET
   Related messages (e.g., SET PinitRes message), it can send it by two
   different methods:

   (a) The Merchant sends the data via the Consumer.
   (b) The Merchant sends the data out-of-band.

   In case (a), the Merchant sends the data by encapsulating it into
   TradingRoleData.PackagedContent inside the Offer Response Block sent
   to Consumer.  The data is copied to the Payment Request Block and
   sent to the Payment Handler.  This case assumes that the format of
   the data is already agreed upon between the Merchant and the Payment

   This document does not specify case (b).

8.2 Definition of Identifiers

8.2.1 Definition of BrandId

   BrandId should be used registered identification for IANA.  Now, the
   following BrandIds have registered:

   Amex, Dankort, JCB, Maestro, MasterCard, MICOS, VISA, atCredits,
   EZpay, GeldKarte, Mondex, paybox

8.2.2 Definition of ProtocolBrandId

   ProtocolBrandID is defined as follows:

   <Premise> SET BrandID is defined as brand[:Product]. ([] is indicated
   as optional.)  In SET, The brandID is a brand name, which corresponds
   to the brand of the payment card.  Additionally the Product is a
   product name, which is defined as the type of product within the
   specific brand such as Gold Card.

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   Set IOTP ProtocolBrandId as follows:


   In here,

   o  The brand above is the same as the sub data of SET BrandID, as
      Brand Name (brand), defined in SET.
   o  Product above is the same as the sub data of SET BrandID, as
      Product Name (Product), defined in SET.
   o  PCN above is the Promotional Card Name, and is written in the SET



   Since SET Brand ID has a colon between brand and Product, the two
   colons should be able to delimit Brand, Product, and PCN.

   Product and PCN can omit if necessary.  For the detail of these
   definitions are follows:

   (1) The case of omitting Product

      Definition:   brand::PCN
      Example:      VISA::UC_VISA

   (2) The case of omitting PCN

      Definition:  brand:Product
      Example:     VISA:Gold

   (3) The case of omitting Product, PCN

      Definition:  brand
      Example:     VISA

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   Invalid Examples:
      ProtocolBrandId which there is no brand.

8.2.3 Definition of ProtocolId

   Protocolld defines as follows:

      ProtocolId := SETName + Version
      SETName := "SET"
      Version := "v" + version + "." + revision

   Where the version is number matching a major SET version, and the
   revision is the number matching a minor SET revision.

   NOTE: In the current version of SET/IOTP, "SETv1.0" is fixed as

8.2.4 Relationship between Ids

   ProtocolBrandId must be unique and depends on BrandId and ProtocolId.
   The followings are map among BrandId and ProtocolId, which have
   registered in IANA, and ProtocolBrandId.

      BrandId      ProtocolId   ProtocolBrandId
      Amex         SETv1.0      Amex
      Dankort      SETv1.0      Dankort
      JCB          SETv1.0      JCB
      MasterCard   SETv1.0      MasterCard
      Nicos        SETv1.0      Amex
      VISA         SETv1.0      VISA

   Regarding to the BrandIds except above, the BrandId registrant (e.g.,
   credit card company) MUST register it in order to be able to map one
   to one between ProtocolBrandId and the pair of BrandId and

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8.3 Process prior to Payment

8.3.1 FindAcceptedPaymentProtocol Function

   (1) Parameter of PayProtocolPackagedContent

      Name        : O : This is not used in SET/IOTP.
      Content     : M : This should be set "PCDATA".
      Transform   : M : This is set "BASE64".
      ContentData : M : SET specific protocol data.  Includes data
                        that is used to create the 1st SET Initiation
                        Message that is not contained in other
                        IOTP elements.

   (2) Parameter in the ContentData

   Parameters of ContentData are described below.  The Field Values
   follow the [SET EIG].

      Field                      Required
      MIME-Version               Optional
      Content-Transfer-Encoding  Mandatory
      SET-Initiation-Type        Mandatory
      SET-LID-M                  Optional
      SET-InstallTotalTrance     Optional
      SET-Recurring              Optional
      SET-Ext-OID                Optional
      SET-Ext-Data               Optional
      SET-Ext-Mandatory          Optional
      SET-Echo-In-Response       Optional
      SET-Echo-In-Request        Optional

   For Example:

      MIME-Version: 1.0
      Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary
      SET-Initiation-Type: Payment-Initiation
      SET-Recurring: 31 19960223
      SET-LID-M: 515A533033363632594B

   Note: The contents in ProtoclPackagedContent must be US-ASCII and
   encoded by BASE64.

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8.3.2 FindPaymentInstrument Function

   (1) Information of PayInstrument

   Returns a list of Payment Instrument IDs related to the BrandId and
   ProtocolBrandId.  In this document, BrandId and ProtocolId are
   defined in section 8.2.

   In this document, Brand has two recognized meanings in SET/IOTP, as

   Brand as Primary Brand:
      The Primary Brand is the Brand which is defined as brand in SET,
      such as VISA, MasterCard, Nicos.

   Brand as Dual Brand or Promotional Brand:
      The Dual Brand is the payment instrument which has two Brand, such
      as UC-VISA (UC Card and VISA Card) This style is popular in Japan.

      A Promotional Brand means that, if the Consumer pays with that
      Brand, then the Consumer will receive some additional benefit such
      as discount or frequent flyer point.

   1. ProtocolBrandId as a Primary Brand


      "MasterCard", "MasterCard::UC", "MasterCard:Gold:" and
      "MasterCard::WalMart" are all MasterCard Brands.

   2. ProtocolBrandId as a Dual Brand or a Promotional Brand


      "MasterCard::UC" is Dual Brand of "MasterCard" and "UC".
      "SET:MasterCard::WalMart" is Promotional Brand of MasterCard-

   The SET Bridge receives the ProtocolBrandId from the OAC in the
   FindPaymentInstrument Function,

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   (1) If the accepted ProtocolBrandId is XXX:YYY

      The SET Related Module searches for ProtocolBrandIds with the
      string "XXX:YYY:*" (* is wild card), the corresponding
      PaymentInstrumentIds of all ProtocolBrandIds with the matching
      Primary Brand (regardless of also being a Dual Brand or
      Promotional Brand) will be returned to the OAC, for the Consumer
      to select from.

   (2) If the accepted ProtocolBrandId is XXX:YYY:ZZZ

      The SET Related Module searches for ProtocolBrandIDs with the
      string "XXX:YYY:ZZZ", only the corresponding PaymentInstrumentIds
      of the ProtocolBrandIds that match the Dual Brand or Promotional
      Brand will be returned to OAC, for the Consumer to select from.


      Assume ProtocolBrandIds are correspond to PaymentInstrumentIds in
      the SET Bridge as follows,

      ProtocolBrandId        PaymentInstrumentId
      MasterCard             1
      MasterCard::UC         2
      MasterCard::WallMart   3
      VISA::UC               4

      If the SET Bridge receives a ProtocolBrandId as "MasterCard" in
      the FindPaymentInstrument Function, the SET Bridge will return
      "1","2", and "3".  However, if the SET Bridge receives a
      ProtocolBrandId as "MasterCard::UC" to OAC, SET Bridge will
      returns only "2".

8.3.3 GetPaymentInitializationData Function

   (1) Create TradingRolePackagedContent

   If necessary, The SET Related Module generates
   TradingRolePackagedContent corresponded to the received
   ReceiverOrgID. The ContentData of TradingRolePackagedContent is the
   information which the Payment Handler needs to process the SET
   Transaction (for example, the SET SaleDetail. and the SET OD).  The
   ContentData, Content, and the Transform must be agreed upon between
   the Merchant and the Payment Handler beforehand.

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   The Name Attribute of the packaged contents must include "Payment:"
   as the prefix, for example "Payment:SET-OD".  If there is no
   PackagedContent corresponding to ReceiverOrgID, such that the SET
   Related Module does not need to create the PackagedContent, the
   TradingRolePackagedContent is not created.

   Parameters in TradingRolePackagedContent
   Name        : O : This is not specified in the current SET/IOTP.
   Content     : M : Should be identical between the Payment
                     Handler and the Merchant.
   Transform   : M : Should be identical between the Payment
                     Handler and the Merchant.
   ContentData : M : Element Data for the Payment Handler to
                     process the SET Transaction.  Should be
                     identical between the Payment Handler and
                     the Merchant.

8.4 Process of Payment

8.4.1 StartPaymentConsumer Function

   (1) Process of the 1st SET Initiation Message

   Since there are similar items between the SET Initiation Message
   Fields and IOTP Elements, IOTP elements can be used for the
   corresponding SET Initiation Fields.  Other SET Initiation Fields,
   except URL information (for detail, see below), is encapsulated in
   the PayProtocolPackagedContent.

   This document does not specify how the SET Related Module implements
   the 1st SET Initiation Process.

   The following table shows the list of SET Initiation Fields that
   corresponds to IOTP Elements.

   SET Initiation Field        IOTP Element (in TPO.Brandlist)
   SET-Version                 Consumer selected ProtocolId
   SET-Brand                   Consumer selected ProtocolBrandId
   SET-Amount                  Consumer selected Amount Data in
   SET Initiation Field        IOTP Element (in OfferResp)
   Order Description          The hash data of ContentData of
                                    PackagedContent of Order Component.

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   (b) SET-Version:

   SET-Version can be corresponded to ProtocolId.  The version number
   appears after the "v" for the SET-Version.

   ProtocolId -> _______
                     ~~~<- SET-Version

      Figure 12 ProtocolId vs SET-Version

   (c) SET-Brand:

   SET-Brand can be corresponded to ProtocolBrandId.

   (d) SET-PurchAmt:
   It is necessary to adjust the format of the Amount between IOTP and
   SET, since IOTP and SET use different syntax.


   o  In SET/IOTP, The "ISO4217-A" (the currency code which is
      represented by three alphabet, such as "USD") is mandatory.

   o  Consumer Side SET Related Module should have a mapping table
      between "ISO4217-A" and "ISO4217-N" (the currency code which is
      represented by three digit, such as "840").

   (d) -1 Content of the SET-PurchAmt

   The content of the SET-PurchAmt is as follows:

      SET PurchAmt: currency amount amtExp10

   For a description see [SET] Book 2, page 299.  For example, $129.50
   is represented by "840 12950 -2".  In this case, the corresponding
   values for the "currency", "amount" and "amtExp10" are "840", "12950"
   and "-2" respectively.

   (d) -2 Content of IOTP Amount Elements

   The content of the three IOTP amount elements consist of the
   following: Amount, CurrCodeType and CurrCode.  For a description of
   each, see [RFC 2801].  For example, $129.50 is represented by the


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      (d) -3 Example of how-to-translate

      The one-to-one mapping between the IOTP format and the SET format
      is very simple.  This example of sequence below uses the example
      of IOTP amount Element above.

   1) Translate from IOTP CurrCode (ISO4217-A) to SET currency (ISO-
      4217-N).  For example, if CurrCode="USD", then the value of
      currency is "840".

   2) Calculate how many decimal places are represented in the Amount.
      For example, if Amount="129.50", there are "2" decimal places.

   3) [The number of decimal places] *( -1) corresponds to the SET
      amtExp10.  In the above case, SET amtExp10 = 2 * (-1) = -2.

   4) 10^[The number of the Amount's decimal places] * Amount
      corresponds to the SET amount.  In the above example, SET amount =
      10^2 * 129.50 = 12950.

   5) Concatenate three integers and use white spaces as a delimiter.

   Finally, in the above case, the SET PurchAmt is represented as "840
   12950 -2".

   (e) SET OD (Order Description) vs. IOTP Order Information

   In the IOTP, the OAC handles the Order Information, such as display
   use, as SET uses the Order Information.  Payment Handler does not
   know the actual Order Information because the Merchant and Payment
   Handler may exist in the separate domains.  However, Payment Handler
   needs to get the SET OD from Merchant via the Consumer or directly
   because Payment Handler needs the SET OD to create 2nd SET Initiation
   message and after.  In this situation, the Merchant should not pass
   the actual order information to the Payment Handler because the order
   information may be considered private data.  Therefore, SET/IOTP
   defines SET OD as the hash of IOTP Order Information.  The hash
   algorithm must be SHA1.

   But the Order Component may be included two or more Packaged Content
   (see [RFC 2801]).  Therefore SET/IOTP specifies to create hash as

   (e) -1. If the Name attribute does not have the Name attribute, such
   that the Order Component have only one Packaged Content, hash the
   Contents Data using SHA1 simply and be encoded by BASE64.

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   (e) -2. Otherwise, such that there exists the Name attribute, sort
   the Packaged Contents in the UTF-16 character code order of Name
   attribute and hash the Content Data using SHA1 and concatenate them
   in proper sequence, then hash it using SHA1 again and be encoded by

   To avoid different character encodings between applications, in this
   document, SET OD MUST be constructed from the ContentData in
   OrderPackagedContent as follows:

   (1) Convert it to network byte ordered Unicode encoding data.
   (2) Hash (1) using SHA1
   (3) Convert (2) to BASE64 US-ASCII data

   Therefore, "Content-Type","charset" MUST be "text/plain","us-ascii"
   respectively when SET Initiation message is constructed.

   (f) SET-***-URL vs. IOTP Net Location

   In IOTP, the OAC handles location data therefore the OAC does not
   need to pass net location data on to the OPB.  However, some vender
   implemented consumer SET/IOTP wallets may need the URL information to
   process the SET Initiation.  Thus, if necessary, the Consumer's SET
   Related Module must set appropriate URL data to SET-***-URL.

   (2) Create the next SET related message

   Generate SET related message (SET PInitReq or SET Initiation
   Response) at the SET Related Module, to be sent to the Payment

   (3) Error check of the next SET related message.

   If SET related message which is created in (2) is SET Initiation
   Response and includes any error in it, SET Related Module creates an
   ErrorResponse message with ErrorCode to "EncapProtErr" and the
   Severity to "HardError" and sent it to the OAC.

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   (4) Create PaySchemePackagedContent

   The followings are the parameter of PaySchemePackagedContent in

   ContentData : M : SET Related Message which is encoded by
                     BASE64. (e.g., SET PinitRes message or
                     SET Initiation Response Message)
   Name        : O : This is not used in the current SET/IOTP.
   Content     : M : This field should be set to "PCDATA".
   Transform   : M : This must be set "BASE64".

   (5) Store of the Payment Information

   SET Bridge should store the following in the DataBase:

   o  ConsumerPayId
   o  PaySchemePackagedContent
   o  ContStatus
   o  ContentSoftwareId (corresponding to the PaySchemePackagedContent)
   o  ProcessState

8.4.2 StartPaymentPaymentHandler Function

   (1) Process for TradingRoleData

   SET Bridge must processes appropriately, for example pass it to the
   SET Core, if there exists the TradingRolePackagedContent as the input

   (2) SET Specific Process

   The SET Related Module processes the SET Initiation Response or the
   SET Transaction (SET PInitReq).  In addition, the SET Related Module
   generates a message (the next SET Initiation Message or SET PInitRes)
   corresponding to the results of the processed message.  This message
   will be sent to the Consumer.

   (3) Error check of the next SET related message.

   If SET related message which is created in (2) includes any error,
   SET Related Module create an ErrorResponse message with ErrorCode to
   "EncapProtErr" and the Severity to "HardError" and sent it to the

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   (4) Generate PaySchemePackagedContent

   PaySchemePackagedContent which Encapsulate the SET Initiation Message
   or SET PInitRes into ContentData and generate the
   PaySchemePackagedContent.  The Parameters of PaySchemePackagedContent
   as Output is as follows:

   ContentData : M : SET Related Message which is encoded by
                     BASE64 (e.g., SET PinitRes message or
                     SET Initiation Response Message).
   Name        : O : This is not used in the current SET/IOTP.
   Content     : M : This field should be set to "PCDATA".
   Transform   : M : This must be set "BASE64"

8.4.3 ContinueProcess Function (Consumer Side)

   (1) SET Specific Process

   The Parameters of PaySchemePackagedContent as Input is as follows:

   ContentData : M : SET Related Message which is encoded by
                     BASE64 (e.g., SET PinitRes message,
                     SET PRes message or SET Initiation
                     Response Message).
   Name        : O : This is not used in the current SET/IOTP.
   Content     : M : This field should be set to "PCDATA".
   Transform   : M : This must be set "BASE64"

   SET Related Module processes the SET Related Message in the
   PaySchemePackagedContent, then SET Related Message corresponding to
   the processed message is created if necessary.

   (2) SET Related Message Error Check

   If SET related message which is created in (2) includes any error,
   SET Related Module create an ErrorResponse message with ErrorCode to
   "EncapProtErr" and the Severity to "HardError" and sent it to the

   (3) Create PaySchemePackagedContent

   The followings are the parameter of PaySchemePackagedContent in

   ContentData : M : SET Related Message which is encoded by
                     BASE64 (e.g., SET PinitReq message,
                     SET PReq message or SET Initiation
                     Response Message).

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   Name        : O : This is not used in the current SET/IOTP.
   Content     : M : This field should be set to "PCDATA".
   Transform   : M : This must be set "BASE64".

   If the ContentData which has received from Payment Handler is SET
   PRes message, this data is not created.

8.4.4 ContinueProcess Function (Payment Handler Side)

   (1) Brand Integrity Check between IOTP Elements and SET Elements

   Since the Consumer sets the Amount and Brand in the SET Message,
   based on the IOTP message, it might be altered when the IOTP message
   is copied to the SET message.  Thus, the Payment Handler needs to
   check the Elements in IOTP components (Payment, etc.) and the
   Elements in the SET message to make sure they are consistent.  The
   IOTP Brand specified by the Merchant should correspond to the Brand
   used in the SET payment.

   The Brand Integrity check sequence is as follows:

   (a) After receiving the SET PReq message, check the Consumer selected
   Brand information (e.g., ProtocolBrandId) in the IOTP Payment Request
   against information in the SET certificate in the SET PReq message.

   (b) If they do not match, return a SET Bridge Level Error
   (Severity="HardError", ErrorCode="AttNotValid" and Names="BrandId").

   Additionally, the SET PReq message signature must be verified with
   the SET CardHolder's certificate.  (This is done during a normal SET

   NOTE: This integrity check is necessary evenif There is no
   Promotional Card Name in the ProtocolBrandId because SET may have
   selected the MasterCard even though IOTP has selected the VISA.

   (2) SET Related Process

   Encapsulate the SET related Message (SET Initiation Message or SET
   Transaction Message) in to Content Data of PaySchemePackagedContent
   and send it to the Sender.

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   The followings are the parameters of PaySchemePackagedContent as

   ContentData : M : SET Related Message which is encoded by
                     BASE64 (e.g., SET PinitReq message,
                     SET PReq message or SET Initiation
                     Response Message).
   Name        : O : This is not used in the current SET/IOTP.
   Content     : M : This field should be set to "PCDATA".
   Transform   : M : This must be set "BASE64".

   (3) SET Related Message Error Check

   If SET related message which is created in (2) includes any error,
   SET Related Module create an ErrorResponse message with ErrorCode to
   "EncapProtErr" and the Severity to "HardError" and sent it to the

   If SET related message which is created in (2) is SET PRes message,
   and its message includes except:

   (a) CompletionCode in SET PRes message is "authorizationPerformed"
   and AuthCode is "Approved" or (b) CompletionCode in SET PRes message
   is "capurePerformed" and CapCode "Success",

   SET Related Module create ErrorResponse message with ErrorCode to
   "BusinessError"and the Severity to "HardError" and sent it to the

   (4) Create PaySchemePackagedContent

   The followings are the parameter of PaySchemePackagedContent in

   ContentData : M : SET Related Message which is encoded by
                     BASE64 (e.g., SET PinitRes message,
                     SET PRes message or next SET Initiation
   Name        : O : "PRes" only if ContentData includes
                     SET PRes message, otherwise this is
                     not used in the current SET/IOTP.
   Content     : M : This field should be set to "PCDATA".
   Transform   : M : This must be set "BASE64".

   If ContentData includes the SET PRes message, ContStatus MUST be

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8.4.5 InquireProcessState Function

   (1) Setting ProcessState

   Values for the ProcessState are described in section 8.9.2.

   (2) Setting CompletionCode

   Set to "Unspecified" when a SET Business Failure has occurred, and
   set StatusDesc to the value corresponding to AuthCode or CapCode.

   (3) Setting StatusDesc

   The values for PayStatusDesc are not specified in the SET/IOTP.

   (4) Create PayReceiptNameRefs

   Set to "PRes" in the PayReceiptNameRefs

8.5 Payment Receipt

8.5.1 CheckPayReceipt Function

   SET Related Module does not check the Payment Receipt Information
   especially, sends the general response message as long as valid
   request message.

   The Parameters of PayReceiptPackagedContent are followings:

   Name        : O : This MUST be set "PRes"
   Content     : M : This field should be set to "PCDATA".
   Transform   : M : This must be set "BASE64".
   ContentData : M : SET PRes message which is encoded by BASE64.

8.5.2 ExpandPayReceipt Function

   (1) PayReceiptPackagedContents

   The Parameters of PayReceiptPackagedContent are as follows:

   Name        : O : This MUST be set "PRes"
   Content     : M : This field should be set to "PCDATA".
   Transform   : M : This must be set "BASE64".
   ContentData : M : SET PRes message which is encoded by BASE64.

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   (2) Get the current status information

   SET Related Module gets out the following element from Data Base
   using ConsumerPayId, PaymentHandlerPayId as keys.

   o  BrandId
   o  ProtocolBrandId
   o  PayInstrumentId
   o  Amount
   o  CurrCodeType
   o  CurrCode
   o  PayDirection

   (3) Get the SET Data

   SET Related Module gets the following data from SET PRes message
   which take as the Request Message.

   (a) Date Field in the MessageWrapper Date field between SET and IOTP
   is slightly different.  The different things are as follows:

   o  There is no TimeZone in the Date field of SET.

   o  Second and Milli-second can be omitted in the Date field of SET

   Therefore, SET Related Module needs to compensate the Date
   information when TimeStamp field is set.

   (b) AuthRatio in SET PRes message.  (CapRatio is high priority than
   AuthRatio if available.)

   (c) LID_M in SET PRes message.  (The style of this value is the same
   as it of SET Initiation message.)

8.6 Status Inquiry

   In SET/IOTP, SET Inquiry Initiation is not supported (i.e., omitted).
   SET Inquiry Messages are embedded in the PaySchemeData element in
   IOTP Inquiry Messages.

   The Parameters of PaySchemePackagedContent in
   StartPaymentInquiryResponse are follows:

   Name        : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.
   Content     : M : This field should be set to "PCDATA".
   Transform   : M : This must be set "BASE64".
   ContentData : M : SET InqReq message which is encoded by BASE64.

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   The Parameters of PaySchemePackagedContent in InqurePaymentStatus are

   Name        : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.
   Content     : M : This field should be set to "PCDATA".
   Transform   : M : This must be set "BASE64".
   ContentData : M : SET InqReq message which is encoded by BASE64.

   The Parameters of PaySchemePackagedContent in
   InquirePaymentStatusResponse are follows:

   Name        : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.
   Content     : M : This field should be set to "PCDATA".
   Transform   : M : This must be set "BASE64".
   ContentData : M : SET InqRes message which is encoded by BASE64.

   The Parameter of PaySchemePackagedContent in ContinueProcess are

   Name        : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.
   Content     : M : This field should be set to "PCDATA".
   Transform   : M : This must be set "BASE64".
   ContentData : M : SET InqRes message which is encoded by BASE64.

8.7 Resume Process

   The Parameter of PaySchemePackagedContent in
   RequmePaymentConsumerResponse are as follows:

   Name        : O : This is not used in the SET/IOTP.
   Content     : M : This field should be set to "PCDATA".
   Transform   : M : This must be set "BASE64".
   ContentData : M : SET Related Message which is encoded by
                     BASE64 (e.g., SET PinitRes message
                     or SET Initiation Response Message).

8.8 SET Scheme Specific Authentication on IOTP

   IOTP authentication, which uses the SET Scheme, is not used in

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8.9 SET Bridge ProcessState

8.9.1 SET Bridge ProcessState of Consumer

   No Status ----> InProgress    : When StartPaymentConsumer Function
                                   is called

   InProgress ---> InProgress    : When ContinueProcess Function
                                   is called
                                 : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="Failed") is called

   InProgress ---> ProcessError  : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="ProcessError") is
                                 : The Technical Error (Hard Error)
                                   is occurred in SET Bridge

   InProgress ---> CompletedOK   : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="CompletedOK") is

   InProgress ---> Failed        : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="failed") is called
                                 : The Business Error is occurred
                                   in SET Bridge

   InProgress ---> Suspended     : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="Suspended") is
                                 : ErrorCode="ResumeRequired" is
                                   is occurred.

   Suspend ---> InProgress       : ResumePaymentConsumer Function
                                   is called

   Suspend ---> ProcessError     : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="ProcessError") is
                                   called (the Technical Error is
                                   occurred prior to ResumePayment-
                                   Consumer Function call)
                                 : The Technical Error (Hard Error)
                                   is occurred in SET Bridge (the
                                   Technical Error is occurred while
                                   ResumePaymentConsumer is calling)

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8.9.2 SET Bridge ProcessState of Payment Handler

   No Status ----> InProgress    : When StartPaymentPaymentHandler
                                   is called

   InProgress ---> InProgress    : When ContinueProcess Function
                                   is called
                                 : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="Failed") is called

   InProgress ---> ProcessError  : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="ProcessError") is
                                 : The Technical Error (Hard Error)
                                   is occurred in SET Bridge
                                 : SET Error Message is occurred

   InProgress ---> CompletedOK   : When SET Transaction is completed.

   InProgress ---> Failed        : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="failed") is called
                                 : The Business Error is occurred
                                   in SET Bridge

   CompletedOK ---> Failed      :  When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   or CancelPayment Function
                                   (ProcessState="Failed") is called
                                   and the payment is cancelled.

8.10 Relationship between Pay Step and Deliv Step on SET/IOTP

   SET/IOTP recommends the following regarding Delivery:

   Physical Goods
   For physical goods, the IOTP Delivery Exchanges should be omitted.
   That is, set DelivExch=False and DelivAndPayResp=False in the
   Delivery Component.  This is to avoid the situation where the IOTP
   Delivery Handler must check with the IOTP Payment Handler on the
   status of a credit authorization.  When a Delivery Inquiry
   transaction might occur, the DelivReqNetLocn attribute in the
   DeliveryData Element must have been specified at the time of the
   original Offer Response Message.  If you want to use the Delivery
   Exchange, you need to process the inquiry of the credit authorization
   out of IOTP between IOTP Payment Handler and Delivery Handler.

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   Digital Goods
   For digital goods sold through SET/IOTP, authorization should be
   processed on a real-time basis.

8.11 Completion Code

   In SET/IOTP, the CompletionCode, which is a Business Error Code, is
   set as follows:

   Value                    Description
   BrandNotSupp             This value is not used.
   CurrNotSupp              This value is not used.
   AuthError                The IOTP Authentication has
                            failed for any reason.
   InsuffFunds              This value is not used.
   InstBrandInvalid         This value is not used.
   PaymentDecl              A SET business failure has occurred.
   InstNotValid             This value is not used.
   BadInstrument            This value is not used.
   Unspecified              Unspecified error.  There is some known
                            problem or error, which does not fall
                            into one of the other CompletionCodes.

8.12 PercentComplete

   This document recommends to set the PercentComplete as follows:

   SET Related    Setting for     Setting for        Value of
       Message       Consumer     Paymnet Handler    PercentComplete
   SET Initia- |After 1st SET  |After 1st SET     |20
   tion        |Initiation     |Initiation        |
               |Response has   |Response has      |
               |Cteated        |Processed         |
               |(See Note)     |(See Note)        |
   SET PinitReq|After Created  |After Processed   |40
   SET PinitRes|After Processed|After Created     |60
   SET PReq    |After Created  |After Processed   |80
   SET PRes    |After Processed|After Created     |100

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   Note: According to the SET Initiation, PercentComplete should be set
   "20" at the timing of 1st SET Initiation Response is
   created/processed because number of its message is variable.

8.13 Severity

   In the current version of SET/IOTP, if a technical error occurs in
   the SET Bridge, the Severity has to be always set to "HardError".

9. Error Handling

   This chapter describes types of handling Errors.

9.1 Types of Errors

   SET/IOTP defines the following error types:

   (1) IOTP Level Error

   This is defined as an error which is NOT specified in [SET EIG] nor
   [SET].  IOTP Level Errors are divided into two types according to the

   OAC Level Error:   Error in the OAC.  This error is defined in the

   SET Related Module Level Error:   Error generated in by process on
   the SET Related Module, not specified in [SET EIG] nor [SET].  For
   example, when checking the consistency between SET and IOTP elements
   on SET Related Module, an error might be returned to OAC.

   (2) SET Level Error

   This is defined as an error which is specified in [SET EIG] or [SET].
   SET Level Errors have been divided into two types of error according
   to following:

   SET Technical Level Error: Error in the SET Related Module.  This
   error is defined in [SET] or [SET EIG].  SET Technical Level Errors
   are further subdivided into two types of errors:

   (a) SET Initiation Error Error while the SET Initiation Process is in

   (b) SET Transaction Error Error when the SET Transaction (SET
   PInitReq message, SET PReq message, etc.) is in progress.

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   SET Business Level Error: Error when a business error (e.g., an
   authorization failure) occurs while the SET Transaction is being
   processed.  In SET, Business Level Errors will be returned in the SET
   PRes message.  SET does not use a SET Error Message for this type of
   error.  However, it is necessary to present the OAC with what kind of
   SET Business Error has occurred.

   In this below, the details of each errors above are described.

9.2 IOTP Level Error (OAC Error)

   When OAC Level Errors have occurred, if necessary, the sender and
   receiver must issue ChangeProcessState API and change the status.
   For the detail of these errors, see [IOTP].

9.3 IOTP Level Error (SET Bridge Error)

   This is the error generated in a process on the SET Related Module,
   not specified in [SET EIG] nor [SET].  For example, when checking the
   inconsistency between SET and IOTP elements on SET Related Module, it
   might cause an error.  This error should be notified to OAC.

   In this case, as a response message, Payment Scheme Data is not
   returned.  An appropriate information must be set to Status Response.

9.4 SET Level Error (SET Technical Error)

9.4.1 SET Initiation Error

   There are two SET Initiation errors as follows:

   o  Error generated in SET Initiation Message

   o  Error generated in SET Initiation Response Message.

   (1) SET Initiation Message Error

   [SET EIG] describes the error handling when a problem rises in SET
   Initiation Message.  So the Consumer will do the same error handling
   in 9.4.2.

   When SET Initiation Error rises in 1st Initiation Message, an error
   message will be returned to the Merchant.  If an error occurs after
   2nd Initiation Message, an error message will be returned to the
   Payment Handler.  SET Initiation Response will be generated having
   SET-Error-Field in Response Message Header and will be returned
   ErrorCode as "PayEncapError" and Severity as "HardError".

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   (a) SET Initiation Response Error

   In SET EIG, there is no description about the handling on the
   problems in SET Initiation Response.  However, it is necessary to
   define some handling for the problems in SET/IOTP

   (b) Process of Payment Handler

   When a problem rises in SET Initiation Response, SET Related Module
   generates ErrorResponse, which is included the "EnCapProtoErr" as
   ErrorCode and the "HardError" as Severity.  But
   PaySchemePackagedContent is not included in this API.

   (2) Process of Consumer

   ChangeProcessState API must be issued, and ProcessState must be

9.4.2 SET Transaction Error

   (1) Process of Sender

   When a SET Transaction Error rises, SET Core creates SET Error
   Message.  Then the SET Related Module creates ErrorResponse Message
   which includes "HardError" as Severity, "EnCapProtoErr" as ErrorCode
   and PaySchemePackagedContent.  The SET Bridge passes the
   ErrorResponse Message to OAC.  OAC will generate an Error Block which
   includes PaySchemePackagedContent and sends it to the Receiver side.

   (2) Process of Receiver

   With ContinueProcess API, receiver's OAC sends the message including
   the PaySchemeData to SET Bridge.  SET Bridge passes the SET Error
   Message to SET Core for this process.  After that, SET Bridge sends
   "End" status with ContinueProcessResponse API.

9.5 SET Level Error (SET Business Error)

   (1) Process of Payment Handler

   SET Related Module checks the SET Business Error in StatusCode in SET
   PRes message.  When SET Transaction Error occurs, SET Related Module
   creates ErrorResponse Message which is included SET PRes as
   PaySchemePackagedContent and ErrorCode as "BusinessError" and returns
   it to OAC.  OAC creates Payment Response Block after gets the SET
   scheme specific receipt in InquireProcessState/Response, and sends it
   to the Consumer.

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   (2) Process of Consumer

   SET Related Module conducts the same process as in the process that
   Consumer receives Payment Response Block.

10. Security Considerations

   In the IOTP, Merchant and Payment Handler may exist in different
   domains.  So, if the Merchant passes the payment related information
   to the Payment Handler via the Consumer, the payment security level
   may depend on the IOTP.  If you want to avoid this, you will need to
   check integrity of these data by using out-of-band communication
   between the Merchant and the Payment Handler.  In this case, the
   security level depends on the communication path between them.

11. References

   The following books provide essential background material.  Readers
   are strongly encouraged to consult these references for more

   [BASE64]           Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding. A method of
                      transporting binary data defined by MIME. See: RFC
                      2045: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
                      Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies.  N.
                      Freed & N.Borenstein. November 1996.

   [RFC 2801]         Burdett, D., "Internet Open Trading Protocol -
                      IOTP, Version 1.0", RFC 2081, April 2000.

   [SET]              SET Secure Electronic Transaction (TM) , Version
                      1.0, May 31, 1997
                      Book 1: Business Description
                      Book 2: Programmer's Guide
                      Book 3: Formal Protocol Definition

   [SET EIG]          External Interface Guide to SET Secure Electronic
                      Transaction, Sep 24, 1997.

   [SJR]              "SET Secure Electronic Transaction Specification"
                      Support for Japanese Requirements, Mar 16, 1998.

   [IOTP Payment API] Hans, W., et al., "Payment API for v1.0 Internet
                      Open Trading Protocol (IOTP)", Work in Progress.

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   [ISO4217]          ISO 4217: Codes for the Representation of
                      Currencies. Available from ANSI or ISO.

   [XML]              Extensible Mark Up Language. A W3C recommendation.
                      See for
                      the 10 February 1998 version.

12. IANA Considerations

   This document does not ask for any action from IANA.  It references
   an existing registry, iotp-codes, where at the time of publication of
   this RFC the following BrandID's are registered:

      Amex, Dankort, JCB, Maestro, MasterCard, MICOS, VISA, atCredits,
      EZpay, GeldKarte, Mondex, paybox

13. Acknowledgement

   The author of this document appreciates the following contributors to
   this protocol (in alphabetic order of company) without which it could
   not have been developed.

   Andrew Drapp              Hitachi Europe, Ltd.

   David Burdett             Commerce One (ex. Mondex International)

   Donald Eastlake 3rd       Motorola (ex. IBM)

   Hans-Bernhard  Beykirch   SIZ

   John Wankmuller           MasterCard International

   Mark Linehan              IBM

   Richad D. Brown           Kedemon (ex. Globe SET)

   Werner Hans               SIZ

14. Author's Address

   Yoshiaki Kawatsura
   Hitachi, Ltd.
   890 Kashimada Saiwai-ku Kawasaki-shi
   Kanagawa, 212-8567 Japan


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RFC 3538                SET Supplement for IOTP                June 2003

15.  Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003).  All Rights Reserved.

   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
   included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
   followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than

   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

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